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What are the factors that drive wellbeing?
How do we measure it and how does interacts with other central socio-economic variables?

Surveys in many countries conducted over decades show that, on average, people's happiness and life satisfaction have not changed much over the last fifty years, in spite of the large increase in real income per capita for many countries.

In other words, people are not getting any happier or feeling more satisfied with life even when the whole country is becoming richer than it has been in the past. What explains this missing link between economic growth and happiness? If economic growth does not lead to an increase in people's general sense of wellbeing, then what does?

Warwick researchers have been investigating what makes humans happy and satisfied with life since the late 1990s. Our research has explored the causes and consequences of wellbeing, as well as how we can use such information to inform leaders and policymakers around the world

Warwick has many researchers who have pushed forward our understanding, including several members of the World Wellbeing Panel (*) such as Professor Andrew Oswald who is largely responsible for the development of “happiness economics” in Europe.

Find out more about Professor Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee research on COVID-19

Researchers: Thomas Hills, Redzo Mujcic, Mahnaz Nazneen, Andrew Oswald*, Nattavudh Powdthavee*, Daniel Sgroi*

Hear more from Professor Daniel Sgroi on Measuring Happiness

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