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Maternal Employment in Britain and the US

Work by IER's Dr Clare Lyonette has been featured in an article on the University of Warwick's Knowledge Centre. The article reports on findings from recent research on the differences in couples' decisions to work while children are still young.

The article reflects findings from research undertaken for Dr Lyonette's prizewinning BSA Sage Prize for Excellence paper - ‘We both need to work’: maternal employment, childcare and health care in Britain and the USA - co-authored by Gayle Kaufman and Rosemary Crompton, which was published in Work, Employment and Society 25: 34-50.

Podcast from Professor Kate Purcell on the expansion of higher education and widening access

In the third of a series of podcasts about our work at the Institute for Employment Research, Professor Kate Purcell talks about the social consequences of education and training policy aimed at the expansion of higher education and widening access.

Futuretrack Podcast - Uncovering the student experience

In the third and final podcast in the series, Professor Kate Purcell from the University of Warwick's Institute for Employment Research and two Warwick students discuss the highs and lows of their Higher Education experiences

Professors Purcell leads the IER research team responsible for Futuretrack, the most extensive investigation of the relationship between higher education and employment ever undertaken in the UK. The survey is being undertaken on behalf of the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU).

Dr Ilias Livanos interviewed for documentary "Greece...I'm facing taxing times"

“Greece… I’m facing taxing times”, a documentary by Serafeim Ntousias (London’s Royal College of Art) and presented by Lakis Lazopoulos, reviews the events that led Greece to its current position. It includes interviews with young Greeks living in the UK. Dr Ilias Livanos is interviewed about his views on how Greeks living abroad experience the economic crisis in Greece. Ilias will also talk about young people in Greece and share his views on how they can take hold of the current situation with regards to their career choices and paths. To find out more go to the official website (in English) or visit the Facebook page.

Mon 12 Dec 2011, 11:10 | Tags: young people, labour market, Greece, career choices, careers

Futuretrack Podcast - How employable are today's graduates?

In the second of a series of podcasts, Professors Kate Purcell and Peter Elias from the University of Warwick's Institute for Employment Research discuss 'employability' and the skills graduates need in today's job market.

Professors Purcell and Elias are members of the IER research team responsible for Futuretrack, the most extensive investigation of the relationship between higher education and employment ever undertaken in the UK. The survey is being undertaken on behalf of the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU).

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