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The Genomics Facility

The Genomics Facility offers expert support and advice on a range of genomic and transcriptomic applications to researchers here at Warwick and the external scientific community. We can assist you with grant submissions and costings as well as experimental design and troubleshooting.

Our lab offers in-house Illumina sequencing using the NextSeq500 and MiSeq platforms and access to 10X Chromium and Oxford Nanopore MinION technology.

We are happy to tailor methods to individual needs and are always keen to expand the technologies and protocols we can provide. We can help you with sample quality checks and work alongside the Warwick Bioinformatics RTP for help with data analysis.

Our lab is home to numerous pieces of communal equipment which we maintain and manage to provide consistent service and access to our users.

We also mange the provision of outsourced Sanger sequencing services and are happy to help with any questions you may have.


Jeanette Selby

Lesley Ward

School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Road, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL

LEAF logo


Our technology facilities are open to internal and external users. For more information, such as access and charging, please click on the following links:

University of Warwick users - Access

University of Warwick users - booking calendars

External users

Fair attribution policy

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Instruments and Services

NextSeq instrument

Next Generation Sequencing Service

  • Library Preparation - including 10X Single Cell
  • Illumina Sequencing - MiSeq and NextSeq500
  • Oxford Nanopore Sequencing - MinION
Bioanalyzer instrument

Agilent Bioanalyzer Service and DNA Quantification

  • DNA and RNA QC
  • Qubit Service
  • Nanodrop
Blue Pippin Instrument

DNA Size Selection

  • Blue Pippin Service

Sanger Sequencing

  • GATC (now part of Eurofins)
  • Genewiz (Azenta)
  • Eurofins
  • Source BioScience
QuantStudio 3

Real-Time PCR

  • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3
  • Agilent Technologies Stratagene Mx3005P


Biorad ChemiDoc MP

  • Gel Imaging system
bioruptor instrument

Cell Disruption

Sonication systems can be used to lyse cells or shear DNA or chromatin

Instrument Booking

  • Agilent Technologies Stratagene Mx3005P (Real Time PCR)
  • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3 (Real Time PCR)
  • BioRad ChemiDoc MP Gel Imaging System
  • Binder Cooling Incubator
  • Binder Incubator
  • Binder Oven
  • Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
  • Diagenode Bioruptor (sonicator)

Genomics Prices