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New Digital Badging Commission

In May, the RSA launched its new Digital Badging Commission. The Commission will run over 2024-25 with the aim of broadening the understanding, development and adoption of digital badges so that lifelong learning in the UK is better recognised and rewarded. It is co-chaired by Professor Sir Chris Husbands and Rebecca Garrod-Waters. IER Director Chris Warhurst is one of the Commissioners.

Tue 04 Jun 2024, 09:31 | Tags: skills, digitalisation

Philip Taylor is the guest of Hunan Women's University in Changsha

In May, Philip is working at Hunan Women's University (HWU) in Changsha, China, exploring collaborative opportunities for IER on the topic of population ageing and the workplace with HWU and other universities in Hunan Province. The stay is being funded by Hunan Province's Visiting Expert programme. China has over 250 million people aged over 60, raising questions about how it should respond.

Wed 22 May 2024, 17:00 | Tags: work, news

Supporting the work of the Social Mobility Commission

IER is supporting the work of the Social Mobility Commission (SMC). Peter Dickinson was invited to participate in the SMC's roundtable discussion on key issues affecting social mobility, and how data can be better used to measure and monitor progress towards it.

Thu 02 May 2024, 09:00 | Tags: social mobility, Expertise

Cedefop Skills Forecast

Dr. Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio from IER presented the occupational and qualification forecast for the EU at the expert workshop 'Cedefop Skills Forecast - Preparing the 2025 Release.'

The workshop was organised by Cedefop's Skills Forecast and benefited from the collaboration of a network of Individual Country Experts (ICEs).

Wed 01 May 2024, 14:00 | Tags: forecasting, skills

Towards a healthy labour market index

On April 15 2024, IER convened a meeting which brought together stakeholders to discuss concepts and ideas related to a ‘healthy labour market’.

The discussion was led by Prof Chris Warhurst, Prof Peter Elias and Dr Jamelia Harris, and centred on the need for new measures (beyond measures of employment, unemployment and inactivity) which better capture an evolving labour market and recognise the needs and interests of different groups in the labour market.

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 10:00 | Tags: labour market information

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