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Barbara Janta

Dr Barbara Janta was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Employment Research in 2020. Her mixed-methods PhD project examined the impact of family formation on Polish migrants’ settlement in the United Kingdom.

Before studying at the University of Warwick, Barbara has completed a MPhil degree in Sociology at the University of Cambridge (2007), and a combined MA in Sociology (2004) and Literature, Linguistics and Cultural Studies (2003) at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Poland.

Over the last 14 years, Barbara has been working as a social policy researcher leading and contributing to comparative research studies in the areas of employment, migration, gender equality and social inclusion policies, and aspects related to the reconciliation of work and private life. Most of her studies have been conducted for European institutions (European Parliament, DG EMPL, DG JUST, Eurofound, CEDEFOP). She has strong methodological experience undertaking policy-oriented research using a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods. She has authored several policy papers on issues related to labour market and migration policies and the provision of services (e.g. education, care, training, health) for children and families across Europe.

Research interests

Employment and social policy, child and family policy, migration, work and wellbeing, demography, foresight studies.

Selected reports and policy papers

  • Janta, B., Bruckmayer, de Silva, A., Gilder, L., Culora, A., M., Schuurman, M., Hagger-Vaughan, A. (forthcoming) Child participation in the political and democratic life, Prepared for European Commission DG JUST.
  • Nightingale, M., Janta, B. (forthcoming), The childcare gap, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Bruckmayer, M., Picken, N., Janta, B. (2020), Recent trends in child and family policy in the EU, Third annual thematic report, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Nightingale, M., Iakovidou, E., Janta, B. (2020), Career Guidance in schools. Research with schools and providers of career guidance services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, RR-4491-CA.
  • Lee, S., Janta, B. (2020), Strengthening Quality Early Childhood Education and Care through Inclusion, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Culora, A., Janta, B. (2020) Understanding the housing conditions experienced by children in the EU, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Jordan, V., Stewart, K., Janta, B. (2019), Mechanisms Supporting Single Parents Across the European Union, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Picken, N., Janta, B. (2019) Leave policies and practice for non-traditional families, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Janta, B., Davies, L. M., Jordan, V. (2019), Investing in children. Recent trends in child and family policy in the EU, European Platform for Investing in Children: Second annual thematic report, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Iakovidou, E. Janta, B. (2019) Embedding a children’s rights perspective in policy and decision-making, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Davies, L., Janta, B., Gardner, F. (2019) Positive parenting interventions, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Sim, M., Bélanger, J., Teager, W., Hocking, L., Dimova, S., Iakovidou, E., Janta, B. (2018 ) Evidence review of teaching, pedagogy and practice in Early Years Childcare, RR-2537-EIF.
  • Janta, B., Iakovidou, E., Butkute, M. (2018) Changes in the child and family policies in the EU28 in 2017. European Platform for Investing in Children: Annual thematic report, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Butkute, M., Janta, B. (2018) Education for unaccompanied migrant children in Europe. Ensuring continued access to education through national and school-level approaches, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Janta, B., Stewart, K. (2018) Paternity and parental leave policies across the European Union. Assessment of current provision, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Janta, B. (2018) Implementing evidence-based practices effectively. A practical guide, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Stewart, K., Janta, B. (2018) Tackling Child Poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU. How EU Funding Mechanisms Can Help, Publications Office of the European Union, EP-67594.
  • McNeill, H., Janta, B. (2018), Family-friendly workplaces. Overview of policies and initiatives in Europe, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • PPMI and CSES (2017) Study to support impact assessment on the review of the Written Statement Directive, Directive 91/533/EEC – Lot 2. (Barbara Janta contributed as the UK’s national expert).
  • Janta, B., Hofman, J., Harte, E., Hoorens, S. (2015) Socio-economic inclusion of migrant EU workers in 4 cities, City report Leeds, Prepared for European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
  • Janta, B., Van Belle, J., Stewart, K. (2016) Quality and impact of Centre-based Early Childhood Education and Care, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Janta, B., Harte, E. (2016) Education of migrant children in Europe, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Janta, B., Ratzmann, N., Ghez, J., Khodyakov, D., Yaqub, O. (2015) Employment and the changing labour market. Global societal trends to 2030: Thematic report 5, RR-920/5-EC, prepared for Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA).
  • Hoorens, S., Ghez, J., Guerin, B., Schweppenstedde, D., Hellgren, T., Horvath, V., Graf, M., Janta, B., Drabble, S, Kobzar, S. (2013) Global Societal Trends and their impact on the EU in 2030. Synthesis report, RR-479-EC. (Barbara Janta authored chapter on work and employment).
  • Hoorens, S., Ghez, J., Guerin, B., Schweppenstedde, D., Hellgren, T., Horvath, V., Graf, M., Janta, B., Drabble, S, Kobzar, S., Khodyakov, D., Yaqub, O., Walczak, A., Ratzmann, N. (2015) Global Societal Trends and their impact on the EU in 2030. Evidence report, RR-479-EC, RR-479-EC. (Barbara Janta authored chapter on work and employment).
  • Janta, B. (2014) Caring for children in Europe. How childcare, parental leave and flexible working arrangements interact in Europe, RR-554-EC, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Janta, B. and Henham, M-L. (2014) Social protection during economic crisis: how do changes to benefits systems affect children?, RR-555-EC, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.
  • Stolk, C., Hofman, J., Hafner, M. and Janta (2013) Psychological wellbeing and work. Improving service provision and outcomes, Department for Work and Pensions, the Department of Health, and the UK Cabinet Office, RR-407-DWP.
  • Janta, B. (2013) Parenting support, RR-187-EC, Prepared for European Commission DG EMPL.

Selected conference presentations

  • Respondent in a round table on evidence-based approaches to supporting families Spotlight on Finland, COFACE Families Europe Open Spaces conference: ‘Shaping a healthy environment fit for children’, Helsinki, Finland, 3-4 October 2019.
  • Running a workshop ‘How to design, implement and evaluate a programme to meet evidence-based criteria? Lost in Migration conference, Valetta, Malta, 20-22 February 2019.
  • European evidence-based platform: European Platform for Investing in Children, Eurochild conference “Building a better Europe with children: All aboard!”, Opatija, Croatia, 29-31 October 2018.
  • Education for Unaccompanied Migrant Children in Europe: Ensuring Continued Access to Education Through National and School-Level Approaches, Conference Protecting migrant children and unaccompanied minors in the EU. Developing a co-ordinated approach to the emerging crisis, Brussels, 24 October 2018.
  • European evidence-based platform: European Platform for Investing in Children, CREAN’s Conference 2018 “The impact of children’s rights education and research on policy development”, Uni Bastions, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-19 January 2018.
  • Education policy responses for the inclusion of migrant children in Europe, Conference Promoting Migrant Integration for a Powerful, Diverse and Multicultural Europe, Brussels, 14 September 2017.
  • Caring for children in Europe, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung conference “What is at stake for women in Europe? Women’s Economic Independence: Creating Conditions and Building Strategies”, Berlin, 12-13 November 2015.
  • European Platform for Investing in Children. An evidence-based hub of children’s practices, European Social Network roundtable discussion on “Applied evidence in social services”, London, 9 October 2015.
  • Caring for children in Europe – How childcare, parental leave and flexible working arrangements interact in Europe, COFACE Families Europe roundtable on “Two-generation early childhood education and care programmes”, Brussels, 23 September 2015.
  • Presentation Evidence-Based Platforms: European Platform for Investing in Children, and running a workshop How to design a programme to meet evidence-based criteria?, Investing in Children conference, Lodz, Poland, 23-24 October 2014.
  • Poster presentation Which family policies will bear fruit? Child- and family-related evidence-based practices in Europe, Think Parents! Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 10-12 October 2012.



Migration and childbearing

Barbara was the Faculty of Social Sciences Postgraduate Research Poster winner in 2013.This poster presentation, entitled ‘Migration and childbearing’, is based on her doctoral research. Her research is exploring the impact of childbearing on Polish migrant settlement decisions.

Download full sized poster (PDF)