Discrimination and legislation, 1960-1971
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This account of the discrimination experienced by a lawyer from Trinidad during his search for accommodation in London was included as an appendix to newsletter no.3 of the British-Caribbean Association. The BCA was formed in 1958, after the Notting Hill Riots, with the aim of strengthening ties between the Caribbean and the United Kingdom. [Included in a file on 'Commonwealth Workers in Britain, 1956-1960', from the archives of the Trades Union Congress; document reference: MSS.292/805.7/3] |
This is a draft of a broadcast made on the BBC Hebrew Service by Richard Crossman, a Labour Party MP, about the second reading of the Immigration Bill in the Houses of Parliament. He looks at the background to Commonwealth immigration into Britain since the 1930s and comments on the political arguments around the Bill. [Included in a file of 'International Commentary' broadcasts, from the archives of Richard Crossman; document reference: MSS.154/4/BR/9/97] Other broadcasts by Crossman on issues relating to race and immigration are also available online, including broadcasts regarding a fascist demonstration in Trafalgar Square, 1962 |
Government guide to the new legislation. It outlines some of the discriminatory practices which have been made unlawful, and explains the functions and powers of the new Race Relations Board. [Included in a file on migration, from the archives of of Sir George Pope; document reference: MSS.271/T/49/23] |
Extract from 'Race Relations', no.4, the quarterly bulletin of the Race Relations Board. It provides an illustrated step-by-step guide to the conciliation procedure which follows a formal complaint to the Race Relations Board, using the (presumably fictional) case of Dr Chaudhury, who was prevented from purchasing a new house by the developer. [Included in a file on migration, from the archives of of Sir George Pope; document reference: MSS.271/T/49/52] |
Script for a Local Government Training Board 'Incident Study' film, used to help local government employees "understand and overcome some of the human relationship problems which you may be faced with during the course of your day-to-day duties". In this "simple and near tragic story of how one man's attitude can disrupt an important section of a Local Authority", a "coloured electrician" employed by a local council was reduced to tears by racial abuse from a carpenter, the (white) electrician's mate then punched the carpenter, hospitalising him. [From the archives of the Industrial Society; document reference: MSS.303/AV/23] |