The National Front and the anti-fascist response in the 1970s

The National Front was formed in 1967 as a result of the merger of three far right groups - the League of Empire Loyalists, the British National Party and the Racial Preservation Society. It was subsequently joined by the more explicitly neo-Nazi Greater Britain Movement, whose leadership came to dominate the NF. The party used the issue of immigration to rapidly increase its membership during the 1970s (from an initial membership of 1500 in 1967 to 17,500 in 1972 1 ). The rise of a populist and explicitly racist anti-immigration group resulted in a corresponding rise in anti-fascist and anti-racist campaign groups during the 1970s, some of which (for example the Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism) were initially formed by Trotskyist groups such as the Socialist Workers Party.
= This symbol after a link means that it links to catalogue descriptions of the documents (including the reference numbers which will help you to order up the original documents at the MRC).
= This symbol after a link means that it links to digitised copies of the documents.
The Modern Records Centre's collections include a large amount of material, particularly publications and ephemera, relating to the National Front and some of the organisations formed to oppose it. An outline of some of the more significant collections is given below. Additional material can be found through keyword searches in our online catalogueLink opens in a new window (for example for 'National Front'Link opens in a new window, 'Anti Nazi League'Link opens in a new window, 'Against Racism'Link opens in a new window, 'Against Nazis'Link opens in a new window or 'anti-racist'Link opens in a new window). All of the material listed below is in copyright, so in most cases we are unable to publish digital copies online. Researchers are welcome to look at the original documents in the MRC reading room.
Selected sources:
Papers of Wayne AshcroftLink opens in a new window, former National Front regional organiser
Although the majority of Ashcroft's papers date from the 1990s, when he was active in the National Front and British National Party, the collection does include publications from the 1970s. These include issues of the newspapers 'National Front News',Link opens in a new window 1977-1989, and 'Spearhead'Link opens in a new window, 1975-1992.
S.E. Taylor collection of material re the National FrontLink opens in a new window, 1972-1981
This collection contains material collected by Stan Taylor during his research for the 1982 book 'The National Front in English Politics'Link opens in a new window. It includes newspapers, pamphlets and leaflets produced both by the National Front and by organisations opposing them (including the Anti Nazi League and the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism). The collection also contains press cuttings on the National Front and its relationship with other political groups.
Rock Against RacismLink opens in a new window, 1977-1979
The MRC has various documents (mostly publications and ephemera) connected with Rock Against Racism, a campaign group formed in response to pro-fascist or anti-immigration remarks made by David Bowie and Eric Clapton. These include publications collected by the Socialist Workers Party activist Alistair MutchLink opens in a new window (including issues 1-9 of the RAR newspaper 'Temporary Hoarding', 1977-79) and a draft of the book 'Beating Time: Riots n' Race n' Rock n' Roll'Link opens in a new window, written in 1985/6 by David Widgery, one of the co-founders of RAR. Ephemera relating to anti-racist carnivals in the late 1970s (including those organised by RAR) is also availableLink opens in a new window.
Leamington Anti-Racist, Anti-Fascist CommitteeLink opens in a new window, 1977-1981
Leamington Anti-Racist, Anti-Fascist Committee (LARAFC) was formed in 1977. The archive collection includes minutes, newsletters, press releases, circulars, press cuttings and photographs, as well as some examples of far right publications. Leamington Spa hit the national headlines in 1976, when the far right activist Robert Relf was imprisoned for contempt of court after refusing to take down a racist sign advertising the sale of his house. The sentence resulted in protests and counter-demonstrations, particularly in the Midlands.
Les Prince collection of ephemera re anti-fascism and anti-racismLink opens in a new window, 1976-1985
Part of a larger collection of political ephemera collected by Les Prince, a designer and illustrator in the printing trade, this series includes publications on the National Front and racial discrimination from the Anti-Nazi League, the Institute of Race Relations, AFFOR and Young Jews Against Racialism.
The Warwick BoarLink opens in a new window
Back issues of the University of Warwick's student newspaper for the 1960s-1980s have been digitised and are searchable by keyword. The publication includes articles on the National FrontLink opens in a new window and its anti-fascist opposition within the student community during the 1970s.
"Race relations: racial discrimination. Replies to circular 20"Link opens in a new window, 1978-1979
Replies to a circular sent by the Trades Union Congress to local trades councils, asking for information on local progress and activities in relation to the 'Campaign Against Racialism'. Many of the responses have included leaflets, bulletins and other local ephemera (some far-right publications, as well as anti-racist material, are included).
The case of Kevin Gately, 1974
On 15 June 1974 a demonstration in London against the National Front led to disorder in Red Lion Square, during which a University of Warwick student, Kevin Gately, sustained injuries of which he later died. The coroner's inquest into Gately's death returned a verdict of death by misadventure. A public inquiry was conducted by Lord Justice Scarman (who would also later head the inquiry into the 1981 Brixton riots) to review the events that led to the disorder and to consider whether any lesson might be learned for the better maintenance of public order during demonstrations. The MRC has various documents relating to the aftermath of Kevin Gately's death. These include:
Records of Cecil Angel and Company, solicitors of CoventryLink opens in a new window
The company represented the National Union of Students and the University of Warwick Students' Union at the public inquiry. The collection includes minutes of proceedings, witness statements and photographs of the demonstration.
Warwick University Kevin Gately Action CommitteeLink opens in a new window
Minutes, reports and circulars of the University of Warwick Students' Union committee.
Ephemera relating to the death of Kevin GatelyLink opens in a new window
Small collection which includes copies of the government inquiry's report and the 1975 book 'Only One Died - An investigation into police behaviour in Red Lion Square' by Tony Gilbert.
The Warwick Boar and University of Warwick student handbooksLink opens in a new window
Digitised copies of the student newspaper and handbooks given to University of Warwick students, including references to the case of Kevin Gately.
1 Data from 'Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations', Peter Barberis, John McHugh and Mike Tyldesley (Pinter, 2000)