Moodle resource types
This guide summarises the types of resources which can be added in Moodle. Building content in your Moodle space can help students to acquire knowledge about a subject or topic.
Content is usually indicated in the Moodle activity chooser by a blue icon.
All of the resources below can be added to a Moodle space as follows:
- Enable Edit mode .
- Click Add an activity or resource from the bottom of the section where you want to add the resource.
- Click the Resources tab to filter the resources from the activities.
- Click on the resource type you want to add and then follow the page instructions to add the resource settings.
You can upload files such as PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations into Moodle. Files are typically added to Moodle either by dragging and dropping them onto the course page, or by using the activity chooser.
Files in Moodle are set to be downloaded automatically once a user clicks on them. This is called 'force download'. This behaviour can be changed as required in the file's settings.
Files can also be inserted into any editable area within Moodle - course and section headers, labels, pages, individual activity descriptions - i.e. anywhere that the editing toolbar appears.
As a general rule we do not recommend this method as it is not possible to selectively hide/show them, restrict access (based on date or group, for example) or monitor whether students have accessed them.
Folders can be used to help you gather and display files in Moodle. This will help students to easily locate relevant content. An example use case would be a folder containing past papers.
Text & media area (previously a 'label') 
The text & media area acts as a spacer between other resources and activities. It is versatile and can be used to embed text, images, tables and multimedia directly onto the course page.
The text and media area can be used to:
- Split up a long list of activities with a sub-heading or an image
- Add a short description or instructions for students to a course section
- Improve the appearance of a course
- Embed audio or video onto a course page
The Page resource is essentially a web page within Moodle. It can be used to display various types of content and multimedia such as text, images, audio, video, embedded code or a combination of all these.
The Book resource is essentially a series of Pages in a book-like format, with chapters, subchapters, and a table of contents. A book can contain media as well as text and is useful for breaking down lengthy passages of information into sections.
A book may be used:
- To display reading material for individual modules of study
- As a handbook
- As a weekly textbook
Talis reading list 
Using Talis Aspire reading lists will provide your students with familiar, consistent and easy access to the required reading for their programme. The use of Talis Aspire reading lists also enables the Library to ensure that an appropriate number of copies of key texts are purchased.
There are two ways to link a Talis reading list with your Moodle space; via the reading list block or the reading list resource.
URL (web link) 
A URL is a link to a website or online file. Adding these to your Moodle space helps students to easily find what they need.