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Press Releases

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Warwickshire's suffrage history to be told across the region in 2018

Professor Sarah Richardson, of the University of Warwick's Department of History, will be giving talks on Warwickshire's suffrage across the region in 2018. Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the granting of the vote to a limited number of women, Warwickshire Women and the Fight for the Vote will uncover the region's unsung and unknown activists.

Thu 25 Jan 2018, 09:55 | Tags: Coventry, History

Io Io Io! Modern Christmas vs Roman Saturnalia

Partying, pantomime, feasting and gift-giving are all established traditions of the Christmas season. At the same time of the year over 2000 years ago, Romans had the very same customs in celebration of a different festival – Saturnalia.

The not so sweet side of Christmas

A new video by the University of Warwick highlights a bitter side to our sugar consumption at Christmas. Available to view on YouTube the short film highlights how excessive consumption of sugar can affect our health – and how the sugar trade in the past and today has caused inequality and bloodshed.

Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:04 | Tags: Food, NHS, children, Politics, WMS, Politics and International Studies, History

How the Pope’s rhino drowned and was immortalised in art history

The story of one of the most infamous gifts, and one of the most influential images in art history, has been brought back to life thanks to research at the University of Warwick – that of the rhino, named Ganda, gifted to Pope Leo X that drowned in 1515.

Fri 15 Dec 2017, 10:30 | Tags: University of Warwick, History, Arts

Earliest known marine navigation tool revealed with scanning technology

Details of the earliest known marine navigation tool, discovered in a shipwreck, have been revealed thanks to state-of-the-art scanning technology at WMG, University of Warwick.

Crops evolving ten millennia before experts thought

Ancient hunter-gatherers began to systemically affect the evolution of crops up to thirty thousand years ago – around ten millennia before experts previously thought – according to new research by the University of Warwick.

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