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WM5G funding awarded to Prof. Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu on machine learning based spatio-temporal forecasting

Warwick's Department of Computer Science has been awarded a new research grant to develop a machine learning solution for dynamic forecasting of available capacity on road networks. The developed software is planned to be integrated within the TfWM's Regional Transport Coordination Centre for adaptive route planning and traffic management mitigation against disruptions, incidents and roadworks.

The “5G Enabled Dynamic Network Capacity Manager” project is in collaboration with commercial partners, Blacc, Immense,, and O2. The team has won the WM5G’s transport competition to leverage 5G networks for near real-time AI based modelling.

Prof. Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu is leading the development of the scalable ML solution to forecast residual capacities in a dynamic spatio-temporal graph. The solution is designed to benefit from high-granular and low-latency data feeds from 5G cellular and sensor data enabling congestion to be accurately monitored, modelled, and predicted.

Suzanne Candanedo wins UKESF and UltraSoC Automotive Electronics Competition 2020

Suzanne Candanedo, who recently graduated from Computer Systems Engineering at the University of Warwick, has won the UKESF and UltraSoC Automotive Electronics Competition 2020.

The competition requires entrants to produce a 'think piece' about the future of cyber security for connected and autonomous vehicles, written along the lines of a blog post in style rather than a formal essay. You can read Suzy's winning entry here.

Fri 16 Oct 2020, 12:50 | Tags: Undergraduate Data Science Systems and Security

EPSRC funding for Florin Ciucu

Florin Ciucu has been successful with a 491K EPSRC grant application ‘Practical Analysis of Parallel and Networked Queueing Systems’. The project will run for 4 years and will address some fundamental queueing problems at the core of modern computing and communication systems with parallel or network structures. The technical objective is to develop novel martingale-based models and techniques circumventing the historical Poisson assumption on the systems’ input, which has been convincingly shown to be highly misleading for practical purposes. The proposal was supported by IBM Research, Microsoft Research, and VMware.

EPSRC funding success for Prof. Yulan He

Prof. Yulan He from the department's Data Science and Human-Centred Computing research themes has been awarded a 3-year EPSRC grant to develop a new framework to study model/data uncertainty and model interpretability of AI systems. The interdisciplinary project will assist system stakeholders and developers to understand and reason about the (business, personal, social, etc.) impact of intelligent systems on the world in which they operate, and to understand how and why decisions are taken. It will run in collaboration with Dr. Ritabrata Dutta from the Statistics Department, and Dr. Nelly Bencomo and Prof. Pete Sawyer from Aston University.

New EPSRC award to support combating caller ID spoofing

Demo of caller ID spoofing

Professor Feng Hao (PI) from the Department of Computer Science and Dr Adrian von Mühlenen (co-I) from the Department of Psychology have been awarded an EPSRC grant on “End to End Authentication of Caller ID in Heterogeneous Telephony Systems”. This project will support a research fellow and a senior research fellow in computer science, each for four years, to explore new ways to stop caller ID spoofing without requiring globally trusted authorities, in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Psychology. This project will also aim to develop impacts by engaging with the telecommunication industry via the project partners: Huawei, Truecall, and RedTone.

The award of this project coincided with the announcement in March 2020 by the Federal Communications Commission (FFC), who proposed mandating the adoption of STIR/SHAKEN for all telecom providers in the US in order to stop the caller ID spoofing scams. However, STIR/SHAKEN requires globally trusted authorities, which have been known to be difficult to manage. As opposed to the top-down approach by the FCC, this EPSRC project aims to take a bottom-up approach to develop more effective and more deployable solutions without relying on any globally trusted third parties.

A University press release on this project can be found here.

Wed 22 Apr 2020, 10:52 | Tags: Grants Research Data Science Systems and Security

Promotions for three academic colleagues

motherboard cakeWe are delighted to report that Dr Claire Rocks has been promoted to Associate Professor, and that Dr Florin Ciucu and Dr Matthew Leeke have been promoted to Reader, effective from 1 June 2020. Quoting from Matt's recommendation,

Dr Leeke has a number of internationally excellent publications, and has contributed to several research grants, the two largest ones being strategic industrial collaborations. … In addition to his sustained teaching excellence in the department, Dr Leeke has led and contributed to a variety of key educational activities at the departmental, faculty and institutional levels.

from Florin's recommendation,

Dr Ciucu’s high esteem by members of his international research community is evidenced by his services in editing leading journals and being on programme committees of highly ranked conferences. … Dr Ciucu is known in the department for the quality of his teaching and high levels of student engagement in his modules, which have included a challenging but central MSc module in data analytics.

and from the recommendation for Claire,

Dr Rocks has been an educational leader in the department as well as nationally, both through her scholarship-led development and delivery of modules (1st-year and 3rd-year undergraduate, and most recently for IATL and Warwick in London), and her contributions in the Academic Studies Committee in Computer Science. … Dr Rocks has built institutional, regional and national reputations through her leadership of outreach and engagement activities. In addition to delivering CPD for teachers with the National Centre for Computing Education, Dr Rocks has played key roles in numerous events including the British Science Festival, the Festival of the Imagination, the Cheltenham Science Festival, and Sutton Trust Summer Schools.

it remains to say many congratulations!

Warwick Postgraduate Colloquium in Computer Science 2019

WPCSS poster showcase

The 17th Warwick Postgraduate Colloquium in Computer Science (WPCCS) was held on Monday 9 December, in the Mathematical Science Building for the first time. This year’s event saw 78 submissions from postgraduate research students in the Department. The submissions were split across six varied tracks, highlighting the breadth and depth of research currently being conducted by PhD students within the Department.

Student presentations were supplemented with two engaging guest talks from academics in the Department. Torsten Mütze captured everyone's attention with the mathematics behind origami, and Feng Hao enlightened the audience on the encryption challenges behind e-voting. The day concluded with a festive drinks reception, sponsored by the Department’s two Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), at which prizes were awarded to the best posters and presentations.

PhD student attendee Jonathan Davies said, “It was very rewarding for me to present at WPCCS this year. It gave me the opportunity to share my research with others and engage in stimulating conversation with my fellow postgraduate colleagues. The guest talks, in particular, were thought-provoking and engaging. I look forward to presenting at WPCCS in the future."

Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Director of Postgraduate Research and CS CDT, said, “It was a pleasure to attend WPCCS this year and to celebrate the excellent work that has been undertaken by our PhD students in the past year. It was great to see how everyone was having research discussions and exchanging ideas with each other.”


Prize Winners

  • Best Presentation - John Pocock
  • Best Poster - Tom Wood
  • Best in Computational Biology - John Pocock, Rawan Abulsayli and Hammam Alghamdi
  • Best in Theory, Foundations, and Discrete Mathematics - Alex Dixon and Thesjaswini Raghavan
  • Best in Computer Security and Networks - Jasmine Grosso and Shin Wan
  • Best in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - Tom Wood, Abeer Almowallad, Gabriele Pergola, Haoyi Wang, Junyu Li and Helen McKay
  • Best in High Performance Computing and Databases - Richard Kirk and Dean Chester
  • Best in Urban Science - Jonathan Davies, Teddy Cunningham, Elisa Baioni, Ivana Tosheva and Shanaka Perera

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