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Cascot: Computer Assisted Structured Coding Tool

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Cascot is a computer program designed to make the coding of text information to standard classifications simpler, quicker and more reliable.

The software is capable of occupational coding and industrial coding to the UK standards developed by the UK Office for National Statistics. These are the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Cascot currently supports the Extended SOC 2020, SOC 2020, SOC 2010, SOC 2000, SOC 90, SIC 2007, SIC 2003 and SIC 92. For more information on these classifications please refer to the ONS information on Extended SOC 2020, SOC 2020, SOC 2010Link opens in a new window, SOC 2000, SIC 2007Link opens in a new window, SIC 2003 and SIC 92.

Occupational coding and industrial coding arise in a number of situations. Examples include job titles which may be entered as free text on surveys or administrative databases. A job title is indicative of the kind of work people do or would like to do, or the sorts of jobs in which employers want people to work. Information like this is collected routinely in a wide range of settings such as job vacancy advertising, careers guidance or official statistical enquiries. Coding is the process of categorising the huge range of all possible answers to a predefined set of categories (each category having a unique code).

A desktop version of the Cascot software suitable for processing high volumes of data is available for purchase. For more information about the software see further information.

A multilingual ISCO-08 version of Cascot is available. For more information see Cascot International.