Spanish Medical Aid

Within weeks of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Medical Aid Committee was formed to provide practical medical aid and to act as a demonstration of international solidarity with the Spanish government. The selection of documents below relate to the development and work of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee in Britain and Spain, and to the separate Onteniente hospital established by the International Federation of Trade Unions.
Additional documents relating to medical aid can be found in our digitised collection on the Spanish Civil WarLink opens in a new window, including in archive files on 'Spanish Rebellion: Medical Aid 1936-1937'Link opens in a new window, 'Spanish Rebellion: Medical Aid 1937-1940'Link opens in a new window, 'Spanish Medical Aid Committee: Committee minutes, etc. 1938-1939'Link opens in a new window, and 'Spanish Medical Aid Committee (Dr H.B. Morgan) 1936-1941'.Link opens in a new window
Formation of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee
The Spanish Medical Aid Committee was formed at a meeting of members of the Socialist Medical Association and Inter-Hospital Socialist Society on Sunday 9 August 1936.
Letter regarding the founding meeting, 10 August 1936Link opens in a new window
Letter from Charles Brook, Secretary of the newly formed Spanish Medical Aid Committee (SMAC). He refers to the founding meeting the previous day and asks the National Council of Labour to receive a deputation from the committee.
The report summarises discussions at a meeting between representatives of the Trades Union Congress, Labour Party and Socialist Medical Association. It includes information about the formation of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee and concerns over the Spanish government's attitude towards a foreign medical unit.
Letters between Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, and Walter Schevenels, General Secretary of the International Federation of Trade Unions. Citrine had contacted Schevenels to ask him to sound out Spanish government representatives in Paris and Spain about the plans of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee. The initial response was that medical aid was of symbolic rather than practical value.
Letter from Lord Listowel to Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, reporting on the attitude of the Spanish Ambassador to France to the offer of a British medical unit.
'An ambulance unit for Spain', 18 August 1936Link opens in a new window
Letter from Lord Listowel, published in the Manchester Guardian. He gives the reasons behind the formation of the unit and asks for financial contributions.
The meeting included references to the attitude of the Spanish government and the initial plans of the medical unit.
Arrangements for the departure of the unit to Spain, 20 August 1936Link opens in a new window
Letter from Charles Brook to Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, inviting him to "say a few words of farewell" to the unit at Victoria station.
'First medical unit to Spain', 5 September 1936Link opens in a new window
Letter from Charles Brook to Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress. It provides information about the journey of the medical unit to Spain and encloses a report about the formation and funding of the unit.
Spanish Medical Aid Committee and the British Medical Unit in Spain
Spanish Medical Aid Committee bulletins and reports:
The bulletins provide a summary of the work of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee and British Medical Unit in Spain, including information about fundraising, administration and extracts from reports by members of the unit.
Report and accounts covering the period between August - November 1936Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, January 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, March 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, May 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, September 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, October 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, December 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, January 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, February 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, March 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, April 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, May 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, June 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, July 1938Link opens in a new window
Report no.1 from Leah Manning, 26 July 1938Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, August 1938Link opens in a new window
Report on activities between October 1938 - January 1939Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, February 1939Link opens in a new window
Bulletin, July 1939Link opens in a new window
Minutes of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee:
25 May 1938Link opens in a new window
15 June 1938Link opens in a new window
22 June 1938Link opens in a new window
29 June 1938Link opens in a new window
6 July 1938Link opens in a new window
13 July 1938Link opens in a new window
27 July 1938Link opens in a new window
10 August 1938Link opens in a new window
17 August 1938Link opens in a new window
24 August 1938Link opens in a new window
31 August 1938Link opens in a new window
7 September 1938Link opens in a new window
14 September 1938Link opens in a new window
21 September 1938Link opens in a new window
5 October 1938Link opens in a new window
12 October 1938Link opens in a new window
19 October 1938Link opens in a new window
26 October 1938Link opens in a new window
2 November 1938Link opens in a new window
16 November 1938Link opens in a new window
23 November 1938Link opens in a new window
30 November 1938Link opens in a new window
7 December 1938Link opens in a new window
14 December 1938Link opens in a new window
21 December 1938Link opens in a new window
4 January 1939Link opens in a new window
11 January 1939Link opens in a new window
25 January 1939Link opens in a new window
1 February 1939Link opens in a new window
8 February 1939Link opens in a new window
15 February 1939Link opens in a new window
22 February 1939Link opens in a new window
1 March 1939Link opens in a new window
8 March 1939Link opens in a new window
15 March 1939Link opens in a new window
29 March 1939Link opens in a new window
19 April 1939Link opens in a new window
26 April 1939Link opens in a new window
10 May 1939Link opens in a new window
24 May 1939Link opens in a new window
7 June 1939Link opens in a new window
14 June 1939Link opens in a new window
19 July 1939Link opens in a new window
2 August 1939Link opens in a new window
The International Solidarity Fund was administered by the International Federation of Trade Unions.
'Spanish medical supplies', 28 October 1936Link opens in a new window
Provisional list of medical supplies ordered by Dr H.B. Morgan from the Surgical Manufacturing Company, London. Morgan was Chairman of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee and Medical Advisor to the Trades Union Congress. An invoice from the companyLink opens in a new window is also available.
Financial statement, 5 November 1936Link opens in a new window
Brief summary of financial outgoings, including money spent on surgical equipment and 'unit expense'.
'In support of Spanish democracy', November 1936Link opens in a new window
Spanish Medical Aid Committee circular promoting a demonstration at the Royal Albert Hall on 29 November 1936.
'British nurses in Spain send news - "O.K. - love", 12 March 1937Link opens in a new window
Newspaper article from the Daily Express by Hilde Marchant. It reports on the work of the British volunteers in Spain and includes photographs of Thora Silverthorne, Christopher Thornycroft and nurses Rutter, Purser and Murphy.
Anniversary and memorial meeting, 23 August 1937Link opens in a new window
Leaflet for an event to mark the anniversary of the departure of the first British Medical Unit for Spain and to commemorate members of the unit who had been killed. A circular relating to the meeting is also available.Link opens in a new window
'Spain public meeting', 27 September 1937Link opens in a new window
Leaflet for a fundraising rally organised by North London Labour Spain Committee. Speakers included Labour Party leader Clement Attlee and nurse Thora Silverthorne.
'A mass rally', 10 October 1937Link opens in a new window
Leaflet for a rally at Mile End organised by the East London Spanish Medical Aid Committee. Speakers included Clement Attlee, SMAC Chairman H.B. Morgan and nurse Molly Murphy.
'To all men and women of goodwill', c.October 1937Link opens in a new window
Fundraising leaflet produced by the Spanish Medical Aid Committee. It includes photographs of members of the unit in Spain.
'Third Spanish concert', November 1937Link opens in a new window
Leaflet and circular regarding a concert organised jointly by the Spanish Women's Committee for Help to Spain and Holborn and W.C. London Spanish Medical Aid Committee. Funds raised would go towards helping refugees and purchasing medical supplies. Performers included Paul Robeson.
Heavily illustrated promotional pamphlet. It provides an outline of the work of SMAC.
'Come to the Spain Shop', undated [1937 or 1938]Link opens in a new window
Leaflet to promote the 'Spain Shop' at 71 Shaftesbury Avenue. The shop was open in the run up to Christmas and sold goods made by Basque child refugees. Profits went to Spanish Medical Aid.
'Blood transfusion in Spain', [1938]Link opens in a new window
Spanish Medical Aid Committee report on the work of Dr Reginald Saxton at frontline hospitals in Spain. Three photographs are included.
'For a mobile operating theatre', January 1938Link opens in a new window
Leaflet for a fundraising concert arranged as part of St Pancras and Holborn Spain Week.
'Letter from the Director of the Military Hospital, Ucles', 4 July 1938Link opens in a new window
Outline of the work at Ucles by Ramon G. Landa. It includes references to British aid at the hospital.
Report on international conference for medical aid to Spain, July 1938Link opens in a new window
The Spanish Medical Aid Committee report includes summaries of the help provided by different countries, including Britain.
'Report on personnel in Spain', September 1938Link opens in a new window
The report was compiled for the London committee by Leah Manning after her visit to Barcelona.
'There is a wound: and who shall staunch it up?', [1939?]Link opens in a new window
Illustrated leaflet promoting the work of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee after the withdrawal of the International Brigade from Spain.
'From the sandy wastes of the camps in France', [1939]Link opens in a new window
Spanish Medical Aid Committee leaflet asking for funds to help Spanish refugees.
'Two children from Spain', [1939?]Link opens in a new window
Spanish Medical Aid Committee leaflet asking for funds to provide medical care and help Spanish refugees.
'This is fascist war', [1939?]Link opens in a new window
Spanish Medical Aid Committee leaflet, including a statement by Nurse Anne Murray on the bombing of Figueras.
'Just back from Spain and the refugee camps of France', 1939Link opens in a new window
Leaflet promoting a meeting to be addressed by Ellen Wilkinson, "three nurses and an ambulance driver".
Extracts from letters sent by Nurse Madge Addy, Ucles, January and March 1939
The letters include information about her work at the hospital and her decision to stay as the war entered its final stages.
January 1939Link opens in a new window
March 1939Link opens in a new window
Report on the situation following the fascist offensive in Catalonia, including the evacuation of hospitals.
Report of the Honorary Secretary, 8 May 1939Link opens in a new window
The report includes references to the 'Sinaia', a refugee ship to Mexico, and the retrieval of SMAC vehicles from Marseille.
Disbanding of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee, November 1939Link opens in a new window
Internal Trade Union Congress memorandum about the closure of SMAC and the payment of a grant to the Maison des Blesses, Paris, for artificial limbs for Spanish refugees.
Grañen Medical Unit
The Spanish Medical Aid Committee established the Hospital Britannico at Grañen, north east Spain, in September 1936. The hospital was transferred to the Spanish government in January, as unit personnel were "disaffected and in disunion".
Spanish Medical Aid Committee bulletin, [October 1936?]Link opens in a new window
The bulletin includes extracts from reports sent by members of the unit and information relating to an injury sustained by nurse Miller, the formation of a second unit, food supplies, rumours relating to the Scottish Ambulance Unit and relations with the International Federation of Trade Unions.
Spanish Medical Aid Committee second bulletin, November 1936Link opens in a new window
The bulletin includes information about the medical treatment of a 'Moor' (a Nationalist soldier who had been taken prisoner), the injury to nurse Margot Miller, the work of London taxi driver Harry Forster for the unit, and Grañen out-patients department, as well as an appeal for funds.
The covering note from K.W.C. Sinclair-Loutit states that there is "one basic element to be discovered and that is dissatisfaction". The documents include reports on transport problems (including supply of ambulances), minutes of a meeting of transport workers, reports on the medical conditions and 'social and domestic', a letter regarding supplies from L. Preger, quartermaster, and a report on the removal of Dr Ruth Prothero from the Unit.
'Memorandum no.1', 30 November 1936Link opens in a new window
The memorandum was submitted by members of the Grañen unit to the London committee. It describes divisions within the unit and provides detailed criticisms of the administration, including K.W.C. Sinclair-Loutit.
'Memorandum no.2', [1936]Link opens in a new window
The memorandum "sketch[es] briefly the general course along which the unit as a whole wishes to travel" in order to "bring to an immediate cessation the hostile attitude of the two sides in the unit". The suggestions include recalling seven members of the unit.
Following a "rather severe cross-examination", the Spanish Medical Aid Committee provided a summary of the work of the unit in Grañen, criticism of the Scottish Ambulance Unit in Spain and its competing financial appeals, a request for the National Council of Labour (the joint committee of the executives of the Labour Party and Trades Union Congress) to work more closely with SMAC, and information about the curtailed second unit.
'Written on behalf of the committee at Granen', 3 December 1936Link opens in a new window
Letter from Archie L. Cochrane to Dr Brook, outlining proposed changes in administration to deal with the divisions in the unit.
Report of meeting of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee on 18 December 1936Link opens in a new window
This internal Trades Union Congress report was submitted by Dr H.B. Morgan to Vincent Tewson. It refers to political tensions over Communist involvement in the London committee and the decision to offer the Grañen hospital to the Spanish authorities, due to divisions within the unit.
Letter regarding SMAC funding and the Grañen hospital, 1 April 1937Link opens in a new window
The letter was sent by George Jeger of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee to Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress. Jeger expresses dissatisfaction that the International Solidarity Fund had been unable to provide an additional £1000 and describes the transfer of the Grañen hospital.
Onteniente Hospital
Onteniente Hospital was set up by the International Federation of Trade Unions (including the British Trades Union Congress) through their International Solidarity Fund.
Letter regarding the establishment of the hospital, 6 April 1937Link opens in a new window
Letter from Walter Schevenels, General Secretary of the International Federation of Trade Unions, to Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress. It includes reference to the "good headway" made in setting up the hospital and to recruitment of staff.
Application for medical and nursing volunteers for Spain, April 1937Link opens in a new window
Inter-departmental Trades Union Congress letter regarding recruitment of volunteers and enclosing a letter of application from Dr Frank Sligo. Another letter on recruitmentLink opens in a new window is also available.
Estimate for anaesthesia equipment, 5 April 1937Link opens in a new window
The equipment was to be purchased from Down Bros. Ltd. by the Trades Union Congress. Correspondence about the supply and suitability of the equipment is also available - 2 April 1937Link opens in a new window, 13 April 1937Link opens in a new window and 16 April 1937.Link opens in a new window
Photograph of donated ambulance, with covering letter, 11 May 1937Link opens in a new window
The field ambulance at Onteniente Hospital was paid for by the Amalgamated Weavers Association.
Report of visit to Spanish hospital at Onteniente, 4 August 1937Link opens in a new window
Internal Trades Union Congress report written by Dr H.B. Morgan. He describes the location, wards and hygienic standards at the hospital.
Background information for newspaper article, 2 November 1937Link opens in a new window
General information about the hospital at Onteniente, intended to be used as the basis for a Daily Herald article written by Herbert Tracey, head of the Trades Union Congress Publicity Department.
International Solidarity, [1937]Link opens in a new window
Photographs of Onteniente, included in the Parti Socialiste Belge publication 'No Pasaran'.
'Aid for Spain', undatedLink opens in a new window
Photographs of Onteniente, included in a pamphlet published by the International Solidarity Fund for Spain.
'The story of Onteniente hospital', 1939Link opens in a new window
Extract from 'Labour raises 500,000 for Spain', an illustrated leaflet published by the National Council of Labour, which highlighted the aid that had been provided to Spain.