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Cedefop Skills Forecast

Dr. Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio from IER presented the occupational and qualification forecast for the EU at the expert workshop 'Cedefop Skills Forecast - Preparing the 2025 Release.'

The workshop was organised by Cedefop's Skills Forecast and benefited from the collaboration of a network of Individual Country Experts (ICEs).

Wed 01 May 2024, 14:00 | Tags: forecasting, news, skills

The Skills Imperative 2035 projections at national, regional and sub-regional level

National, regional and sub regional level labour market and skills projections to 2035 have now been published as part of the Skills Imperative 2035 Programme with additional funding from the Department for Education (DfE) for the sub-regional analysis.

Fri 31 Mar 2023, 15:13 | Tags: forecasting

New UK labour market projections to 2035 released

IER and Cambridge Econometrics have produced new UK labour market and occupational projections to 2035 as part of the Nuffield funded Skills Imperative 2035 Programme led by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER).

These projections, led by Professor Rob Wilson, update and extend the Working Futures reports produced just before the Covid-19 pandemic.


Tue 25 Oct 2022, 20:43 | Tags: forecasting, labour market information

Labour market and skills projections: 2017 to 2027

constructionThe latest ‘Labour market and skills projections: 2017 to 2027', undertaken by IER’s Professor Rob Wilson and his team, including IER’s Sally-Anne Barnes, Derek Bosworth and David Owen and researchers at Cambridge Econometrics, have just been published by the Department for Education.

Working Futures 2017-2027 is the latest in a series of quantitative assessments of the employment prospects in the UK labour market over a 10-year horizon. It presents historical trends and future prospects by sector for the UK and its constituent nations and the English regions.

The study shows that overall the number of jobs in the UK is projected to rise by around 1 million over the next decade with more of these jobs expected to be taken by female workers than male. The unemployment rate is expected to rise slightly and the expansion of the UK's labour supply is forecast to slow over the next decade, curbed by slower population growth (than during 2007-2017) and an ageing population.

The reports are now available to download here. Follow the IER twitter account for updates on other published outputs from the study.

Fri 21 Feb 2020, 10:44 | Tags: forecasting, working futures

Working Futures review

computer graphsAlex Hall, Director and Chief Economist in the Department of Labor and Employment for the state of Colorado, will visit IER in February. Alex is an expert advisor to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US and will work with Professor Rob Wilson to review Working Futures, IER’s flagship programme modelling the UK labour market and funded by the UK Government.

Fri 26 Jan 2018, 08:54 | Tags: forecasting

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