
General guidance on archives and archival research:
Research guides arranged by subject:
Family history:
Are you looking for an ancestor? (information on sources for genealogy at the Modern Records Centre, arranged by occupation)
Occupational Guide (pdf)
Business and industry:
Confederation of British Industry (CBI) predecessors
Finding-aid to employment sectors represented in our digitised interview recordings
Education, health and social welfare:
Guide to resources on mental health
Sources for the history of disability and disability rights
International events and issues:
Sources for the study of Latin America
Sources for the study of South Asia
The Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
Linguistics and phonetics:
Finding-aid to the various accents in our digitised interview recordings
Local History:
Archive sources on Coventry at the Modern Records Centre
Early history of the University of Warwick campus site
Anarchist, Libertarian and Syndicalist sources
Protest and pressure groups:
Peace movement and pacifist history
Trade unionism:
A guide to the archives of the Transport and General Workers' Union