Past Events
Work-in-Progress Liz Egan (Warwick): A Legal Education in the Business of Slavery: The Legacies of Enslavement at Trinity Hall
GHCC-EMECC and Map History Workshop: Telling Stories On (and With) Maps with Sara Caputo (Cambridge) and Leonardo Ariel Carrió Cataldi (Larhra-CNRS)
Sara Caputo (Cambridge) Oceanic Travel, Imperial Occupation, and the Origins and Solidification of Lines of Movement on Early Modern Maps and Charts
Warwick-Birmingham Annual PhD Student Exchange, Nathan Jopling (Birmingham) Piracy and the Caribbean World in the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
EMECC-ERC-STVDIO Joint event - Carlos Alves (Universidade Catolica Portugesa), Engineering Water Landscapes: Scholarly Networks and the Transformation of Hydraulic Engineering in Portugal (1772-1850)
EMECC Workshop, Early Modern Midlands History & Heritage - Collaborative Approaches
Rosamond Oates (Manchester Metropolitan University), Deafness in Early Modern History
EMECC lunchtime seminar Rosemary Sweet (Leicester): No country for travellers? British Visitors to Spain and Portugal, 1760-1820 in OC0.04
Seminar with Marek Słoń - Parishes and Towns: New Approaches in Polish Historiography in FAB 2.43 - lunch served 12.30 3rd floor social space
Work-in-Progress Seminar: Hannah Straw (Warwick) Ministers, Maps and Mistresses: Extra-Illustrating the Restoration
History on Film: The Return of Martin Guerre and the Legacy of Natalie Zemon Davis a Panel Discussion and Film Screening
Joint EMECC and STVDIO Welcome Event: Investigating Empowerment and Song Via the Prizewinning 100 Ballads Website (
Workshop: Embodied Faith: Spirituality and Corporeality in Early Modern Christianity
CANCELLED - EMECC-GHCC seminar, Sheryllynne Haggerty (Nottingham), ‘Ordinary People, Extraordinary Times: Living the British Empire in Jamaica, 1756’
EMECC-GHCC joint workshop 'Histories of Refugees and Forced Migration workshop: War, Slavery, Natural Disasters'
Work-in-Progress, Brendan Tam (Warwick), ‘The Friends of Mr. Pitt’s Character and Memory’: The Afterlife of a Political Leader 1806-07
Book Chapter, Laura Gowing (KCL) 'What Girls Learned', from Ingenious Trade’
Annabelle Gilmore (Birmingham), ‘Slavery and Empire on Display at Charlecote Park in Warwickshire’
New Book, Niccolò Valmori (EUI), Banking and Politics in the age of Democratic Revolution
workshop 'The Future of French Revolutionary Studies'
Masterclass on Navigating the North American Academic System', with Prof Colin Jones
Lecture 'Microhistory: National and Global Perspectives’
Capitalism: The Story Behind the Word
EMECC-GHCC joint seminar, ‘Following Ahmad Khan: Global Micro-History, Translation and the Social Power of Narrative’
EMECC WiP: Michael Bycroft, 'We Have Always Been Constructivists (About Science)'
Approaches to Teaching the Early Modern Hispanic World to 21st-Century Students
EMECC-GHCC joint welcome lunch and book launch
Workshop: Making Evidence and Crafting Gravitational Knowledge in the Early Modern World
Sociability in Politics, Food and Travel in the Early Modern Era
Midlands Eighteenth Century Research Network
'Understanding the American Academic System' a Postgraduate and Early Career Masterclass with Prof. Dena Goodman
EMECC lunchtime talk with Dena Goodman 'Peace Dividends: Collective Kangaroos for Science, Public, and Nation During the Peace of Amiens'
'Parish and Performance' - Twenty-First Warwick Symposium on Parish Research
Work-in-Progress Lucy Clarke, Arrests as Risky Performance: Anatomising the Early Jacobean State through Practice-as-Research
Dietary Dilemmas: Influences on Consumer 'Choice' in Preindustrial Societies
History Research Seminar with Emma Hart (Pennsylvania), 'Tobias Smollett and the Making of Imperial Britain'
EMECC Workshop with Jeffrey Ravel (MIT), 'Recto and Verso: French Playing Cards Before 1789’
CANCELLED Work-in-Progress, with Imogen Knox (Warwick), ‘“Maters of fact must not be denied”: Truth, Recycling, and Reinvention in an Irish Witchcraft Case’
CANCELLED -Work-in-Progress with Montaz Marche (Birmingham) 'Disputing Passivity: Black Women Servants in Eighteenth-Century London'
Workshop 'The Rule of Law' with Dr Clare Jackson (Cambridge) and internal speakers
Work-in-Progress with Ronan Love 'Debt, Sovereignty, and 1789: Government Finance and the Beginning of the French Revolution'
History Research Seminar with Nataliia Voloshkova (Kazimierz Wielki University), They Differ in Many Respects from the Moscovites": Representations of Ukrainian Lands and People in British Travel Accounts in the Long Eighteenth Century
Panel Discussion on 'Developments and Perspectives in Drink & Food Studies' with Rebecca Earle (Warwick), Allen Grieco (Villa I Tatti/Harvard) and Phil Withington (Sheffield)
Masterclass with Allen Grieco (Villa I Tatti/Harvard) 'Food and Drink Studies'
History Research seminar with Allen Grieco (Villa I Tatti/Harvard), European Food Classification in the New World: Galeotto Cei's Viaggio e Relazione delle Indie (1539-1553)
Warwick Words Festival: The Politics of Touch in the Late 18th Century, with Prof. Mark Philp
CANCELLED - WiP session with Lucy Clarke, ‘Arrests as Risky Performance: Anatomising the Early Jacobean State through Practice-as-Research’
Warwick Words Festival: Taking the Waters, a play written by David Fletcher, performed by the Loft Theatre Company
Workshop on 'Pre-modern Fakes and Forgeries'
WiP session with Anna Pravdica, 'Letters to the Spectator: An Early Eighteenth Century Periodical's Project of Emotion Refuge and Education'
Witch Hunt 1649 Card Game Launch, designed by Dr Martha McGill
Professor Claire Jowitt (UEA) 'Pirate Marts and Knockdown Prices: Piracy, Class, and Economics in Early Modern England'
Book Launch - Bernard Capp (Emeritus Professor, University of Warwick) British Slaves and Barbary Corsairs, 1580-1750, Discussant: Prof. Claire Jowitt (UEA)
History Research Seminar with Oskar Cox Jensen (Newcastle) 'Vagabonds and the Writing of History'
EMECC Welcome and Introductions
Workshop 'Fakes in Early Modern Europe' - POSTPONED TO AUTUMN 2022
John Tresch (Warburg), 'Hermetic Instruments and the Depiction of Early Modern Nature'
MECRN Annual workshop
The Magical Source: Lightbulb Moments in Research, jointly with University of Birmingham
'Writing the Parish' - Twentieth Anniversary Warwick Symposium on Parish Research
History Research seminar, Paul Seaward (History of Parliament Trust), Institutions, Events and the National Palaver: on writing a history of parliament
Public 'Feast Food Fair' with celebratory dishes / beverages from different cultures
Celebratory 'church ale'
History Research Seminar: Ben Marsh (Kent), Dirt Eating, Race, and Circulating Bodies in the Eighteenth-Century American South
WIP. Benoit Leridon (PGR, Birmingham): ‘South Carolina and the French Revolution: Idealism and Ideology among Lowcountry Jeffersonian Gentlemen, 1789-1801
History Research seminar, Andrew Spicer (Oxford Brookes) and Felicita Tramontana (Roma Tre), 'Adapting the Parish: Early Modern Religious Encounters in Asia and the Middle East'
Reading Session: Historical Change (part II)
Reading session: 'Networks': A Skills workshop
History Research Seminar: Sophia Rosenfeld (University of Pennsylvania), Does ‘Choice’ Have a History?
Book Launch Mark Knights, Trust and Distrust: Corruption in Office in Britain and its Empire 1600-1850
Work-in-Progress, Tom Pert (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Warwick). ‘Refugees and the Thirty Years War’
Jointly organised with IHR Book Launch: Colin Jones, ‘The Fall of Robespierre’
Public 'Feast Food Fair'
Celebratory 'church ale'
Work-in-Progress with Simon MacDonald (UCL): 'The "English Wallet" Spy Scare (1793)'
EMECC and GHCC joint workshop: Historical Change
'Passanten' and transient migration in preindustrial Europe and beyond
WiP - 'Fragrant Diplomacy'
'Rural Subjects? Governance, Participation and Self-Representation in Imperial Villages'
In Honour of Colin Jones
In Honour of Colin Jones
Reading Session – short 2 to 3-minute descriptions of recent interesting books we’ve read
Food, Writing & Religion
WIP – Charles Walton: chapter of book on French Revolution
Annual two-day Warwick-Birmingham Symposium - ‘Cultures of Economic Justice: Commemorating the fifty-year anniversary of E. P. Thompson’s “The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century”’
Annual two-day Warwick-Birmingham Symposium - ‘Cultures of Economic Justice: Commemorating the fifty-year anniversary of E. P. Thompson’s “The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century”’
Negotiating Touch
EMECC Reading - Martha McGill - ‘Bodies of earth and air: corporeality and spirituality in pre-modern British narratives of the undead’
Reading Session - David Fletcher - Play-South Sea Bubble
Reading Session - Mark Philp - Radical Conduct: Politics, Sociability and Equality in London 1789-1815.
Negotiating Touch
Reading Session - Stefan Bauer - “in conversation with Daniel Woolf, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario”- Early Modern Confessional Historiography
Reading Session: ‘Comparing David Veevers’ The Origins of the British Empire in Asia and Phillips and Sharman’s Outsourcing Empire’.
WiP Session :Dr Callie Wilkinson: On the Origins of the East India Company’s Alliance System
WiP Session - Guido Van Meersbergen
August concert series, Episode 4: Music by Handel, Park, Boyce, Linley, and Giardini with Gabriel Amherst, Christopher Bucknall, Rachel Byrt, Bojan Cicic, Florence Cooke, Judith Evans, and Jean Paterson
August concert series, Episode 3: Music for flutes, oboes, trumpets, and trombones with Mark Baigent, Jonathan Slade, Robert Vanryne, and Emily White
August concert series, Episode 2: Music by Giornovich and Sancho with Christopher Bucknall and Bojan Cicic
August Concert Series, Episode 1: Music by Handel, Abel, and J.C. Bach with Christopher Bucknall and Jon Rees
Imogen Peck - WiP (Online) - ‘Valuable Remains’: Manuscripts, Memory, and the Family in Eighteenth-Century England.
WiP: Dr. Naomi Pullin: ‘John Locke and the Debate Over Quaker Women’s Preaching’. - Online
WiP- Professor Mark Knights - A chapter from his book-in-progress, Trust and Distrust: Corruption and Office in Britain and its Empire 1600-1850
Eighteenth Warwick Symposium on Parish Research - Rembering the Parish - POSTPONED to November 7 2020
MECRN Symposium: "Networks" - CANCELLED
seminar: Dr Jean-Francois Dunyach (Sorbonne) - CANCELLED
conference: ‘How to do things with Early Modern words: Interdisciplinary opportunities, dialogues and methodologies’ - POSTPONED TO JUNE
workshop: How Can You Tell? Judgment in Early Modern Europe
Seminar:The Great Level: A discussion with historical-novelist Stella Tillyard
CANCELLED seminar: Dr Lauren Working (Oxford) 'Indians herbe', ivory box: Civility and Empire in Early Stuart London
workshop: Scandal
Event: Chris Houghton and Joanne Richardson (Gale) - Getting the most out of primary source collections
seminar: Dr John Shovlin (New York) “No more victories! No more conquests!” The French and British East India Companies’ search for an entente, 1752–1788
Conference: Dr Lucy Underwood - 'British Catholics in the European Imagination c.1530-1800'
seminar: Dr David van der Linden (Groningen) and Prof. Penny Roberts (Warwick) 'Letterlocking in Early Modern France'
Discussion: Dr David van der Linden (Groningen) and Prof. Penny Roberts (Warwick) 'Letterlocking in Early Modern France'
seminar: CANCELLED - Dr Ed Holberton (Bristol) 'Law, Liberty and Lyric in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic: Martha Fowke Sansom’s Poetry in The Barbados Gazette’
workshop: Languages of Slavery
seminar: Dr Laura Kounine (Sussex) 'Emotions, Conscience and Selfhood in Early Modern German Witch-Trials'.
seminar: Prof. Adam Fox (Edinburgh) 'Cheap Print and Society in Early Modern Scotland'
seminar: CANCELLED Prof. Helen Berry (Newcastle) 'Philanthropy and Empire at the London Foundling Hospital: research and reflections on public history’
seminar: Prof. Mark Philp (Warwick) - ‘Let’s Dance: Music and Movement in 1790s Britain’
conference: Global Skins in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1700
conference: Rethinking James Watt (1736-1819) Innovation, Culture and Legacy
conference: Crusoe at 300: Adaptions, Afterlives and Futures
symposium: Sociability in Early Modern Britain, c.1500-1700: Who? Where? When? Why?
conference: Error in the Age of Thomas Browne
conference: Small Things in the Eighteenth Century
conference: Epistolary Bodies: Letters and Embodiment in the Eighteenth Century
symposium: Seventeenth Warwick Symposium on Parish Research 'Parish Participation'
workshop 'Re-Imagining the Mediterranean: Trans-cultural networks in the Early Modern World'
workshop: 'Women and Property in the long Eighteenth Century'
conference: Literature and the Early Modern State
conference: Protest, Politics and Poetry: Peterloo at 200
seminar: Dr Natasha Glaisyer (York) : 'Fake Print: The London Gazette, Peter the Great (and the Victorians)'
seminar ‘The world in questions: Questionnaires and the History of Knowledge in the Early Modern’
seminar: The French Revolution Effect
seminar: Prof. David Garrioch (Monash) 'Innovation by foreign furniture-makers in eighteenth-century Paris'
workshop: 'Early Modern Women’s Roles and Identities 1500-1800'
seminar: Prof. Peter Wilson (Oxford) Foreign Soldiers and Nation-Building in Europe c.1530-1870
seminar: Dr Sujit Sivasundaram (Cambridge) 'The Tasman Sea in an Age of Revolution, Empire and Counter-Revolt'
conference: Pretty Ugly: Early Modern Beauty, 1400-1800
workshop: Orality in ancien regime France. Speakers: Mack Holt, Mark Greengrass, David Nicoll, Kate Astbury, Tom Hamilton and Emily Butterworth
History of Art seminar: Dr Michael Bycroft (Warwick) 'Rococo Science in Paris, 1710-1740'
seminar: Prof. Nicholas McDowell (Exeter) 'Huguenot Refugees and the Politics of Translating Rabelais in Britain'
seminar/WiP: Dr Noah Millstone (Birmingham) ‘The Economy of Judgments: Book Talk, Scarcity, and the Production of Dissensus in the Early Modern (Confessional) Republic of Letters’
PG WiP session: David Fletcher and Ruth Barbour
workshop (with GHCC): The Legitimation of Early Modern States: England (1530-1750), Japan (1660-1895), and China (1720-1895). Speakers include Wenkai He, Oleg Benesch, Song-Chuan Chen, Kiri Paramore, Mike Braddick and Mark Knights
symposium: Seventeenth Century England - in celebration of Bernard Capp's 50 years at Warwick
seminar: Dr Guido van Meersbergen (Warwick), Dr Edmond Smith (Kent) 'Trading Companies and Travel Writing in the 17th Century'
workshop: Negative Sociability in Early Modern Britain and the Atlantic
conference: Anti-Catholicism in Europe & America, 1520-1900
conference: Character to Caricature 1660-1850
conference: 'Religion and the Life Cycle, 1500-1800'
conference: The Worlds of Maria Edgeworth: Networks, Influence and Reception
symposium: Alexander Pope: Text, Book, Work
symposium: Early Archives in Practice
workshop: Early Modern Keywords: the Anglo French Dynamic
workshop: BECC-Warwick Annual Symposium 2018: 'Culture and Communication'
public lecture: Numismatics and the Mind of Man. The study of coins from the Renaissance to the 21st century
public lecture: Prof. Lawrence Principe (John Hopkins): Alchemy at the Cutting-Edge: The Surprising Longevity of Gold-Making
masterclass: Prof. Lawrence Principe (John Hopkins): textual study and alchemical experiment
workshop: Subjective Sciences: Practices of Taste & Connoisseurship in Early Modern Europe
seminar: Dr Dániel Margócsy (Cambridge) 'The Vesalius Census: Politics and Reproduction in Early Modern Anatomy'
banquet: Royal Society of St George - Warwickshire
conference: Printing Colour 1700–1830: Discoveries, Rediscoveries & Innovations in the Long 18th Century
workshop: 'Public Office in Britain and its Empire, c.1550-c.1900'
workshop: 'Sociability in Britain and its Empire, c.1600-c.1850'
seminar: Dr Pedro Machado (Indiana University) Shadow Networks: Labour, Capital and Pearling in the Indian Ocean
presentation: Prof. Evan Haefeli (Texas A&M) 'Roman Catholics in the Protestant Empire: thoughts on British Sociability and Anti-Popery'
seminar: Dr Amanda Goodrich (Open University) CANCELLED
GHCC workshop: Forgotten Connections: linking Africa, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic worlds in the early modern period
seminar: Dr Sophie Smith (University of Oxford) ‘Philosophy and the City in early modern England’
seminar/work in progress: Dr Harald Braun (University of Liverpool) 'Violence, Emotion and 'Just War' in the Conquest of Mexico'
seminar: Dr Simon Macdonald (Paris8) and Prof. Colin Jones (QMUL) Robespierre and the Duke of York: Entangled Exchanges and a War of Words at the Height of the Terror
seminar/WiP: Prof. Beat Kümin (University of Warwick), Dr Claudia Stein (University of Warwick) 'Messages to Posterity: Tower Ball Deposits in the German Lands', ‘Cultural History of Early Modern Medicine’
performance: 'House Satire in the Dock: Restaging the Hone Trials of 1817' WARWICK WORDS
workshop: 'William Hone and the Culture of Protest' WARWICK WORDS
performance: 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
talk: David Fletcher (Warwick) 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
performance: 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
performance: 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
workshop: Experiencing Time in the Early Modern Period
performance: 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
EMECC postgrad work-in-progress group
performance: 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
performance: 'The Ballad of Lady Bessy'
talk: Prof. Beat Kümin 'Drinking Matters' WARWICK WORDS
workshop: Heritage and Alternative Histories
performance: 'Bedlam: Madness in Shakespeare'
conference: Contested Inheritances, 1750-1830
seminar: Prof. Trevor Burnard (University of Melbourne) Slavery and Industrialisation: the ‘New History Of Capitalism’ and Eric Williams’ Slavery and Capitalism
EMECC postgrad work-in-progress group
seminar: Prof. Phil Withington (University of Sheffield) 'Where was the Coffee in Early Modern England?'
EMECC postgraduate reading/research/work-in-progress group
talk: Prof. Peter Marshall 'Martin Luther and the Invention of the Reformation' WARWICK WORDS
panel discussion: Prof. Bernard Capp, Prof. Peter Marshall, Prof. Beat Kumin, Dr Naomi Pullin, Dr Lucy Underwood 'The Reformation at 500: Luther and his Legacy' WARWICK WORDS
conference: Materia Medica on the Move II: 'Contextualizing drug components as collectables, commodities, and cultural markers in the early modern period'
symposium: Art of Power: the 3rd Earl of Bute, Politics and Collecting in Enlightenment Britain
performance: La Forteresse du Danube (1805)
conference: Devotional Writing in Print and Manuscript in Early Modern England, 1558-1700
workshop: 'The Early Modern Iberian World in a Global Frame, 16th-18th centuries'
seminar: Prof. Garthine Walker (Cardiff University) ‘Victim-Blaming: The Changing Spectre of Culpability for Rape in Early Modern and Eighteenth Century England’
workshop: BECC-Warwick Annual Symposium
seminar: Dr Nathan Perl-Rosenthal (University of Southern California) 'Toward a Cultural History of Atlantic Revolutions, c. 1760-1820'
seminar: Dr Nicholas Popper (College of William & Mary) 'Breaching Leviathan: The State as an Object of Knowledge in Early Modern England'
seminar: Dr Kate Davison (University of Oxford) 'Laughter on Trial in Early Eighteenth-Century England'
seminar: Prof. Peter de Bolla (University of Cambridge) 'Testing the structure and history of concepts: the case of negative liberty'
seminar: Prof. Catriona Seth (University of Oxford) 'A Clandestine Correspondence at Court: Marie-Antoinette's exchanges with Count Mercy'
seminar: Dr Celeste McNamara (University of Warwick) 'Building the Universal Church: An Italian Bishop and Global Catholic Missions'
seminar: Dr Andrea Haslanger (University of Sussex) 'The Ends of Elegy: Slavery and Death in the Atlantic World'
seminar: Prof. Simon Ditchfield (University of York) 'On Writing a History of the Counter-Reformation for a Postcolonial Age'
seminar: Prof. Carmen Soares (Universidade de Coimbra) 'New World, Old Recipes: Portuguese Gastronomy and Brazilian Food in the Early Modern Era'
POSTGRADUATE PANEL: Anastasia Stylianou (University of Warwick), Ruth Barbour (University of Warwick) 'Catholic Cultures'
seminar: Dr Julia McClure (University of Warwick) 'The Alternate Divergence: poverty in global history'
seminar: Professor Francesca Trivellato (Yale University) 'Commerce and Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe'
seminar: Dr Paddy Bullard (University of Reading) ‘Manuals: How to do things with books’
seminar: Dr William Pettigrew (University of Kent) 'Corporate Constitutionalism and the Dialogue between the Global and Local in Seventeenth Century English History'
Laughter and Satire in Europe 1500-1800
Geographies of Man: Environmental Influence from Antiquity to the Enlightenment
Eighteenth Century Seminar - Julia Douthwaite (University of Notre Dame), In Defense of Positivism
Eighteenth Century Seminar - Rachel Markovitz (École Normale Supérieure, Paris) - An eighteenth-century international job market : the circulation of French actors in Europe
Early Modern Seminar - Sarah Sangha (Exeter), Title TBC
Early Modern Movies: A Man for All Seasons
Joint Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Seminar - Brian Cowan (McGill University), The Scribbler and the Doctor: Daniel Defoe's Longest Way with Henry Sacheverell
Eighteenth Century Seminar - Tom Stammers (University of Durham), The Terror in Images: collecting and memorializing the French Revolution
Early Modern Seminar - Warwick Postgraduate speakers, Naomi Pullin (History) adnd Sarah Miglietti (Renaissance)
Eighteenth Century Seminar - Richard Bourke (Queen Mary), Edmund Burke and the French Revolution before the Reflections
Eighteenth Century Seminar - Lauren Clay (Vanderbilt University), Learning the Language of Revolution: France's Chambers of Commerce, Economic Lobbying, and the Question of Slavery, 1789-1791
Eighteenth Century Seminar - Lare Haru Crowston (University of Illinois), Le Commerce du monde: Multiple Conversions of Credit in Eighteenth-century France
Early Modern Seminar - Kate Lowe (Queen Mary), The memorialisation of C15th and C16th European sites connected to black Africans
Early Modern Seminar - Sasha Handley (Manchester), Love, Loss and the Female Lifecycle in Eighteenth-Century Britain: A Tale of Two Bed-Sheets.
Colloquium: 'Early Modern Approaches to the Imagination'
Knowledge, Exchange, Encounter: Europe and the Ottoman Empire, 1453-1718
Domestic dissidents: a reexamination of the lives, exchanges and everyday experiences of radical religious women, 1500-1800
Parish Symposium 2013
Warwick/Queen Mary Friendship Workshop
Scientiae 2013: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World
Erotica, Pornography and the Obscene in Europe
‘The Forced Migrations of British and French Prisoners of War in the Eighteenth Century’
‘Seneca as Royal Counselor in Early Modern Europe’
A Revolution in Maritime Affairs: Naval Expansion Policy during the Reign of Henry VIII
'An Improving Elite? Governing an industrial town, Birmingham, 1769-1838'
'Print and power: A portrait of Pope Julius II'
Friendship- a Warwick / Queen Mary collaboration
'Aztecs Abroad: Indigenous Americans in the Atlantic World, c.1492-1600'
"Anna Laetitia Barbauld and voices of Dissent in 'Eighteen Hundred and Eleven'"
From Fornicators to Family: Cohabitation in law and society, 1600-2010
Global Gifts: Art and Diplomacy between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800
‘Rarities from India: a Florentine Merchant as Agent of Exchange in the Later Sixteenth Century’
‘Crafting a History of Early Modern Consumerism in an Era of Global Trade: Issues, Methods, Priorities’
'Corruption in the Early Modern World'
Global Commodities: The Material Culture of Early Modern Connections, 1400-1800
Eighteenth Century Seminar
Early Modern Seminar
Global History Seminar
Early Modern Seminar
Eighteenth Century Seminar
Global History Seminar
Global History Seminar
Early Modern Seminar
Eighteenth Century Seminar
Global History Seminar
Early Modern Seminar
David Rex Galindo, SMU "Who Do They Want To Save?: Franciscan Missionary Motivations in New Spain's Northern Borderlands"
Dr David Lambert (Warwick)- TBC
Julia Sarreal (ASU), TBA
Spaces of Work 1770-1830
Lauren Benton (Johns Hopkins), “The Legal and Political Origins of Imperial Internationalism”
Jean Howard (Columbia), “Ending Things: Richard III and Henry V”
Bianca Premo, "The Enlightenment in the Spanish Empire: Possession, Position, Period"
David Brewer (Ohio State), “The Inhumanity of Authors”
Claude Rawson, Maynard Mack (Yale), “War and the Epic Mania in England and France, 1667-1743”
Noah Millstone (Harvard), TBA
Jane Kamensky, TBA
Jack P. Greene (John Hopkins), "Britain and the American Revolution: A Reconsideration"
John Elliott (Oxford), “Contrasting Empires: Britain and Spain in America”
Amy Turner Bushnell, "Climate, Habitat, and Food Security in the Indigenous Americas"
International Conference in American Political History
Lynn Festa (Rutgers), “Fallen Things”
Workshop on Race in Colonial Latin America: the State of the Field
Gillian Russell - Title TBA
Dr Cesare Cuttica (Paris 8)- “Casting Light on a "Villain": Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653) Between Patriarchalism and Patriotism in the Long Seventeenth Century”
Jennifer Morgan (NYU), "African Trades: Slavery, commerce and commodification on the African coasts in the seventeenth century"
Andrew Abbott (Chicago), “Abundance”
William Rupp (Warwick) - Friendship and Forgery in Georgian Britain: The Role of Relationships in the Ireland Shakespeare Scandal of 1795/6
Dr John Watts (Oxford), TBC
Jeffery Masten (Northwestern), “Straightening Out Christopher Marlowe”
Barbara Donagan, (Huntington Library), TBA
Presenting Slavery: A Study in Public History
David O'Shaughnessy (Warwick), 'Paddy in London: Staging the Irish in the 18th Century'
Dr Ole Peter Grell (Open University)- “A Natural Philosopher in Action. The Many Faces of an Early Modern Professor of Medicine: the Case of Ole Worm (1588-1654)”
Meg Jacobs, (MIT), “U.S. Liberalism and the World: the American Century Reconsidered”
John Tutino (Georgetown), Rethinking New Spain: Mesoamerican Traditions and North American Innovations
Sociable Places: Locating Enlightenment and Romantic Culture
Gillian Russell (Australian National), ‘Accidental reading’: ephemeral textuality and sociability in the fiction of Maria Edgeworth
Michael Block (USC), "American Seal Hunters in the Pacific, 1790-1810"
Steve Shapiro (Warwick) - 'Are Americans paranoid?: Global Conspiracy (1797-98) and the Crisis of the Cultural Capital'
Jonathan Eacott (UC Riverside), "In an Imperial Orbit: The Rise of American Trade to India, 1784-1796"
Ian Archer (Oxford), 'Networks of charity in Elizabethan England'
Miguel Centeno (Princeton), “The Arc of Neoliberalism”
Andrew Pettegree (St. Andrews)- ‘Before the Daily. Getting the News in Early Modern Europe’
Marion Pluskota (Leicester) - 'The Money I had, I got some of it by work and some by gentlemen that gave it to me': Provincial prostitution and casual employment in port cities in the Eighteenth Century
Susan Whyman - 'A Tale of an Upstart: William Hutton of Birmingham 1723-1815'
Brenda Hosington, Translation as Dialogue: English Women’s Renderings of Male-Authored French and Italian Texts, 1450-1650
Conflict in the Renaissance- Early Modern Postgraduate Seminar
Mark Philp (Oxford), Defining Corruption (IAS Corruption Network)
Thomas F. Mayer (Augustana College)- ‘Trying Galileo’
Catherine Kovesi (University of Melbourne)- ‘Luxury and the Ethics of Greed in Renaissance Italy’
Early Modern and Global History Workshop
STVDIO Seminar
18th Century Seminar
Early Modern Seminar
History of Medicine Seminar Series / C18 and Early Modern Seminar Series
Early Modern Seminar
Early Modern Seminar
Food and the City Conference
Early Modern / Stvdio Seminar
Workshop on Political Economy in later 17th and 18th Centuries
Early Modern / Eighteenth Century Seminar
History of Medicine Seminar Series / C18 and Early Modern Seminar Series
Early Modern Seminar
Early Modern / Stvdio Seminar
Conference: Scottish Society and the Parish
Early Modern / Caribbean Studies Seminar
Sex, Violence and Religion in the Northern Province, 1300-1858: A one day conference celebrating the launch of the York Cause Papers Database'
Literature of an Independent England
The Cultural Production of Natural Knowledge, 1700-1850
Early Modern Movies
Early Modern Seminar
‘Digitised History’: newspapers and their impact on research into 18th and 19th Century Britain
Centre for Medieval & Early Modern Studies’ Postgraduate Conference ‘Use and Abuse of Public and Private Space in Medieval & Early Modern Towns’
Conference: John Selden (1584-1654): Scholarship in Context
British Library Conference: Maps in Context
Seminar: "Boundary Work: Occult Mentalities, Experiential Knowledge, and the State of Early Modern English Theatre" Mary Floyd-Wilson (University of North Carolina)
'Readings on the Material Culture of Late-Imperial China' A discussion led by Professor Dorothy Ko (Columbia University)
Day symposium: Where Does History Happen? On the dispersal of contemporary histories of the moving image
Seminar:'Angels and Popular Belief in the English Mystery Cycles' Dr. Laura Sangha - Warwick
Seminar:Professor Margot Finn: ‘The Private Life of Public Health: East India Company Surgeons, Medicine and the Domestic Sphere, c. 1750-1850’
Seminar: "Violence in Early Modern Italy: The Academic Environment" Jonathan Davies- Warwick
Seminar Series 2015/16
Kate Retford (Birkbeck, University of London) 'Light Incidents': Humour and the Conversation Piece in Eighteenth-Century England
Paul Monod (Middlebury College) The Occult Revival in late 18th-Century England
David Taylor (University of Warwick) 'Looking, Literacy, and the Printshop Window'
Penelope Corfield (Royal Holloway, University of London) 'Lauding Merit over Birth: Intimations of a Coming Meritocracy, 1700-1830'
Sarah Easterby-Smith (St Andrews) 'The Emperor’s New Cloves: Tipu Sultan, French botany, and empire in 1788' a joint seminar with the Global History & Culture Centre
Farid Azfar (Swarthmore College) The Golden Age of the Assiento
Keith Baker(Stanford University) Jean-Paul Marat: Prophet of Terror
Seminar Series 2014/15
Silvia Sebastiani (EHESS, Paris): 'Orangutans and Black Slaves in Global Perspective: Challenging the Boundaries of Humankind at the End of the 18th Century', joint seminar with the Global History & Culture Centre
William Doyle (University of Bristol): ‘Thinking about the Ancien Regime’
Melodee Beals (Sheffield Hallam): ‘Mennon and McGillivray: Scotland and the North American Frontier (1790-1810), in association with Teaching Digital Humanities at IATL
David Bell (Princeton University): ‘Mr Boswell Goes to Corsica: Charismatic Authority in the Age of Revolutions’
John Morgan and Sara Miglietti (Warwick): ‘Flooding and Politics in Early Modern England’ and ‘Changing Place, Changing Man: Climate Theory and 'Human Engineering' in the Early Modern Period’
Giorgio Riello (Warwick): ‘With Great Pomp and Magnificence: Royal Gifts and the Embassies between Siam and France in the 1680s’
Antoine Lilti (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales): ‘The Origins of 'Célébrité' (1750-1850)’
Charlotte Roberts (UCL): ‘Sympathy at the End of History: Edward Gibbon and his Romantic Legacy’
Elodie Duché (Warwick): ‘Brahmins, Brothers or Lovers? British prisoners of war and their contacts with Napoleonic France’
Margot Finn (UCL): ‘Harem Histories & Princely Politics: Tipu Sultan (the Family & East India Company Rule’
Tita Chico (University of Maryland): ‘Experimentalism: Literary Knowledge and Science in Eighteenth-Century Britain’
Michael Bycroft (Warwick): ‘Alchemy, Art and Electricity: Gems at the Académie Royale des Sciences c.1700-1750’
Jim Livesey (University of Dundee): ‘The Global History of la France profonde: Languedoc in the Eighteenth Century’
Seminar Series 2013/14
17 October 2013 The Emotional History of Maximilien Robespierre, 1758-94, Peter McPhee (University of Melbourne)
24 October 2013 Money, History and the French Revolution, Rebecca Spang (University of Indiana)
14 November 2013 Savages and the 'natural' diet in eighteenth-century France, Emma Spary (University of Cambridge)
21 November 2013 Who was the real faux dévot? Hypocrisy and lust in Louis XIV's France, Julia Prest (University of Saint Andrews)
Alex Barber (University of Durham) (co-sponsored with the Early Modern Centre)
23 January 2014 Le Commerce du monde: Multiple Conversions of Credit in Eighteenth-century France, Clare Haru Crowston (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
30 January 2014 Learning the Language of Revolution: France's Chambers of Commerce, Economic Lobbying, and the Question of Slavery, 1789-1791,
Lauren Clay (Vanderbilt University)
6 February 2014 Edmund Burke and the French Revolution before the Reflections, Richard Bourke (Queen Mary, University of London)
27 February 2014 The Terror in Images: collecting and memorializing the French Revolution, Tom Stammers (University of Durham)
6 March 2014 The Scribbler and the Doctor: Daniel Defoe's Longest Way with Henry Sacheverell, Brian Cowan (McGill University) (co-sponsored with the Early Modern Seminar)
8 May 2014 An eighteenth-century international job market : the circulation of French actors in Europe, Rahul Markovitz (École Normale Supérieure, Paris)
15 May 2014 In Defense of Positivism, Julia Douthwaite (University of Notre Dame)
Seminar Series 2012/13
Joint seminar with History of Medicine- Professor Harriet Ritvo (Masachussetts)
Joint seminar with Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies- Dr Perry Gauci (Oxford)
Seminar Series 2011/12
13 October 2011- 'Enlightenment & Empire', Richard Whatmore (Sussex University)
22 November 2011- 'Defining Corruption', Mark Philp (Oxford)
24 November 2011- 'A Tale of an Upstart: William Hutton of Birmingham 1723-1815', Susan Whyman
1 December 2011-'The money I had, I got some of it by work and some of it by gentlemen that gave it to me' Provincial Prostitution and Casual Employment in Port Cities in the Eighteenth Century, Maria Pluskota (Leicester)
19 December 2011 -'Are Americans paranoid?: Global Conspiracy (1797-98) and the Crisis of the Cultural Capital' Steve Shapiro (Warwick)
1st February 2012- Visual Cultures Workshop with Professor Dror Wahrman (Indiana), Dr Hanneke Grootenboer (Oxford), Dr Rosie Dias (Warwick) was held See flyer here.
9 Feb 2012- 'Paddy in London: Staging the Irish in the 18th Century', David O'Shaughnessy (Warwick)
1 March 2012- 'Café or Coffeehouse? Transnational Histories of Coffee and Sociability', Joint meeting with Global Seminar- Brian Cowan (McGill)
6-9 March 2012, Gillian Russell (Australian National University)- visting IAS Fellow, sponsored by the C18th Centre with the following sessions:
‘Botany Bay Theatricals: Theatre History and the Imagining of Australia, 1796-2011’ [6 March, public lecture, 5 for 5.30, Capital Centre, Milburn House]Colloquium for Warwick staff, PhD students and postdocs in the Wolfson Research Exchange 'Revolutionary Drama' [8 March] Wolfson Research Exchange, Seminar Room 1, Library, 1-4pm.'Romantic Public Cultures' workshop [9 March]
8 May 2012- 'African geography on the cusp of modernity: from Ptolemy to Park'- David Lambert (Warwick)-joint venture with Early Modern Seminar Series
17 May 2012- Collaborative workshop with Birmingham's Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies on 'Clubs and Societies'
Seminar Series 2010/11
A series of Mellon workshops, 'Connections, Convergences and Disjuncture - the Joint Histories of Seventeenth-Century and Eighteenth Century England/Britain and English/British America, 1650-1750', took place on 5th November 2010, 25th March 2011, and 10th-23rd July 2011. The overall aim of the series of workshops was to arrive at a genuine collaboration between established scholars and postgraduates/early postdoctoral researchers in late seventeenth and early eighteenth century English/British and British American history. The workshops will explore how Early Modern English, British and British American history can be reunited.
Seminar Series 2009/10
22nd October 2009, 'American Exceptionalism, American Imperialism: The Imperial Turn in Early American History', Professor Trevor Bernard (Warwick)
19th November 2009, '"The Nature and Role of Traders": Letters in the Long Eighteenth Century', Professor Pat Hudson (Cardiff)
21st January 2010, joint session with the Early Modern Seminar, 'The Cult of Seduction: Lust and Gender in English Culture 1600-1800', Dr Fara Dabhiowala (Oxford)
4th February 2010, 'Revolutionaries in Paris: Paine and Jefferson, 1787-1792', Professor Mark Philp (Oxford)
4th March 2010, visiting IAS Fellow seminar, 'The First Knowledge Economy: How Technological Change and Economic Development in the British Coal Industry Happened', Professor Margaret Jacob (UCLA)
13th May 2010, visiting IAS Fellow seminar and a joint session with the Global History Seminar followed by a drinks reception, 'Travels into Print: Writing Exploration c.1780-1850', Professor Charles Withers (Edinburgh)
Seminar Series 2006/07
11th October 2006, 'The sex of human capital: skill and women's occupations in 18th-century London', Dr Amy Erickson (Cambridge)
25th October 2006, 'Silk-making: A Domain of Women', Dr Claudio Zanier (Pisa, EHESS, Paris)
22nd November 2006, special departmental seminar, 'In search of selfhood: Mass-Observation diarists and the meaning of life', Professor James Hinton (Warwick)
6th December 2006, 'Lucky Lottery Tickets: Calculating and Conjuring in Eighteenth-Century England', Dr Natasha Glaisyer (York)
17th January 2007, 'Newton on the beach - the global information order of Principia Mathematica', Dr Simon Schaffer (Cambridge)
31st January 2007, 'Pre-modern Economics: The logic of the Indian economy in the 18th Century', Dr David Washbrook (Oxford)
28th February 2007, 'Redisplaying the Ceramic Collections at the Victoria & Albert Museum', Dr Hilary Young (V&A)
14th March 2007, '"Outline maps of knowledge": John Aikin's geographical imagination', Professor Stephen Daniels (Nottingham/ AHRC Landscape Programme)
2nd May 2007, Reading Group on Natalie Zemon Davis' Trickster Travels (2006), Professor William Gervase Clarence-Smith (SOAS, London)
Seminar Series 2005/06
5th October 2005, 'Lodging at the Old Bailey: Lodgings and their Furnishings in the 18th Century', Professor John Styles (Hertfordshire)
19th October 2005, 'Antoine Watteau’s Drawings of the Persian Embassy of 1715', Dr Alicia Weisberg-Roberts (Warwick)
21st October 2005, Field Trip to the Enlightenment Galleries at the British Museum and Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
16th November 2005, 'Liqueurs, luxury and chemical legitimacy in eighteenth-century Paris', Dr Emma Spary (Cambridge)
30th November 2005, 'Reading Group on Empire and Collecting' - a Discussion of Maya Jasanoff, 'Edge of Empire. Conquest and Collecting in the East 1750-1950' (Fourth Estate, London, 2005), Ms Sarah Easterby-Smith (Warwick)
11th January 2006, 'Specs and the Single Man: An Artisan Fashions Himself c. 1769', Dr Lawrence Klein (Emmanuel College, Cambridge)
25th January 2006, 'The international trade in velvets in India, Turkey, Iran and Italy, ca. 1590-1700', Rosemary Crill (V & A Museum)
22nd February 2006, 'Trompe-l'oeil and trauma: money and memory after the Terror', Dr Richard Taws (University College London)
8th March 2006, 'Perceptions of Rome on the Grand Tour', Dr Rosemary Sweet (University of Leicester)
Seminar Series 2004/05
6th October 2004, 'Historians and Exhibitions', a panel discussion led by Sir John Elliot and Dr Helen Clifford
20th October 2004, a trip to the 'Encounters' exhibition at the V&A
17th November 2004, 'Immoderate and Excessive Corrections: Manslaughter and the discipline of Servants in Late Eighteenth Century British India', Professor Sudipta Sen (University of California)
1st December 2004, 'Walking the Streets of Eighteenth Century London', Dr Giorgio Riello (LSE)
12th January 2005, 'British Trade with Spanish America 1763-1808: Routes, Vehicles, Value', Dr Adrian Pearce (Warwick)
26th January 2005, discussion on Margot Finn's publication 'The character of credit'
9th March 2005, a group discussion of Dror Warhman's 'The Making of the Modern Self' and John Brewer's 'A Sentimental Murder'
11th May 2005, a trip to Compton Verney