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Brooke Beard OSCA Winner 2024

Brooke Beard: OSCA Winner 2024

My journey to winning an Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA)

person receiving certificate

Brooke is a committed School of Life Sciences student and President of the Warwick Branch of Make a Smile, a charity dedicated to brightening the days of children with illnesses, disabilities and disadvantages by providing them with visits from their favourite characters (princesses superheroes, mermaids…).
Hear more from Brooke…

My personal motivations

I began volunteering with Make a Smile and Leamington Rehabilitation Hospital to make a difference in the community while at university and gaining valuable experience within the healthcare sector. When I heard about 'Make a Smile', I instantly wanted to help set up a branch at Warwick. Volunteering as a princess, while in a hospital setting, was right up my street! I also got involved with my department’s Student Staff Liaison Committee, where I also served as chair.

The most rewarding part of my volunteering is the impact I see the work makes on each individual child that we visit. One time in particular, we were providing some characters to UHCW Hospital Christmas party. At this party, I was Princess Belle and a little girl approached me and began to sign as she spoke. I had taken some introduction to British Sign Language lessons earlier in the year, so was able to sign back to her. The look on her face was unforgettable. It was a real magical moment that a princess could communicate with her in her preferred way! The magic I experienced that day was a testament to the charity’s work and an incredibly rewarding feeling.

My top 3 tips for students

  • Get involved! There are so many opportunities at Warwick, from volunteering to sports to academics, there is something for everyone.
  • Never be scared to reach out. Sometimes, all it takes is an email to find a great opportunity. If you know or have seen on LinkedIn that does work in the area that you’re interested in, pop them a message, you never know what it could lead to.
  • Do what you can. The beauty of volunteering is that it is voluntary: you can do as much or as little as you like. If you want to get involved with something but aren’t sure that you have the time, sign up anyway!

Support and recognition from Warwick

The Student’s Union have been great at helping start up a new society and charity at Warwick. They are always there to help promote events, recruit volunteers and answer any questions we have. They’ve also provided us with a grant that has been great for expanding the Make a Smile’s wardrobe! While at the SSLC, the university staff were incredibly attentive. Any feedback given by students was acted on as soon as possible and it always felt like staff valued student input as much as students valued their voices being listened to.

My highlights

I loved every moment of my time at Warwick. I don’t think I could pick singular highlights! Being able to visit local hospitals and make a difference was an incredibly rewarding experience that I will never forget. Standing up on the graduation stage and receiving the OSCA and being recognised was also such an overwhelming, unforgettable experience. The people at Warwick, my friends, the staff, volunteers, have made my time at Warwick amazing.