Researching Crossman

In order to complement the digitisation of broadcasts by Richard Crossman, two undergraduate students – Andrew Burchell and Marie-Astrid Purton – have written a series of short articles that provide a general background to the life of Richard Crossman and context to the sources shortly to be made available online. The articles, linked to below, are the result of five weeks of detailed research into the Crossman papers, funded through the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme.
Other themes or topics on which the Crossman files contain an ample amount of material (although they are not dealt with in depth here), include: nuclear warfare and arms, science and education, healthcare, and numerous foreign policy issues (on this latter point especially, a substantial amount is covered by the international commentaries). Transcripts of many of his radio and television broadcasts have now been digitised.
An introduction to Crossman’s philosophy: ‘virtue’ and ‘vice’
Democracy, The Cult of Personality and Mass Media
Crossman and Germany
Crossman's radio 'style': Talking about Germany for a British audience
Crossman and psychological warfare
Crossman and the creation of Israel
Minister of Housing (1964-1966)
Crossman and social security