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Cells programmed like computers to fight disease

Cells can be programmed like a computer to fight cancer, influenza, and other serious conditions – thanks to a breakthrough in synthetic biology by the University of Warwick.

Asian hornet “adds to growing number of threats to honeybees” – Warwick research on BBC

Research to help prevent the spread of Asian hornet across the UK - carried out by the University of Warwick - was recently featured on BBC Midlands Today.

Bacteria collaborate to propel the ocean ‘engine’

Essential microbiological interactions that keep our oceans stable have been fully revealed for the first time, by researchers at the University of Warwick.

Lightweight steel production breakthrough: brittle phases controlled

High-strength, lightweight steels can finally be processed on an industrial scale, thanks to a breakthrough in controlling undesired brittle stages from production - by WMG, University of Warwick.

Fulbright scholarship awarded to space weather researcher

A Fulbright Award - one of the best-regarded and impactful scholarship programmes in the world - has been awarded to Professor Sandra Chapman from the University of Warwick.

Mon 05 Jun 2017, 11:07 | Tags: Physics, UK, USA, Awards, research, Environment, Academic staff, Sciences

Warwick research: believe you can stop climate change and you will

If we believe that we can personally help stop climate change with individual actions – such as turning the thermostat down – then we are more likely to make a difference, according to research from the University of Warwick.

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