Health and Wellbeing
Our research is based around the work of the School of Health and Social Studies, which carries out highly successful health and social work research. There is also a significant body of research carried out in the Sociology Department, where work on the sociological aspects of health includes a series of projects based in Coventry.
Health Inequalities
The School of Health and Social Studies devotes considerable resources to the study of the causes of, and remedies for, health inequalities in society. Work encompasses the impacts of low income and health behaviour individuals and families as well as the effects of poverty on health. In addition, the Sociology Department specialises in the social and policy aspects of food and nutrition. Particular expertise exists in the following areas of study:
Children and Families: research is on passive smoking in households with young children and smoking by young people. The legal position of disabled children and the experiences of disabled children and their adult carers is also focussed on as is the operation of the Government's Sure Start scheme. The work of the School of Health and Social Studies' Centre for the Study of Safety & Wellbeing concentrates on children suffering from violence and abuse, while the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research looks at the educational requirements of children with communication needs.
Diversity and Health: research covers a wide range of circumstances which impact on health outcomes, principally gender (including reproductive and sexual health), ethnicity and race and disability. The special educational needs of children are studied in the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research.
Mental Health: in addition to research on children and racism in relation to mental health, work on the philosophy of mind and psychology as well as on consciousness and unconsciousness is carried out in the Department of Philosophy.
User Involvement
The School of Health and Social Studies has a significant research interest in the involvement of patients and the general public in the development, delivery and management of health services with a particular emphasis on the elicitation of the views of marginal groups in society.
Managerialism and Social Care
Research in the School of Health and Social Studies addresses local, national and international issues in social work and social care. Particular interests relate to management, managerialism, professional discretion and women in social work.
Social Implications of Innovative Health Techniques
The School of Health and Social Studies conducts a programme of research into the impacts of new health technologies and is closely linked to the Warwick Business School's Innovation, Knowledge and Organisational Networks research centre, which has a particular interest in the Evolution of Biomedical Knowledge.