Photographing prison life in the early 20th century

The photographs in this collection are from the archives of the Howard League for Penal ReformLink opens in a new window, and show images of prison life in the first decades of the 20th century. Many of the photographs look at the reformatory side of the prison system, including shots of prisoners engaged in work and educational programmes in both the UK and USA.
27 photographs of the first Borstal (juvenile detention centre) in 1902
6 photographs showing the system operating in the women's prison
Wormwood Scrubs
9 photographs showing the system operating in the men's prison
Dartmoor, Wakefield and the First World War
16 photographs of Dartmoor and Wakefield prisons, including images relating to the internment of conscientious objectors
Indiana Women's Prison, USA
8 photographs of the pioneering women's prison
New York State Reformatory for Men, USA
9 photographs of the pioneering men's prison
New York State Reformatory for Women, USA
13 photographs of the reformatory for young women, shortly after its construction in 1901