Core modules
Year One
The Psychotherapeutic Relationship 1: Introduction to Theory
You will critically analyse and synthesise in-depth specialist knowledge of a range of cutting edge theoretical approaches and their application to therapeutic practices relevant to a holistic and integrative approach to psychotherapy. You will also critically evaluate and compare psychotherapy theories and analyse and evaluate the evidence for their effectiveness, and evaluate their relevance for a holistic – integrative approach.
You will exhibit a sophisticated level of competence and curiosity in the exploration of these theoretical approaches through exercise of generic intellectual abilities as well as a capacity to synthesise and therapeutic theory and then apply this effectively to practice and their own professional and personal development.
The Psychotherapeutic Relationship 1: Introduction to Practice
You will take a proactive and critically evaluative role in practising and synthesising cutting-edge psychotherapeutic skills and approaches, applying key therapeutic qualities in practice and in professional relationships with others. You will critically analyse, synthesise and apply key therapeutic theory, including integrative theory, to practice. To critically and reflectively monitor and systematically evaluate own practice and development, and integrate learning from tutor and peer feedback into practice.
You will also demonstrate and synthesise all aspects of fitness and readiness to practice therapeutically with clients on supervised placement, assessed through: practice observation, written assignments including case studies, overall presentation on the course, including personal development groups and capacity for critical reflection, and viva.
The Psychotherapeutic Relationship 1: Introduction to Individual Development
You will critically and consistently reflect on all aspects of personal development, including cultural competence, and proactively formulate and synthesise ideas and hypotheses to evaluate these. You will also successfully complete the Mental Health placement, and critically evaluate and synthesise knowledge of Mental Health gained to support practice and multi-professional working.
You will also understand, critically evaluate, synthesise and apply, ethical, legal and professional principles to professional and personal development in support of practice
Year Two
The Psychotherapeutic Relationship 2: Development of Theory, Practice and Individual Development
You will be offered every week a blend of formal lecture which includes consideration of application of theory to practice, and a clinical seminar where a student presents and critiques case material from relevant literature. There is also a weekly clinical practice development session which acts as the focus for therapeutic practice development with tutor, peer and self-evaluation and feedback a prominent feature. You will be offered some Saturday teaching sessions which will offer formal lectures, looking at applications to professional and personal development of key themes as well as being expected to fully participate fully in a personal development group.
Research in Professional Practice
This module aims to develop understanding of the research process and its relevance to your professional practice, including designing and carrying out research into your own practice field. This includes identifying research questions and appropriate research strategies and gathering and analysing sources using a variety of methods. It will enable you to carry out research into an aspect of career development or coaching practice of interest and relevance to you.
Year Three
The Psychotherapeutic Relationship 3: Integration of Theory, Practice and Individual Development