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Vibrant and colourful Canley Parade to take place this weekend

This Saturday, 22nd June, hundreds of Canley residents will take to the streets for an exciting and multi-coloured procession for all ages.

University of Warwick housing retrofitting workshops to help tackle fuel poverty in Coventry

The University of Warwick, in collaboration with Coventry City Council (CCC), have come together to tackle fuel poverty and climate change in Radford.

Tue 14 May 2024, 10:09 | Tags: Coventry, energy

Arctic Explorer aims to break World Record – with help from University of Warwick engineering students

An explorer is aiming to create a new world record for the longest continuing solo science based expedition trip across the Arctic, using a power source created by engineering students at The University of Warwick.

Tue 27 Feb 2024, 17:02 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, Coventry

Warwick joins with local partners to further boost city’s growing reputation for culture

The University of Warwick has joined forces with Coventry University and Coventry City Council for an ambitious 10-year plan to enhance the city’s growing reputation as a major centre for culture and arts.

Thu 15 Jun 2023, 16:00 | Tags: council, Coventry

Silence speaks a thousand words

Researchers at the University of Warwick are working with a professional storyteller to bring a 13th century story about nonbinary gender identity to new audiences.

100 days to go until the British Transplant Games kick off at the University of Warwick

The University of Warwick will be hosting the 2023 British Transplant Games from July 27th to 30th. This event, which celebrates the incredible achievements of athletes who have received transplants, will be held in partnership with the West Midlands Organ Donation Services and Coventry City Council.

Tue 18 Apr 2023, 08:56 | Tags: Warwick Sport, Coventry, Organ Transplant

University of Warwick partners with UNESCO to take Coventry schoolkids to Parliament

Schoolchildren from Coventry have visited Parliament this week in a visit organised by the University of Warwick and UNESCO.

Fri 24 Mar 2023, 10:08 | Tags: council, Coventry, widening participation

25 Universities sign up to Warwick’s Taskmaster programme for disadvantaged schools

Twenty-five universities have signed up to a programme led by the University of Warwick which uses ‘Taskmaster’ style activities to teach law to less advantaged school children.

Tue 14 Feb 2023, 15:37 | Tags: partnership, Coventry, widening participation, Law

Children from Coventry schools discuss legacy of the transatlantic slave trade at cathedral

400 school children have gathered at Coventry Cathedral to explore the impact of the transatlantic slave trade.

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 12:03 | Tags: Event, community, council, Coventry, schools, Colonial Hangover, football, PAIS

Coventry community languages project wins Parliament UK award

A Coventry community language project involving the city’s schools, universities, local council, businesses and MPs has been named Parliament UK Community Campaign of the Year in the Your UK Parliament Awards 2022.

Warwick is serving up a Slice of Science this weekend

Have you ever wondered whether there were any other planets we could live on, or considered what happens after you have put that little stick up your nose for your COVID test? Fancy learning about slime or brain science – or wondered ‘exactly what is a tardigrade’? All the answers will be served – along with a cup of tea and slice of cake – at the University of Warwick’s Slice of Science event on Sunday (13 March).

Warwick student donations raise nearly £47k for British Heart Foundation in 2021

Students at the University of Warwick raised £46,928 for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and helped cut waste on campus by donating unwanted clothes and personal items last academic year.

Giving a voice to new parents during the pandemic

A new UK-wide study is looking to give a voice to people who became parents for the first time during the pandemic, in order to learn how they can be best supported.

Mon 24 Jan 2022, 11:26 | Tags: psychology, Coventry, parenting, COVID-19, engagement, Sciences

Entrepreneurs invited to enter Minerva Birmingham’s Pitch Up 2022 competition

Applications to Minerva Birmingham’s Pitch Up 2022 competition have opened. Formerly known as ‘Pitchfest WM’ and now in its 7th year, Pitch Up is a collaboration, co-delivered by Minerva Business Angels, part of the University of Warwick Science Park Ltd, the Centre for Growth at Aston University, and University of Birmingham Enterprise.

New city climate change commission to drive forward low carbon targets

Senior leaders from organisations across Coventry met today to help shape and move forward actions to reduce the impact of climate change.  

A new Coventry Climate Change Board will meet regularly to share policies, plans, good practice and work together collaboratively in an effort to keep the city on track for a zero carbon future. The Board is chaired by Margot James, the former minister for culture, communications and creative industries and Executive Chair for the Warwickshire Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the University of Warwick.

Wed 17 Nov 2021, 16:01 | Tags: climate change, WMG, Coventry, COP26, Sciences

Coventry schools to build future cities from recycled household items

TeenTech City of Tomorrow will see Coventry school children make a city of recyclable household items, with help from researchers at WMG, University of Warwick who will teach them all about sustainability. A select few ideas – buildings and technology- will then be exhibited at the Coventry Transport Museum.

Environmental research takes centre stage for 2021 Festival of Social Science

Warwick researchers will host a month-long series of free events as the university’s contribution to the 2021 ESRC Festival of Social Science. This year’s programme has a strong focus on environmental issues, reflecting the UK’s role as host of the COP26 conference.

Cultural mega events must bring about change, but the cultural sector must change first, says conference report

Cultural mega events must bring about societal change – and to do this the sector itself must become equitable and open to new collaboration. These are the conclusions of a report published by the University of Warwick.

Coventry’s Affordable Very Light Rail Track Unveiled

· As part of Coventry Very Light Rail (VLR), Coventry City Council’s flagship transport project, a novel track form has been designed and manufactured by researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, together with their design partners Ingerop/Rendel.

Prof. Lord Bhattacharyya building named one of the UK’s best new buildings in RIBA 2021 National Awards

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has today (Thursday 9 September) announced the 54 winners of the 2021 RIBA National Awards for architecture, which includes the Professor Lord Bhattacharyya building, home to NAIC (National Automotive Innovation Centre) at WMG, University of Warwick.