Wear Shipwrights' Benevolent Society
The Wear Shipwrights' Benevolent Society was formed in 1846 and operated in Sunderland and the surrounding area. It merged with the Shipconstructive and Shipwrights' Association in 1908.
A list of members transferring to the new union is spread through the 1908-1910 quarterly reports of the Shipconstructive and Shipwrights' Association (MSS.192/AS/4/2/15-17). Name, age, address and branch transferred to are listed.
The membership register of the Shipconstructive and Shipwrights' Association covering 1908 (MSS.192/AS/5/1/4) also includes details of all transferring members. Information includes name, date of joining, date of death, age, place of birth, marital status, wife's name, wife's age, employer, number of years at trade, employer with which apprenticeship served and length of apprenticeship.