Further reading
- What is Digital Preservation (video from Library of Congress): https://youtu.be/qEmmeFFafUsLink opens in a new window
- Why Digital Preservation Matters: https://dpconline.org/handbook/digital-preservation/why-digital-preservation-mattersLink opens in a new window
- Helpful information on copyright http://copyrightuser.org/Link opens in a new window
- Digital photography best practices: advice from the National Library of New Zealand https://digitalnz.org/make-it-digital/creating-digital-content/photography-and-imagingLink opens in a new window
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative http://dublincore.org/Link opens in a new window
- UK Data Archive Digital Curation and Data Publishing: https://www.data-archive.ac.uk/managing-data/digital-curation-and-data-publishing/Link opens in a new window
- Managing Research Data at the University of Warwick: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/library/staff/research-data/Link opens in a new window
- Records Management at the University of Warwick: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/idc/recordsmanagementLink opens in a new window