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'The Seaman', 1908-1946

The National Sailors and Firemen's Union (NSFU) was founded in 1893 and renamed the National Union of Seamen (NUS) in 1926. In 1990 the NUS amalgamated with the National Union of Railwaymen to form the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT).

'The Seaman' was initially published in 1908 as a monthly newspaper, changing to a fortnightly paper when it was relaunched in 1912. Publication was suspended after September 1939, following the outbreak of the Second World War, but resumed in August 1941, when 'The Seaman' became a less frequently produced magazine.

'The Seaman' can include news of the union's activities and campaigns, including reports of speeches; general maritime news, including articles and news items on safety, technology, accidents and wrecks; reports on prosecution of sailors in court or violence / unrest on ships; lists of recipients of accident, death or shipwreck benefits; attacks on Communism; correspondence, poems, jokes and photographs. During the First World War information is given about members of the union serving with the armed forces (in some cases illustrated with photographs).

The earlier years of 'The Seamen' include extensive coverage of the union's campaign against foreign (especially non-European) seamen serving on British merchant vessels and contain explicitly racist views and language.

All available editions of 'The Seaman' between October 1912 to December 1946, together with 5 editions of the newspaper from 1908, have been digitised and are available to read through the Modern Records Centre's catalogue. Indexes are usually included at the front or back of the volumes.

Vol.1, nos. 4, 7-10, Feb, May-Aug 1908Link opens in a new window

[Vol.1], nos.1-2 (new series), Apr-May 1911Link opens in a new window

[Vol.1], nos.2, 9-12 (new series), vol.2, nos.13-19, Jun 1911-Oct 1912Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.1-26 (new series), Oct 1912-Oct 1913Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.27-56 (new series), Oct 1913-Dec 1914Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.57-83 (new series), Jan-Dec 1915Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.84-108 (new series), Jan-Dec 1916Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.109-133 (new series), Jan-Dec 1917Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.134-159 (new series), Jan-Dec 1918Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, no.160 - vol.2, no.185 (new series), Jan-Dec 1919Link opens in a new window

Vol.2, nos.186-212 (new series), Jan-Dec 1920Link opens in a new window

Vol.2, nos.213-236 (new series), Jan-Dec 1921Link opens in a new window

Vol.2, nos.237-260 (new series), Jan-Dec 1922Link opens in a new window

Vol.3, nos.261-285 (new series), Jan-Dec 1923Link opens in a new window

Vol.3, nos.286-311 (new series), Jan-Dec 1924Link opens in a new window

Vol.3, no.312 - vol.4, no.341 (new series), Jan-Dec 1925Link opens in a new window

Vol.5, nos.342-364 (new series), Jan-Dec 1926Link opens in a new window

Vol.6, nos.365-391 (new series), Jan-Dec 1927Link opens in a new window

Vol.7, nos.392-417 (new series), Jan-Dec 1928Link opens in a new window

Vol.8, nos.418-442 (new series), Jan-Dec 1929Link opens in a new window

Vol.9, nos.443-469 (new series), Jan-Dec 1930Link opens in a new window

Vol.10, nos.470-495 (new series), Jan-Dec 1931Link opens in a new window

Vol.11, nos.496-521 (new series), Jan-Dec 1932Link opens in a new window

Vol.12, nos.522-547 (new series), Jan-Dec 1933Link opens in a new window

Vol.12, nos.548-573 (new series), Jan-Dec 1934Link opens in a new window

Vol.12, nos.574-599 (new series), Jan-Dec 1935Link opens in a new window

Vol.12, nos.600-625 (new series), Jan-Dec 1936Link opens in a new window

Vol.12, nos.626-651 (new series), Jan-Dec 1937Link opens in a new window

Vol.16, nos.652-677 (new series), Jan-Dec 1938Link opens in a new window

Vol.17, nos.678-696 (new series), Jan-Sep 1939Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.1, 3-5, 8-11, Aug 1941-Jun 1942Link opens in a new window

Vol.1, nos.18-25 (new series), Jan-Dec 1943Link opens in a new window

Vol.2, nos.1-12 (new series), Jan-Dec 1944Link opens in a new window

Vol.3, nos.1-12 (new series), Jan-Dec 1945Link opens in a new window

Vol.4, nos.1-9 (new series), Jan-Dec 1946Link opens in a new window

Front page of The Seaman, 4 Jan 1918