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To further our understanding of how employers set pay for apprentices

Warwick IER has been commissioned by the Low Pay Commission (LPC) to undertake research into how employers set pay for their apprentices. LPC research suggests that a significant number of apprentices are paid below the minimum wage.

The main aims of the project are to:

  • explore the factors that determine how employers set the pay of apprentices, in absolute terms and in relation to other workers;
  • assess any impact of the increases in the Apprentice Rate on pay setting for apprentices;
  • investigate why some employers set pay for apprentices to be above the Apprentice Rate but below the appropriate age-related rate, and how these rates are determined; and
  • explore whether training hours influence decisions around pay and how employers record training hours.

The study will involve in-depth, qualitative interviews with apprentice employers and analysis of apprenticeship and pay data (Apprenticeship Survey of Employers and the Apprentice Pay Survey).

Project Team:

Peter Dickinson (Principal Investigator)

Terence Hogarth

Beate Baldauf

Project Duration:

April - December 2020

Project Funder: