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Dr David Walker

Job Title
Principal Technical Specialist
X-ray Diffraction RTP
024 76151299
Research Interests

X-ray Diffraction, Crystallography, Electron Diffraction, MicroED, 3DED, XRF, SAXS, XAFS


David Walker is the facility manager for the X-ray Diffraction Research Technology Platform (RTP). He has 20 years' experience in X-ray scattering techniques with a background in crystallography and ferroelectric materials. David has managed the X-ray diffraction equipment at Warwick since 2008, with the RTP formally founded in 2014. He is responsible for training and assisting users from a wide spectrum of scientific backgrounds to use the equipment independently and interpret the X-ray data that they collect. David and his team have a strong track record of working with external companies and other higher education institutions to tackle challenging problems using X-ray scattering techniques. David is available to provide advice and support on all aspects of X-ray diffraction and scattering, but in particular High-resolution diffraction and Powder diffraction.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Unlocking the Rational Design of Novel Pressure-transmitting Media - Leverhulme Research Project (Full Stage) - relating to 77991, 76722 Leverhulme Trust 01 Oct 2024 31 Mar 2027
Cooperative activation of nitrous oxide by late transition metal boryl complexes Leverhulme Trust 01 Apr 2023 31 Mar 2026
Electron Diffractometer with Cryo capability for structural solution of nanomaterials - Full stage application EPSRC 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2025
Leverhulme Research Grant Full Stage - September 2021 Leverhulme Trust 03 Oct 2022 02 Oct 2025
Resource Only Strategic Equipment: the Warwick Analytical Science Centre (Full) EPSRC 01 Sep 2020 30 Jun 2025
Novel Multiferroic Perovskites through Systematic Design EPSRC 01 Mar 2019 13 Oct 2023
Digital Precession Electron Diffraction EPSRC 01 Feb 2012 31 Jan 2015
Synthesis and NMR Studies of Electron and Proton Conducting Mesoporous Nb, Ta and Ti Oxide Composites for Alternative Energy Applications EPSRC 02 Mar 2011 01 Sep 2014
Transfer of ARL research contract QinetiQ 01 Jan 2011 30 Jun 2012
Subproject for Institution # 29180 QinetiQ 01 Jan 2011 30 Jun 2012

David Walker is the facility manager for the X-ray diffraction X-ray research technology platform (RTP) led by Professor Richard WaltonLink opens in a new window. He has 20 years’ experience in X-ray scattering techniques with a background in crystallography and ferroelectric materials. David has managed the X-ray diffraction equipment at Warwick since 2008, with the RTP formally founded in 2014.

He is responsible for training and assisting users from a wide spectrum of scientific backgrounds to use the equipment independently and interpret the X-ray data that they collect. David has a strong track record of working with over 40 companies and other higher education institutions to tackle challenging problems using X-ray scattering techniques.

David is available to provide advice and support on all aspects of X-ray diffraction and scattering, but in particular High-resolution diffraction and Powder diffraction.

David Walker

Write to:

X-ray Facility Manager, Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL

Contact Details:

Office: MAS 3.02
Telephone: +44 (0)24 76151299
E-mail: d dot walker dot 2 at warwick dot ac dot uk