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IER Newsletter - February 2019

IER Newsletter - February 2019
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New ESRC DTP Collaborative Studentship - Understanding employer delivery of good work in the UK

IER is inviting applications for an ESRC-funded PhD studentship in association with our collaborative partner, the Living Wage Foundation. The doctoral research project titled 'Understanding employer delivery of good work in the UK' will be jointly supervised by Professor Chris Warhurst and Sally Wright. For full details about the scholarship click here and for information on how to apply here.

Application deadline: Monday, 11th March at 5pm.

New joint PhD studentship announced for 2019-20 at the Universities of Warwick and Nottingham

Applications for a new ESRC DTC joint PhD studentship on 'Social inequalities entering civvy street: researching the importance of class and gender in determining labour market outcomes of military veterans’ are invited. Further details on the academic content of the PhD, jointly supervised by Professors Clare Lyonette and Tracey Warren, are available here.

The application deadline is Friday 15th March at 5pm.
(Image Credit: Lego Grad Student)

Workshop: An international perspective on child development

As part of IER’s ESRC-funded Impact Accelerator NGO data fund, Puja Marwaha, the CEO of Child’s Rights and You (CRY), from India will be talking about ‘Malnutrition: the Grave Reality in India that Can be Changed’ at a workshop on 7th March, 11am to 3pm. The event will be held in room B0.41 Social Sciences building, University of Warwick, and lunch will be provided. The workshop aims to bring together people from academia and outside of academia working in the development sector to improve the lives of children. It will engage in discussions focusing on issues such as malnutrition among children in India, childhood poverty, child labour, child marriage, education, and children’s rights. For more information contact Sudipa SarkarLink opens in a new window and for registration Lynne MarstonLink opens in a new window by 4th of March. (Image credit: CRY UK)

Working longer or retiring earlier - workshop invitation

State pension age will continue to rise yet some groups may find it more difficult than others to continue working until then and to retire on full pension entitlements. The one-day IER workshop will explore intersections of factors influencing employment and retirement trajectories at older age. It seeks to explore theoretical contributions, empirical findings and practical policy-oriented solutions to working longer or retiring earlier. This workshop brings together a range of stakeholders. It will start off with a keynote presentation delivered by Professor Chris Phillipson, University of Manchester. The workshop is organised by Professor Philip Taylor, Federation University Australia, and Beate Baldauf with support from the Institute for Advanced Studies. There are a few places left for the event on 13th March 2019 to be held at the University of Warwick. For further details please contact Beate Baldauf:

LMI for All webinar: Catch up on the project

Whether taking an English perspective, or a European view, accurate, reliable and up-to-date labour market information (LMI) is acknowledged to be essential for successful individual career transitions for individuals making their way into, and through, the labour market. The LMI for All service, funded by the Department for Education, is managed by IER with Pontydysgu. The LMI for All service provides a reliable and up-to-date source of national data and careers LMI. If you want to catch up with how the project is progressing and find out what we are doing next, please sign upLink opens in a new window to our next webinar on 9 May 2019.

Clare Lyonette chaired a symposium on the gender pay gap

Clare Lyonette chaired a debate on 'Closing the Gender Pay Gap, Supporting Women and Promoting Equality in the Workplace' on February 6th. The event was hosted by the Public Policy Exchange.

Morning speakers focused upon tackling gender inequalities and reviewing latest policies and included Alasdair MacDonald, Director of Programmes at the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Dr Carole Easton OBE, Chief Executive of Young Women's Trust, and Julie Jaye Charles, CEO of Equalities National Council.

The afternoon speakers focused on embedding gender equality and supporting women in your workplace: Jenny Pollock and Emma Shute from Women to Work, and Chloe Chambraud, Gender Equality Director from Business in the Community. Delegates included academics, union representatives, government representatives, local and district councillors and HR directors from a variety of public and private sector organisations.

Two invited talks on the coming of the robots

In January, IER Director Chris Warhurst was invited to give two talks to policymakers and practitioners on the future of work and robotisation. The first, focused on the ‘Threat or Opportunity for High-Skilled Workers?’, was to the STEM Teaching and Learning ConferenceLink opens in a new window held in Birmingham on 30-31 January.
The second, on ‘Shifting from predictions to evidence of their impact on jobs’, was to the Automation: Jobs and the Future of Work Conference held in Riga in Latvia, on January 23. (Image credit: Advance HE)

Impact of the Apprenticeship Levy

Warwick IER is continuing its research into the impact of the apprenticeship levy. IER researchers have been commissioned by DfE to undertake an analysis, of the current apprenticeship funding consultation with employers, providers and other stakeholders. In addition, IER is undertaking research for Kaplan and the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) into the impact of the new apprenticeship funding system on apprenticeships within the accountancy sector. This will involve an e-survey of learners and employers, followed by in-depth consultations. For details of both research projects please contact Peter DickinsonLink opens in a new window.


David Bailey, Nigel Driffield & Erika Kispeter (2019) Brexit, foreign investment and employment: some implications for industrial policy?, Contemporary Social Science, DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2019.1566563.
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