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Patrick Freyer

What degree course did you study and when did you graduate?

Economics - graduated 2021.

What is your current role?

Management Consultant, BCG, Germany & Postgraduate, Yale, United States.

Tell us a bit about your career story since graduating from Warwick

Following a brief stint in investment banking with UBS in London, I was offered the opportunity to continue my studies at Yale, where I was admitted as John R. Shrewsberry Scholar. At Yale I also became a teaching assistant in public policy economics and founded NebulaLabs, a start-up enabling fractional ownership and trade in patented intellectual property. After my first year at Yale, faced with a volatile start-up environment, I took a break to join BCG and gain more practical experience.

How has your time at Warwick helped you during your career?

    Warwick opened the door to both investment banking and strategy consulting for me. Thanks to the many on-campus events as well as knowledgeable advisors across faculty and societies, I was able to explore industries and position myself as a competitive candidate. Furthermore, Warwick alumni and faculty were the driving force behind my Yale admission and scholarship, thanks to their insights and gracious letters of recommendation.

    What ambitions do you have for the future?

    I look forward to continuing learning across exciting international projects with BCG before returning to Yale. My passion for start-ups and deep-tech companies is alive and well, which is why I intend to stay in the US. An industry of particular interest to me is the fast-developing space sector and I’m watching closely to see where I may be able to add value down the line.

    What advice do you have for Warwick graduates who would like to work in your sector?

    Be active in Warwick societies: apart from fun & friends you gain a lot of knowledge and connections that will be genuine game changers throughout your career. Moreover, expand your concept of an application process: as an ambitious graduate you are always in the job market and finding a match goes far beyond submitting a CV somewhere. Always discover, make lasting connections, and be open to try unconventional paths.

    What 3 top tips would you give to students looking to find a graduate role in the UK or elsewhere in the world?

    1. Be aware of your value and be willing to prove it. Even when the process seems endless, and rejections come raining down on you – always remember what you can bring to a company and put that first. Employers need talent at least as much as you need a job!
    2. Don’t hesitate to pursue your own path if you feel like everything else isn’t right for you. Whether it’s work in a patent office or calligraphy classes: great ideas and careers are rarely built on standardised CVs so don’t be afraid to do something different.
    3. Sometimes just ask. If there’s a cool company or person you’d like to work with reach out and be upfront, worst case they will remember you and might point you elsewhere.