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Monash Visitors to IER

Dr Tony Meagher (Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University) and Dr Chandra Shah (Centre for the Economics of Education and Training, Monash University) are visiting IER during week commencing 26 September. Dr Meagher and Dr Shah will attend the Warwick International Symposium on Employment and Skills Forecasting on Thursday 29 September, organised by Professor Rob Wilson. Rob recently visited Monash as part of a collaborative research project being undertaken jointly with Tony Meagher on Anticipating Future Skill Needs, funded by the Monash-Warwick Strategic Funding Initiative. Dr Meagher will be presenting a paper during the Evaluation and Assessment session of the Symposium on “Assessing the reliability of labour market forecasts”.

Mon 26 Sep 2011, 17:04 | Tags: methods, forecasting, occupation, training, labour market, skills, education

Public lecture:”Skills anticipation in Europe”

Professor Rob Wilson is giving a public lecture on “Skills Anticipation in Europe” at Monash University, Melbourne, on Tuesday 2 August 2011. He is currently visiting the Centre of Policy Studies (Faculty of Business and Economics) as part of a collaborative research project on Anticipating Future Skill Needs, funded by the Monash-Warwick Strategic Funding Initiative. The public lecture is hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, the Centre for the Economics of Education and Training (Faculty of Education) and Skills Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development)

Tue 26 Jul 2011, 09:56 | Tags: Europe, forecasting, training, skills, work

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