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UK companies need to act now to prepare for the loss of the EU right to freedom of establishment, advises Warwick legal expert

Thousands of UK corporations could lose their legal rights to do business after Brexit, warns a new briefing paper from GLOBE, a research centre within the University of Warwick’s Law School. The paper explores the possible consequences for UK companies of the loss of the EU right to freedom of establishment, and recommends actions that companies, their shareholders and creditors should take now.

Bad news becomes hysteria in crowds, new research shows

News stories about terrorism, disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and other potential threats become increasingly negative, inaccurate and hysterical when passed from person to person, according to new research by the University of Warwick.

Tate Modern’s Tate Exchange: Warwick academics question Truth, Justice and History through public art engagement

Researchers from the University of Warwick are exploring their research findings through artistic practice with the public at Tate Modern’s Tate Exchange programme next month (June 12-17).

Thu 31 May 2018, 11:11 | Tags: University of Warwick, Social Science, sociology, society, Arts

US boycott of Chinese researchers could ‘stifle’ global progress, research suggests.

Academics are warning that proposed measures by the Trump administration to restrict Chinese researchers from working in the US could ‘stifle’ global progress.

Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Warwick and the London School of Economics have drawn parallels with the sharp decline in international scientific cooperation after World War I, warning that a similar impact could be seen if new barriers are put in place by the US.

New insights into disabled young people who 'succeed but don't proceed' at school

Social factors including low expectations and experiences of bullying are creating barriers to higher education for young people with disabilities in England, according to new research from the University of Warwick and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) published today in the British Journal of Sociology.

Degrees of Advantage: A new longer-term investigation of the careers of UK graduates

The University of Warwick has been awarded funding for an 18-month project to extend its research into the experiences of graduates in the UK labour market. With funding from the Nuffield Foundation, Warwick’s Institute of Employment Research will revisit its unique Futuretrack study with a fifth survey wave, investigating the employment situations of students almost ten years after their graduation.

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