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Launched: Festival of Social Science programme for Coventry and Warwickshire

Nine free workshops and events are being hosted by Warwick researchers from 2 – 9 November 2019 as part of the UK-wide ESRC Festival of Social Science. Festival-goers can find out about how our understanding of DNA might shape the future of healthcare, share a refugee’s frightening journey across the Mediterranean by sea, dig deep into archive recordings of the Coventry accent, explore the impact of landmark legal cases through art, photography and theatre, or take a guided walk on Coventry’s wild side to explore the local environment.

Researchers look for better ways to help young people in care become independent adults

Better ways to support young people as they leave the care system and become independent adults are at the heart of a major new research project led by the Monash Warwick Alliance and supported by £2m grant from the Economic and Social Research Council.

Researchers urge “recession generation” of graduates to have their say in the 2019 Futuretrack survey

Researchers at the University of Warwick have launched a fifth wave of their unique Futuretrack survey, a UK-wide project following undergraduates who took up their university places in 2006 or in 2007 (after a gap year) to get a clear picture of the opportunities and obstacles faced by the generation of students who graduated just after the 2008 financial crisis – and they want to encourage as many previous participants as possible to get back in touch.

Warwick researchers shortlisted for major prize

Two projects led by Warwick researchers have been shortlisted for the 2019 Newton Prize, a prestigious award which celebrates outstanding international research partnerships aimed at tackling global challenges. A project exploring innovative cancer drugs and one studying the impact of forced evictions on economically underprivileged women in Jakarta are among the final 20 which will now be reviewed by a panel of expert judges.


Energy price cap has destroyed competitive market for consumers, research shows

New powers by the regulator Ofgem to set a maximum price for energy has meant an end to “healthy competition” between companies, finds a new study which recommends that it would be better to instead regulate the way consumers renew their contracts with gas or electricity firms.

Financial returns, job prospects and lifestyle factors drive young people’s post-18 choices

Young people are making decisions about what they plan to do after leaving formal education as early as Year 7 or 8, with parents, teachers and friends being their preferred information sources, according to a new report by the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research for the Department for Education.

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