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Plan to oust Hitler reached Churchill thanks to Warwickshire businessman

Once secret documents held at the University of Warwick’s Modern Records Centre have shed new light on German plans to bring down Hitler, thanks to the correspondence between a Warwickshire industrialist and a top-ranking German official.

Thu 18 Oct 2018, 16:36 | Tags: Modern Records Centre, Coventry, Warwickshire, Rugby

Warwick physicists to welcome hundreds of Brownies to campus

Staff and research students from the University of Warwick’s physics department are preparing to welcome almost 700 Brownies to campus next weekend (13 and 14 October).

Mon 08 Oct 2018, 12:31 | Tags: University of Warwick, Physics, campus, women, Event, Coventry, Sciences

Researchers set an autonomous vehicle communications record using 5G - a movie’s worth of data sent in seconds

Researchers in WMG at the University of Warwick have set a new 5G communications speed record to a “Level 4” low speed autonomous vehicle in the pioneer 28 GHz millimetre wave band. They hit 2.867 gigabits per second in over-the-air transmissions, which is nearly 40 times faster than current fixed line broadband speeds. It is equivalent to sending a detailed satellite navigation map of the United Kingdom within a single second, or the full contents of a high definition blockbuster film in less than 10 seconds.

£14.7m industry partnership to boost engine research

Scientists at the University of Warwick’s Department of Computer Science are to benefit from an initiative that seeks to build links between industry and researchers, as part of a project with Rolls-Royce to create a detailed simulation of a gas-turbine engine in operation.

Tue 25 Sep 2018, 13:55 | Tags: Computer Science, Grants, Coventry, Rolls Royce

New pelvis motion tracking technology to transform hip replacement decisions

A new pelvis motion tracking device developed by WMG, at the University of Warwick, can help detect flexible pelvises without numerous x-rays, to determine who will benefit from more advanced surgical planning before hip replacement surgery.

Mon 24 Sep 2018, 16:05 | Tags: Health, 3D Printing, UK, IDH, WMG, Coventry, Corin, Health and Medicine

WMG part of a £37m project to develop lightweight vehicles

A new research project, Tucana, will focus on lighweighting technology, delivering stiffer and lighter vehicle structures with the help of experts from WMG, at the University of Warwick.

WMG will receive £4m, of the £18.7m government funding through the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), to drive the development of innovative lightweight vehicle and powertrain structures, building on the UK’s leading-edge capability in this area.

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