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Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst quality teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.




Applied Linguistics at Warwick

Apply your learning from day one.

Find meaningful solutions to real-world problems. We want you to become empowered, vocal, opinionated and bold. Our close-knit learning community will make it easy for you to speak up and discuss your learning with your fellow students and enthusiastic academics.

Find out more about us on our website

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Chemistry at Warwick

We are one of the UK’s top chemistry departments, highly ranked for both teaching and research. Our academic staff perform cutting-edge research in globally-important topics, ranging from sustainable polymers to new solar-cell materials to discovery of new natural products for antimicrobials.

These same leading researchers, in combination with a dedicated teaching-focussed team of academics, deliver our courses through a range of innovative teaching approaches to give students a more engaging and effective learning experience.

As a Warwick Chemistry undergraduate student, you will join a diverse and thriving community that supports each other to achieve their potential. Our students have a strong voice in how our department evolves and grows - and our undergraduate-run Chemistry Society offers a supportive, ready-made community of students who help each other succeed.

The practical laboratory, numeracy, logical, analytic, and presentation skills that our students learn at Warwick Chemistry place our graduates in a great position to move into a wide range of fields, including sustainable chemical industries, pharmaceuticals, energy materials, marketing and finance, cybersecurity, teaching, publishing, journalism, or further study.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Our courses

We offer non-accredited and Royal Society of Chemistry accredited course routes, depending on your career aspirations.

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Classics and Ancient History at Warwick

Take your fascination with the ancient world further.

Our Classics and Ancient History department is tailor-made for a community of curiosity. Work closely with award-winning academics while carving your own path through the varied disciplines we study - from literature and history, to philosophy and art.

Share your observations, opinions and developing interests. Develop critical and creative thinking that will prove valuable for your future – wherever in the world this might take you.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst quality teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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Centre for Lifelong Learning

For more than 30 years the Centre for Lifelong Learning has been a centre of expertise in the education of lifelong learners in different contexts, with a focus on enabling adult learners to achieve their personal and professional goals by accessing a Warwick education, irrespective of background.

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Computer Science at Warwick

What are computers capable of? How do we use them to solve major world problems? What are their limitations?

Computer Science at Warwick offers you a community of excellence across the breadth of computer science. Join like-minded thinkers and friends who relish the challenges of shaping future technology.

You will study the theoretical foundation in established areas of the discipline. You will then apply your learning to industrially relevant problems, developing technical and transferable skills which will position you excellently for your future career.

We play a leading role in five interdisciplinary research centres and are one of the founding partners of the prestigious Alan Turing Institute for Data Science. This institute – a £42 million collaboration between UK leaders in Computer Science and Mathematics – will shape policy in the UK and stimulate research activity in data science for decades to come, creating unique opportunities for all of our students.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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Economics at Warwick

We're an inclusive, diverse community committed to the highest quality research which informs our teaching on our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Many of our experts are leaders in their field.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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Academic Resources Portal

The Department of Economics has put together a portal of academic resourcesLink opens in a new window recommended by faculty members for anyone who may be considering studying economics at undergraduate level.

Academic Resources Portal Link opens in a new window

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1st for Economics in the Good University Guide 2024
(Published by the Times and Sunday Times September 2023)Link opens in a new window


4th for Economics in the Complete University Guide 2024
(Published by the Complete University Guide)Link opens in a new window


23rd in the QS World Subject Rankings 2024
(For Economics and Econometrics)Link opens in a new window


Education Studies at Warwick

Education has the power to change lives.

Education changes lives through teaching, coaching, training, and through work in local and global communities. What do you understand about that power? Bring your fascination for the way we communicate and learn to Warwick.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Our courses

An Education Studies degree at Warwick will give you a stronger appreciation of education’s transformative power. Explore the developmental, social and cultural aspects of the discipline, and think across disciplinary boundaries to gain a broader understanding.

Education (BA)

Our joint programme with Psychology focuses on critically analysing the nature, purposes and complexities of psychology and education in a globalised world.

Psychology with Education Studies (BSc)

Our joint degree with Global Sustainable Development seeks to prepare you to become Global Citizens with a conscience, equipped with knowledge and understanding of the key issues of sustainable development from across a broad range of disciplines.

Education Studies and Global Sustainable Development (BASc)

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Engineering at Warwick

Use your maths and science skills to creatively solve real-life problems.

Our flexible, innovative and interdisciplinary courses let you experience a range of different engineering disciplines before specialising.

You can specialise in automotive, biomedical systems, civil, electrical and electronic, electronic, manufacturing and mechanical, mechanical or systems engineering. Alternatively you can choose to study a more diverse engineering curriculum or adopt a business focus.

Find out more about us on our website

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English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick

Have the freedom to follow your own path

We’re fond of freedom at Warwick. Freedom to learn, through an enormous array of modules to suit your interests, and through a range of innovative assessment techniques. You’re also free to explore the award-winning Warwick Arts Centre on campus or you can travel further afield and visit the home of Shakespeare in Stratford or immerse yourself in the poetry scene in Leamington Spa and Birmingham.

We were ranked in the top 10 for research environment in the latest Research Excellence Framework 2021, which means you’ll feel well connected and ahead of the game.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst quality teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

Our courses

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English and classical civilisation

Teaching on this degree is shared between the Departments of English and Comparative Literary Studies and Classics and Ancient History. Admissions and programme management are conducted by the Classics Department

Classics and Ancient History at Warwick

Take your fascination with the ancient world further.

Our Classics and Ancient History department is tailor-made for a community of curiosity. Work closely with award-winning academics while carving your own path through the varied disciplines we study - from literature and history, to philosophy and art.

Share your observations, opinions and developing interests. Develop critical and creative thinking that will prove valuable for your future – wherever in the world this might take you.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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Warwick Writing Programme

Welcome to the Warwick Writing Programme, an internationally acclaimed writing programme that attracts writers and literary translators from across the globe. If you join us you will immerse yourself in contemporary and experimental narratives, including screenwriting, literary translation, gaming, spoken word and fieldwork.

We foster and maintain excellent creative industry links and networks to enable our students to achieve their career ambitions. We are title partner for The Sunday Times and University of Warwick Young Writer of the Year Award, whose recent winners have included Raymond Antrobus, Adam Weymouth and Sally Rooney. We are also the home of the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation.

Our teaching staff of novelists, poets, non-fiction writers, screenwriters and literary translators includes Lucy Brydon, A.L. Kennedy, Tim Leach, Nell Stevens, Maureen Freely, Gonzalo C. Garcia, David Morley, Dragan Todorovic and Jodie Kim.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.




Film and Television Studies at Warwick

See the world through the lens of film

The moving image is the most significant art form of the twentieth century. By studying it, you will develop a unique way of understanding the world you live in. You will be exposed to a diverse film and television culture at the forefront of change as our means of viewing evolve. Whether it's a pure passion for the moving image, its stars, genres and history, or academic curiosity that excites you, follow a curriculum that’s as ambitious and innovative as Film and Television are.

From day one, you will be taught by the country’s leading scholars through state-of-the-art lectures, seminars and individual tutorial supervisions. Think, live and breathe the moving image through discussion, reading, writing, blogging, video-essays and screenwriting.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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Global Sustainable Development

Do you agree that humanity has reached a point where passivity is no longer an option? Our unique Global Sustainable Development (GSD) degrees allow you to explore ethically and morally complex areas in seeking to find positive interventions with a beneficial impact. Don't worry about the future. Fix it.

Get to know GSD better by exploring our departmental websiteLink opens in a new window

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History at Warwick

Each year, we attract excellent students like you to Warwick.

We will help you develop the skills needed to conduct research, including in the archives, engage critically with your sources, and support you in developing critical thinking skills.

Whether you’re working with classmates in seminars and workshops, or getting involved with the History Society, at every turn you’ll find like-minded people who share your fascination with the past and its significance in the present.

Get to know us better by exploring our departmental websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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Important information

We are planning to make changes to our History degree courses for 2025 entry. As changes are confirmed, we will update the course information on this webpage. It is therefore very important that you check this webpage for the latest information before you apply and prior to accepting an offer. Sign up under Next steps below to receive updates.


History of Art at Warwick

Take the perspective that brings you closer

Art history is about getting closer to art, immersing yourself in art, seeing art from the perspective of the artist. But it is also about bringing your own perspective – your knowledge and experience – to bear. Art is where you and the artist meet.

When you graduate, you’ll be well equipped to enter a wide range of careers which require an ability to think analytically, to present ideas with clarity, and to communicate with others easily and convincingly.

Get to know us better by exploring our departmental websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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School of Law

Established in 1968, now with over 1,000 students and 70 full-time staff, we have evolved into one of the leading Law Schools in the UK. Our teaching standards and research quality consistently receive high ratings, and we maintain a strong research culture with all staff actively researching in their preferred areas.

Get to know us better by exploring our departmental website

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Liberal Arts at Warwick

Ask the questions that matter.

A liberal education is based on the idea of acquiring knowledge and understanding worthy of a free, active and engaged global citizen. You will ask insightful, investigative questions, and you will not be limited to a single academic discipline.

Your degree in Liberal Arts will demonstrate the ability to inspire others, provide creative leadership, and to untangle the trickiest and most complex problems. These are highly regarded skills that you can apply to any position in industry, creative endeavours, or future study.

Get to know us better by exploring our departmental website.

Hear from our current Liberal Arts student bloggers PrishikaLink opens in a new window, TenzinLink opens in a new window, and CharlotteLink opens in a new window.

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Life Sciences at Warwick

Warwick Life Sciences is an international centre of excellence with more than 90% of our research rated as 'world leading or internationally excellent' in the REF 2021 assessment. Our focus is in excellent teaching and research with impact.

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Admissions for our Law programmes are highly competitive and as part of our assessment we review the whole academic profile. Successful applicants will have a strong set of achieved GCSE grades or equivalent including the majority at grade 7(A) and 8/9 (A*) as well as strong predicted grades.

Our Law programmes do not currently require the LNAT for admissions consideration.




Mathematics at Warwick

Looking for that perfect combination?

We offer a huge number of exciting modules allowing you to develop and pursue your interests within mathematics. Many 3rd and 4th year modules offer a glimpse of the latest developments in our research.

You are free to study maths throughout your course if you prefer. However, we also offer the opportunity to choose options from several other world-class departments at Warwick. This provides flexibility to tailor your degree to suit your interests, and also your potential career.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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Our challenging Maths BSc degree will harness your strong mathematical ability and commitment, enabling you to explore your passion for mathematics.

Mathematics (BSc)

Our four-year Maths MMath shares the same core as our BSc but enables you to explore in greater depth areas of interest, both through specialized fourth-year modules and via a substantial Research or Maths-in- Action project.

Mathematics (MMath)

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Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies

Challenge the status quo. Create new work, discover your passions, and take your ideas and values forward.

Our course is based on research-led theory, practice and industry collaboration. You will develop strong media production skills by managing creative projects. Discover how to influence audiences, tell great stories and make inspirational content. By the end of the course, you'll be confident and ready to work in creative industries.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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Modern Languages and Cultures at Warwick

Join us at one of the best universities in the UK for Modern Languages, with an excellent reputation for employability. Study one, two or three languages and cultures, or combine languages with other subjects.

Get to know us a bit better by exploring our department websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

Our courses

For degrees combining two or more languages, please see our Modern Languages courses.


Year Abroad

We strongly recommend that you take a year abroad as part of your degree, if you are able to.

You will usually spend your year abroad doing one of three things:

  • Working as a language assistant teaching English in a primary or secondary school
  • Studying full-time at a partner university in your chosen country
  • On a work placement

Find out more about our flexible Year Abroad options.

If you are unable to take a year abroad you will move to a three-year degree. You will be required to complete further language reinforcement work. You will also be encouraged to spend time abroad in other ways, during vacation times.




Philosophy at Warwick

Can living morally be too demanding? Could what you see be just an illusion? How do we know what’s going on in other people’s minds?

Explore these questions with our expert teachers and researchers. Learn how to think independently and analytically and take on different points of view. Interact with other subjects, like psychology, law, politics, economics or literature.

Join our open and friendly learning environment and become a confident communicator with the resilience to thrive in the pursuit of your goals.

Find out more about us on our website

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Physics at Warwick

Physics is about beautiful ideas and deep questions

Physics aims to observe and explain the behaviour of the physical universe. It looks for laws which apply everywhere and to everything. One of the joys of physics is seeing how a simple principle, established after studying one problem, can go on to explain seemingly unrelated phenomena.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

Our courses

Our three-year courses

Our flexible courses offer excellent teaching informed by our research. You can tailor your course to your interests with optional modules in your later years of study.

Our four-year courses

These courses share the same core as the three-year versions. They then let you dig deeper with specialised modules. You'll undertake a dedicated research project as well.

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Politics and International Studies at Warwick

Join an innovative, creative and passionate department with a lively and interactive culture. Stretch and challenge yourself with the support of friendly staff and your peers.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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Psychology at Warwick

A playground for the mind

Our research-driven department can offer you the kind of physical and intellectual environment that’ll inspire you to succeed. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, inclusive academic community offering a stimulating, intellectual environment to students and staff. We’re large enough to provide excellent resources and education, but also small enough to know who you are and provide one-to-one support.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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Sociology at Warwick

We have an international reputation for research excellence, a global and cosmopolitan perspective, and high-quality teaching. Our curriculum offers a comprehensive and up-to-date foundation with a diverse range of specialist options:

What does it mean to understand the world in which you live? What will your contribution be to this changing world? How do your own experiences and life chances compare to those of others?

Sociology – the study of humans in society – attempts to capture the rich variety and complexity of human social life. Indeed, it is difficult to think of any area of social existence that a sociologist wouldn’t be interested in examining, from the most intimate of personal relationships to the worldwide circulation of ideas, beliefs, products and people.

Find out more about us on our website

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Statistics at Warwick

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Theatre and Performance Studies

Explore the world through the lens of Theatre and Performance Studies with one of the top departments in the UK.

Offering academic rigour, practical skills and connections with the industry, this degree has career prospects both within the arts sector and far beyond. You’ll be taught by world-leading academics and cutting-edge theatre practitioners.

Get to know us better by exploring our departmental websiteLink opens in a new window

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building

The department recently moved into the brand new £57.5 million Faculty of Arts building.

This means, as an Arts student at Warwick, you’ll find your home amongst brand new teaching, learning and social spaces, including specialist facilities, all designed to support collaborative working and to enable your creativity and innovation to flourish.

The sustainably built, eight-storey building is located next to the newly refurbished Warwick Arts Centre in the heart of the University’s creative and cultural arts quarter.

Explore our new Faculty of Arts building further.

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Warwick Business School

If you’re interested in the bigger picture, comfortable challenging assumptions and want a degree that will open doors, then WBS is the place for you. We will give you the foundation for change and prepare you for your future career. Are you ready to make your mark in the world of business?

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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Warwick Medical School

Established in 2000, Warwick Medical School (WMS) forms part of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine at the University of Warwick. Alongside a range of educational opportunities, WMS has a reputation for research excellence, investigating solutions to significant global health challenges.

Find out more about us on our websiteLink opens in a new window

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WMG at Warwick

Having forged strong links with global companies through 40 years of collaborative research and development, we really understand the global market you’ll be operating in, and have designed our programmes to match.

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