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Almost all of Warwick’s medical students join the two-year UK Foundation Programme (UKFP) each year after their studies, working in the NHS as FY1 and FY2 doctors. There is a national recruitment process in October each year, where applicants list their order of preference for the 21 UK Foundation Schools in October and take an exam called the Situational Judgement Test. The Academic Foundation Programme is a parallel route for those wishing to develop a career in academic medicine. The outcome of the application process is known in March, with jobs starting the following August.
Typically, just over half of our graduates join a Foundation School within the West Midlands.
After the two Foundation Years, NHS doctors train to specialise in one of 60+ medical specialties, including General Practice.
Some medical students join healthcare employers overseas; usually after a few years experience in the NHS.
The NHS is the major employer for the sector. For prospective Foundation doctors, it is more useful to consider the Foundation School where the job is based as the employer. Further information about each Foundation School including competition ratios can be found by looking on the website of the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO). We are occasionally notified of job vacancies for medics overseas.