Green Jobs
Green Jobs
Large Language Models
The IER is using Large Language Models on local infrastructure to conduct in-depth analyses of labour market data. For example, this technology can help in the classification of green jobs based on certain criteria in job descriptions, such as the use of sustainable technologies, environmental impact, or industry sectors.
As part of the Green jobs in Scotland? Workforce and demand research project, we developed a GreenSOC. This classifies occupations in the Standard Occupational Classification 2020 as either green new and emerging occupations, green enhanced skills and knowledge occupations, green increased demand occupations or not green. This has since been updated for the SOC2020 extension.
Download the GreenSOC for SOC2020 ExtensionLink opens in a new window
Dr Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio (Senior Research Fellow), Prof Chris Warhurst (IER Director), Dr Jamelia Harris (Research Fellow), Peter Dickinson (Senior Research Fellow), Rosie Day (Computing Officer)