Find My Past: Family history sources at the Modern Records Centre

Membership registers, annual reports and other trade union records at the Modern Records Centre have been digitised and indexed by Find My Past and are searchable on a pay-per-view or subscription basis through their websiteLink opens in a new window. Summary information about the archives available is given below.
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and JoinersLink opens in a new window
Admissions books, 1895-1917 (MSS.78/ASCJ/2/1/1-26)
Branch secretaries were required to complete returns on all members admitted during the year and on members transferred from other branches. The following information on new admissions is given: name, age, number of years at trade, date admitted, marital status, nominee for funeral benefit. A section for completion at General Office includes date of exclusion and cause. The reverse side of each sheet comprises information on members transferred during the year with details of name, age, date admitted, branch admitted into, branch transferred to and the date of transfer. The ASC&J had overseas branches for the years covered by these books and details of membership of these branches are included.
Registration books, 1901, 1911, 1921 (MSS.78/ASCJ/2/2/1-13)
Branch secretaries returned a list of branch members each decade. By using them with the admissions books, it is possible to trace the membership in any branch; the registration book providing the basic membership list, the admissions book giving details of additions or losses each year. The following information is given: name, age when admitted, name of branch into which admitted, date when admitted, marital status and date of marriage if this follows admission to the union, status within the union (i.e. ordinary, trade or junior), information on benefits received, and date of death or exclusion.
Reference books, 1901, 1911, 1921 (MSS.78/ASCJ/2/3/1-4)
Compiled every decade. They list the name of members, by branch, who had transferred elsewhere. The name of a transferred member would appear in the admission books under his new branch and in the reference books under his old branch.
Amalgamated Society of Lithographic PrintersLink opens in a new window
Quarterly and half-yearly reports, 1880-1930 (MSS.39/ASL/4/5/1)
Includes branch income, lists of members, benefits paid and General Secretary's report; members listed by branch and new members joined during the quarter; members excluded and transferred; and obituaries.
Amalgamated Society of Paper MakersLink opens in a new window
Quarterly reports and balance sheets, 1914-1918 (MSS.39/SO/A/4/1/2)
Includes lists of members, obituaries and information about members on active service during the First World War.
Amalgamated Society of Railway ServantsLink opens in a new window
Membership registers, 1872-1913 (MSS.127/AS/2/3/1-26)
Although the registers began in 1897, when it appears that the entire current membership was re-registered, the volumes also include individuals who had joined between 1872-97 and who were still members in 1897. The details given for individual members include: name, age, marital status, company, grade [occupation], benefits paid to the member, remarks [most commonly about expulsion for non-payment of subscriptions] and date of registration.
Amalgamated Society Of Watermen, Lightermen and BargemenLink opens in a new window
Roll of honour, 1916 (MSS.126/WL/X/46)
Includes the names of those members who had died thus far in the First World War, plus a complete membership list.
Amalgamated Society of WoodworkersLink opens in a new window
Admissions books, 1921-1931 (MSS.78/ASW/2/1/1/1 - MSS.78/ASW/2/1/11/2)
Branch secretaries returned a list of members admitted during the year and transferred from other branches. The following information on new admissions is given: name, age, number of years at trade, date admitted, marital status, nominee for funeral benefit. A section for completion at General Office includes date of marriage if this follows admission, date of exclusion and cause, and date of receiving wife's funeral benefit. The reverse of each sheet has information on members transferred during the year with details of name, age, date admitted, branch admitted into, branch transferred to and date of transfer. Details of ASW branches in America and Canada are given up to 1923, and of South African branches up to 1924.
Association of Correctors of the PressLink opens in a new window
Annual reports, 1907-1920 (MSS.28/AC/4/1/9)
Includes lists of members, obituaries and information about members on active service during the First World War.
General Union of Carpenters and JoinersLink opens in a new window
Quarterly membership returns, 1886-1920 (MSS.78/GUC&J/2/1/1-30)
Includes details of members' names, ages, dates of admission, marital status, contributions made and financial payments received, including money paid to members for out of work benefit.
Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary SchoolsLink opens in a new window
Annual report, 1919 (MSS.453/AMA/4/1/1)
Includes information about members on active service during the First World War.
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway CompanyLink opens in a new window
Roll of honour, c1920 (MSS.63/54)
List of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway workers who died in the First World War.
Liverpool Victoria Employees' UnionLink opens in a new window
'Victoria Gazette', 1915-1919 (MSS.411/LV/4/1/1-3)
The official journal of the union. The union was renamed the Liverpool Victoria Workers' Union in 1926.
London Society of CompositorsLink opens in a new window
Trade Reports, 1915-1919 (MSS.28/CO/4/1/36-40)
Include obituaries of members and their wives; lists of members who were superannuated, had emigrated, left or moved; lists of members who were unemployed or receiving benefits; and full list of members killed in the First World War.
National Association of Local Government OfficersLink opens in a new window
'The Municipal Officer', vols.1-4, Jan 1916-Feb 1920 (MSS.20/NAL/4/1/12)
The official journal of the union.
National Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers and Writers, Copperplate and Wood EngraversLink opens in a new window
Membership register, 1885-1919 (MSS.39/S/2/1)
Includes members' names and branches, dates of birth and admission, specialisations and dates of termination of membership. The union was renamed the Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers (SLADE) in 1922.
Annual reports, 1913-1919 (MSS.39/S/4/1/6-7)
Includes membership information and references to the union and its members during the First World War.
National Society of Operative Printers and AssistantsLink opens in a new window
Annual reports, 1914-1915 (MSS.39/NAT/4/1/9-10)
Includes membership information and references to the union and its members during the First World War.
National Union of Printing and Paper WorkersLink opens in a new window
Annual Reports and Balance Sheets, 1914-1919 (MSS.39/SO/4/1/1)
Includes references to the union and its members during the First World War; branch directories, ballot results and reports of Biennial Delegate Council Meetings.
National Union of RailwaymenLink opens in a new window
Membership registers, 1913-1919, 1924-1928 (MSS.127/NU/OR/2/27-97)
Includes name, age, company, grade [occupation], benefits paid, remarks and date of admission. Women members are entered in red (rather then black) ink in the period during and immediately after the First World War.
National Union of TeachersLink opens in a new window
National Union of Teachers War Record, 1914-1919 (MSS.179/1/57/353)
List of NUT members who served in the armed forces during the First World War (name and association only), those who were decorated (name, rank, regiment/corps/service, school, association), and those were killed (name, rank, regiment/corps/service, school). Also contains an account of the non-military service of teachers during the war. Published in 1920.
Northern Association of Publishers' Educational RepresentativesLink opens in a new window
Roll of honour, 1914-1919
Printed booklet with photographs.
Operative Bricklayers' SocietyLink opens in a new window
Annual reports, 1914-1920 (MSS.78/OB/4/2/18-20)
Includes obituaries of members and references to the union and its members during the First World War.
Printing Machine Managers' Trade SocietyLink opens in a new window
Annual reports, 1913-1919 (MSS.28/PM/4/1/5)
Includes membership information and references to the union and its members during the First World War.
Typographical AssociationLink opens in a new window
'Typographical Circular', 1915-1919 (MSS.39A/TA/4/1/44-48)
Journal / newsletter of the union. Includes information about members killed during the First World War.
Union of Engravers to Calico Printers and Paper StainersLink opens in a new window
Roll of honour, 1914-1919
List of members who were on active service during the First World War.
United Society of Boilermakers and Iron ShipbuildersLink opens in a new window
General membership registers, 1871-1947 (MSS.192/BM/2/1/1-3 and MSS.192/BM/2/2/1-22)
The earliest volume begins with a list of members on the superannuation fund in 1872, in which the earliest year of admission is 1834.
Workers' UnionLink opens in a new window
'Record', 1913-1920 (MSS.126/WU/4/2/1-2)
Illustrated union journal.