Early Years team attended the Exhibition of Childhood
The Early Years team went on a guided tour of an exhibition of childhood at Compton Verney. The exhibition addressed a range of themes including royalty, play, learning, dreams, families, animals and nature. This was an opportunity to view and reflect on a selection of portraits and scenes with children as the main subject.
Froebel tells us 'What is this play of the little ones? It is the great drama of life itself'
Our Senior Teaching Fellow in Early Childhood, Dr. Charlotte Jones, attended SEFDEY Froebel training - what better way to enrich the day than with Froebel's forms 'life, knowledge and beauty'. She reflects on the training day in her recent news article.
Professional endorsement for our Foundation Degree in Early Childhood at CLL
The Centre for Lifelong Learning is proud to offer a high-quality Foundation Degree in Early Childhood. The first students to complete the degree will graduate this summer, in 2019. The degree is offered part-time for early years practitioners and other people with relevant experience. It is offered at two sites, the University of Warwick and North Warwickshire and Hinckley College. The degree is endorsed by the professional association ‘Sector Endorsed Foundation Degrees in Early Years’ (SEFDEY).