Keep in Touch
We'd like to stay in touch and support you as you begin your transition into the work, further study or other opportunities. The following resources are ways in which you can stay in touch with Warwick once you finish.
Keep an eye out, too, for your invitation to participate in the Graduate Outcomes survey. Find out more about the survey here.
Online resources and networks

The Careers Blog
Our Careers Blog contains information and advice on a range of different topics written by both Warwick staff and guest student, alumni and professional bloggers. Have a browse of some of our popular topics.
Careers YouTube channel
Access our many helpful short video clips through our Youtube channel.
Facebook and Twitter
Keep in touch through our social media channels.
Warwick’s LinkedIn Alumni Group
Join Warwick’s LinkedIn Alumni group and network with those who have gone before you. You can search by subject discipline, so for example you are able to see what other Historians or Philosophy grads are doing now. Find out which sectors and companies graduates are working in and connect with those working for these organisations. Many Warwick Alumni will be happy to try and help recent Warwick graduates.
Warwick Alumni
Connect with regional and international alumni communities and explore your alumni benefits. Access exclusive events, mentoring and professional networks,
Diversity pages
Visit our diversity webpages for specific careers support and opportunities for graduates from underrepresented backgrounds .
Graduate Outcomes survey
About 15 months after you finish your course you will be invited to respond to the Graduate Outcomes surveyLink opens in a new window. This national survey collects information on the activities and perspectives of graduates.
The anonymous results can be invaluable in helping future students consider potential career options, through resources including Discover UniLink opens in a new window. All universities are required to support the survey, which is owned by the Higher Education Statistics Agency.
You will receive an email from and may also be called by IFF Research.
Your contact details will be used for the purposes of the survey on the grounds of public interest under the General Data Protection Regulation, as explained in HESA’s student collection noticeLink opens in a new window.