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Sanjay Chayn Kohli OSCA Winner 2024

Sanjay Chayn Kohli: OSCA Winner 2024

My journey to winning an Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA)

person holding award

Chayn has been an activist for gender equality and healthcare for the last seven years, and her activist movements have been recognized and featured in regional and international newspapers and channels by the media.

Hear more from Chayn…

My personal motivations

My OSCA recognised the numerous social work projects I undertook to improve Gender Equality. The rewarding aspect of this journey has been the visible impact of my efforts on the campus community.

My journey started with identifying key regions where gender disparities were most prominent. By collaborating with fellow students, faculty, and administration, I could develop and implement a range of workshops, programmes, and campaigns to raise awareness and facilitate actionable change. One of the most rewarding moments was seeing the increasing participation in our programs and the overwhelming support from the faculty.

Growing up, my grandmother always told me that a dream is the most valuable gift you can give yourself as it adds purpose and meaning to your life. Helping different women to achieve their dreams and break into male-dominated industries has been the most rewarding part of my work. 

My decision to embark on this journey was deeply influenced by my early experiences and observations in India. At 13, I began working closely with government hospitals to provide essential equipment and facilities to increase healthcare access. Additionally, I educated women in rural areas in subjects such as Mathematics, English, menstruation, and hygiene.

I have been an activist for gender equality and healthcare for the last seven years, and my activist movements have been recognised and featured in regional and international newspapers and channels by the media, such as Times of India, AsianVoice, EasternEye and ZoomTV.

In 2024, I was awarded by the Perfect Woman Magazine as their 'Youth Icon of the Year.' I also received the Golden Athena Swan ‘Excellence in Gender Equality’ Award from the University of Warwick in 2022. I was awarded a certificate of recognition by the Gender Taskforce at Warwick in 2023 for my continuous efforts to improve gender equality on campus. I have also received two international awards as a 'Social Worker' for Women Empowerment in 2021.

My top 3 tips for students

  • Build a strong network. The University of Warwick provides you access to prominent and leading individuals in their respective fields, an extensive alumni base, and strong faculty members.
  • Always research! University provides opportunities to connect with various causes and participate in anything and everything you wish. Keep an eye out for emails and research about different volunteering activities around the University.
  • Visit the society's fair during fresher's week and some of the initial society events. This will allow you to gain insight into the various activities different societies carry out and meet with their executive team members.

Support and recognition from Warwick

At the University of Warwick, the staff have supported and recognised my work promoting gender equality, ultimately leading to the Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA).

Firstly, the University provided financial support through grants and funding opportunities, which allowed us to organise events, workshops, and campaigns.

Additionally, the staff offered invaluable mentorship and guidance. Faculty members from various departments, especially those involved with the gender task force, provided guidance. Warwick also allowed me to collaborate on their 'Design Inclusion' programmes to improve Gender Equality via various initiatives. The University's extensive alumni base also helped us gain insights and design more effective educational workshops.

Warwick also recognised my work through public acknowledgements and awards. Our initiatives were frequently highlighted in university newsletters and social media platforms and also facilitated me with the Golden Athena Swan Award for 'Excellence in Gender Equality'.

Lastly, I must acknowledge the personal impact of my tutor, Miss Salimeh Pour Mohammad. Her unwavering support, encouragement of my initiatives, and help in connecting me with other Professors working in similar fields have been instrumental during my time at Warwick.

My highlights

Reflecting on my time at the University of Warwick, the most transformative and enriching experiences have pivoted around the incredible people I've had the privilege to collaborate with. Winning the Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) was a proud moment that recognised not only my efforts but also the collective dedication of many exceptional individuals I worked with. Overseeing and leading various projects, such as workshops on gender inclusion and mentorship programs for women in STEM, was only made possible by my peers and faculty's active participation and encouragement. The faculty members' guidance, mentorship, invaluable support and expertise have helped mold and catalyse the initiatives. Collaborating with different student organisations and external partners extended our outreach and influence, bringing diverse perspectives and resources to amplify the impact of our cause. These collaborations cultivated strong bonds and a sense of camaraderie and belonging in the community, which made my journey rewarding and memorable. Forming lifelong friendships with like-minded and committed individuals will always be one of the most cherished parts of my time at the University of Warwick.