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European Social Dialogues: Shaping EU Social Policy through Parental Leave Rights

The European Social Dialogue (ESD) has served as the platform for European social partners to negotiate parental leave policies at the European Union (EU) level since 1995.

The partners’ efforts to revise the regulations in 2015, in response to the European Commission’s broader approach toward European work–life balance policies, failed, however, and the reasons for and implications of this failure remain insufficiently explored.

Thu 29 Feb 2024, 16:00 | Tags: European Union, news, policy

Event run by ReWAGE: Six changes in public policy that would help the low-paid

Hosted by Will Hutton, the online event will discuss the 6 recommendations made in the recently-published policy briefing: Beyond the National Living Wage: further proposals for addressing low pay.

Speakers from ReWAGE’s Expert Group include Professor Edmund Heery (Cardiff University) and Professor Irena Grugulis (Leeds University).

Register for the open event, taking place on Friday 17 June, 1pm – 2pm, on the Eventbrite page.

The recording is now available here.


Tue 14 Jun 2022, 11:08 | Tags: pay, policy

Peter Dickinson appointed as advisor to two organisations

Peter Dickinson, Senior Research Fellow at IER, has been appointed to the What Works Growth’s Evaluation Panel. The panel provides advice and support to central and local government on the design and implementation of evaluations of local economic policies. It helps ensure evaluations are high quality and supports policymakers in developing their evaluation skills, knowledge and capacity. Over the longer term, it will also expand the evidence have about ‘what works’.

Peter has also been appointed to the International Labour Organisation's (ILO) roster of consultants providing advice, expertise and support on skills policy and practice.

Mon 08 Feb 2021, 11:13 | Tags: evaluation, labour market, policy, skills

UK Employment Policy in a Changing Europe - Warwick Brexit Briefings on Employment

EU Commission

A series of research-based policy briefings, organized by the University of Warwick and its Connecting Research on Employment and Work (CREW) network, will take place over four consecutive weeks in November and early December 2017 in London.

Experts from the Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Warwick Law School and Warwick Business School's Industrial Relations Research Unit evaluate the employment policy, rights, skills and labour market implications of the UK's withdrawal from the EU and make research-based recommendations for future development of policy in these areas, as the UK leaves the EU.

Next dates for the briefing, which will be held at Central Hall, Maurice Barnett room, Westminster, London, SW1H 9NH from 12:30-1:30, with lunch available from 12:00:

If you would like to RSVP to any of the events, please contact Lynne Marston:

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 13:03 | Tags: Europe, migration, policy, skills, worklessness

Engaging employers in building better quality jobs

This conference organised jointly by the OECD, Warwick IER, the Work Foundation, and the Centre for Cities will bring together stakeholders from national government departments, cities, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) as well as business, NGOs and research institutions to discuss the key challenges facing the United Kingdom in building more and better quality jobs. The conference will focus on discussing the key challenges and opportunities from Brexit and sharing local solutions as well as international lessons from OECD countries on how effective skills policies can foster productivity and inclusive growth. Register for the conference at The Shard on Thursday 2 November 2017.

Fri 10 Nov 2017, 12:45 | Tags: decent work, job quality, policy, skills

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