Basque children in Britain

In May 1937 just under four thousand refugee children sailed from the Basque Country to Britain on the ship 'Habana'. The children, and the small number of adults accompanying them, were fleeing the Spanish Civil War's 'War in the North' - the advance of Nationalist troops on the Republican Basque Country, backed by airstrikes by German and Italian forces (most notoriously on the town of Guernica). No British government support was available for the refugees, the maintenance of the children was funded by voluntary public donations and managed by the Basque Children's Committee, a specially formed offshoot of the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief.
When the children arrived they were initially housed in a temporary camp at North Stoneham, near Southampton, which had been swiftly constructed by volunteers. The children were then divided into small groups and sent to hostels or 'colonies' across the UK. After the fall of Bilbao in June 1937, discussions began about the repatriation of the children to what was now a Nationalist-controlled area of Spain. By the time repatriation was halted by the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, just over 1000Link opens in a new window of the children who had sailed on the 'Habana' remained in Britain.
The Trades Union Congress was represented on the Basque Children's Committee and the TUC's archive contains a significant quantity of administrative material relating to the maintenance of the children. A selection of documents have been highlighted below, some additional material can be found in four files of documents relating to the Basque children, all of which have been digitised - two files of minutes and other documents dating from 1937-1938Link opens in a new window and 1938-1939Link opens in a new window, and two correspondence files dating from 1937-1938Link opens in a new window and 1938-1949.Link opens in a new window
Planning the evacuation
Telegram appealing for rapid action, 2 May 1937Link opens in a new window
The telegram message was sent to Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, and various other prominent labour movement figures by Leah Manning, then in Bilbao. It calls for the evacuation of children to "stop repetition [of] Guernica". A memorandum by Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, written partly in response to the telegram, is also availableLink opens in a new window.
Interview with Senor Lizaso, 4-6 May 1937Link opens in a new window
Notes of a series of meetings between representatives of the British labour movement and Jose I. de Lizaso, representative of the Basque government in Britain. They discuss plans for the evacuation and maintenance of the children and record the formation of the Basque Children's Committee. A report of a preliminary meeting on 3 May 1937Link opens in a new window is also available.
'Evacuation work: 22,000 children ready to leave', 4 May 1937Link opens in a new window
Newspaper extract from the Manchester Guardian. It reproduces Leah Manning's telegram and provides general information about the planned evacuation of 800 women and children on the transatlantic liner Habana.
Copy letter to the Prime Minister, 6 May 1937Link opens in a new window
Copy of a letter sent by Wilfrid Roberts, a Liberal MP and leading figure in the National Joint Committee (NJC) for Spanish Relief and Basque Children's Committee, to the Prime Minister. Roberts summaries the work so far done by the NJC regarding the proposed evacuation of Basque children and appeals for government assistance.
The minutes summarise some of the initial discussions around transport, the numbers of the children to be evacuated, the initial 'clearing' camp, healthcare, food and finance.
Arrival and the North Stoneham Camp
Report on the "Basque Camp, Eastleigh", 25 May 1937Link opens in a new window
Report by E.P. Harries, representative of the Trades Union Congress, on preparations for the camp and the initial chaotic conditions. He strongly recommends changing the individuals in charge of the management of the camp. Follow-up memoranda from 28 May 1937Link opens in a new window and 31 May 1937Link opens in a new window are also available.
Information supplied by Mary E. Sutherland, Chief Woman Officer of the Labour Party, in addition to the report submitted by E.P. Harries.
'Expenses of camp at Southampton', 10 July 1937Link opens in a new window
Summary of 'establishment costs' and 'current expenses' between 21 May - 30 June 1937.
The minutes record the council's work on the 'Spanish campaign', including a section on the establishment of the North Stoneham camp and discussions about fundraising to maintain children in a more permanent "duration" home at Moorhill House, Southampton.
'Heart of Humanity Camp', 5 June 1937Link opens in a new window
Newspaper article on the North Stoneham camp from 'John Bull', including a photograph of the children.
Report by L. Witt of the Joint Council of Southampton Trades Council, Labour Party and Co-operative Society. He talks about arrangements for the evacuation of the children, the establishment and early administration of the camp, and the initial local aid effort.
'Administration of the camp', 14 June 1937Link opens in a new window
Confidential report by Wilfrid Roberts MP on the administration of the camp, including comments on some of the initial difficulties.
Evacuation of North Stoneham camp: statistical data about the numbers of children sent to different locations on particular dates:
Position on evacuation up to 18 June 1937Link opens in a new window
Evacuations from camp up to the evening of 30 June 1937Link opens in a new window
List of goods sent to the Basque children's camps, 19 January 1938Link opens in a new window
Account for clothing, blankets and food ordered by the Trades Union Congress and supplied by the Co-operative Wholesale Society to the children's camps in Southampton and New Barnet (plus a delivery to Derby) between May-November 1937.
'Save the Basque children', May 1937Link opens in a new window
Joint appeal by the Labour Party and Trades Union Congress for funds to pay for the evacuation of children from the Basque country, following the bombing of Guernica. The leaflet also refers to other National Council of Labour schemes of aid, including foodships and the International Solidarity Fund hospital at Ontinyent.
'4,000 children saved', [c.1937]Link opens in a new window
Illustrated leaflet issued by the Basque Children's Committee, appealing for help to 'adopt' the children (by sending money to help support them).
'Your shillings will saved lives', 1937Link opens in a new window
Illustrated leaflet issued by the National Council of Labour. It appeals for funds for the Basque children in Britain and for food, clothing and medical supplies in Spain.
Dundee Spanish Medical Aid Committee, June 1937Link opens in a new window
This leaflet outlines the work of the newly formedLink opens in a new window Dundee Spanish Medical Aid Committee. It refers to Committee member Miss Wilson's work in North Stoneham camp as a translator and provides advice on 'how to adopt a refugee child' (by sending money to help support them).
'Spain and culture', June 1937Link opens in a new window
Leaflet for a fundraising event "in aid of the Basque refugee children" to be held at the Royal Albert Hall. Picasso, Heinrich Mann and Paul Robeson were listed amongst the contributors.
Guidelines issued by the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief, including advice on fundraising for the Basque children.
Spanish concert, London, December 1937Link opens in a new window
Leaflet for a fundraising concert jointly arranged by the Spanish Women's Committee for Help to Spain and Holborn & W.C. London Spanish Medical Aid Committee. The concert included performances by Basque Children and by Paul Robeson.
Advertisement for gramophone records, undated [c.1937]Link opens in a new window
This leaflet refers to the exodus of refugees after the bombing of Guernica and advertises two records - one containing songs by a choir of Basque children, the other songs by Paul Robeson.
Christmas fundraising leaflet issued by the Basque Children's Committee. It includes reference to "people who have made a lot of propaganda about us being here" and the repatriation scheme.
Basque children's concert, January 1938Link opens in a new window
Circular and leaflet relating to a concert to be held at Rudolf Steiner Hall, London. The circular also includes a reference to a proposed BBC TV appearance by the children.
Appeal sent to previous supporters, 4 February 1938Link opens in a new window
The circular provides an outline of the work of the Basque Children's Committee, from the initial evacuation to the start of repatriation, and asks for financial help to allow the committee to continue to support the children still in Britain.
'First grand cabaret dance', March 1938Link opens in a new window
Leaflet to promote a cabaret and dance in aid of the Basque children, to be held at New Burlington Galleries, London. A circular promoting the eventLink opens in a new window is also available.
Film premiere and concert, March 1938Link opens in a new window
Leaflet advertising the premiere of the film 'The New Spain', together with a concert by the Basque children, to be held at the Phoenix Theatre, London. The leaflet includes a photograph of children at a theatre.
Fundraising for the International Solidarity Fund, 30 March 1938Link opens in a new window
Information about the work of the International Solidarity Fund, circulated by the National Council of Labour. It includes a section on the Basque children and an appeal that money should still be forthcoming to maintain the children even though repatriation had started, as "more than 2,200 still remain to be cared for".
'A Basque children's concert', April 1938Link opens in a new window
Circular and leaflet promoting a concert held at Wyndham's Theatre, London.
'Help the Spanish child refugees', c.1938Link opens in a new window
Illustrated fundraising leaflet issued by the Basque Children's Committee, appealing for funds for the "remaining 1,700".
Plan for winter fundraising campaign, 10 September 1938Link opens in a new window
Outline of the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief's fundraising plan, which identifies maintenance of the Basque children as "the chief drain upon the Committee's resources". It suggests a focus on the 'adoption' scheme and trying to build closer contacts with British schools and certain other organisations.
'Labour raises £500,000 for Spain', 1939Link opens in a new window
National Council of Labour leaflet which promotes the fundraising work done by the British labour movement during the Spanish Civil War. It includes information and photographs relating to the Basque children. An alternative version of the leafletLink opens in a new window is also available.
The Basque Children's Committee and its administration
'A statement of policy', 1937Link opens in a new window
One page outline of the aims and objectives of the Basque Children's Committee.
Minutes of the Basque Children's CommitteeLink opens in a new window
We have minutes of 49 meetings of the BCC (including some for the Executive Committee and Administration Sub-Committee) dating from May 1937 - October 1939. The minutes are the most detailed records that we have relating to the BCC's work and include information about the establishment and administration of local hostels, fundraising and discussions over repatriation.
The report includes information about finance, North Stoneham camp, the Salvation Army home at Clapton, and conditions for children still in Spain.
'Basque children report', August 1937Link opens in a new window
Published report issued to counter "alarmist, mischievous and untrue" reporting on misbehaviour by Basque children in Britain.
'Spanish Relief', 1937
The bulletin of the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief included reports on the fundraising and charitable work of the organisation, including references to the arrival and maintenance of the Basque children in Britain.
Bulletin no.7, June 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin no.8, July 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin no.9, October 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin no.10, December 1937Link opens in a new window
Bulletin no.11, March 1938Link opens in a new window
'Basque Children's Bulletin', no.2, August 1938Link opens in a new window
The bulletin includes information about publicity, fundraising, administration and the location of regional centres, and short articles on the education of the Basque children by Clemente Hernando Balmori and Dr. Margarita Camps.
The publication includes a short report on the Basque children, focusing on repatriation, and a form which volunteers could complete to "offer free hospitality to a Basque child until it can be restored to its parents".
Annual reports of the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief and the Basque Children's Committee:
Annual report, 1941Link opens in a new window
Annual report, 1942Link opens in a new window
Annual report, 1944Link opens in a new window
Annual report, 1945Link opens in a new window
Letter from the Duchess of Atholl to Vincent Tewson of the Trades Union Congress. She asks for additional funds, refers to the continuing expenses of the committee and comments that the repatriation fund currently doesn't contain enough money to pay for the repatriations made to that date. An account of some of the expenditure on train fares during repatriationLink opens in a new window is also available.
Letter from Lady Dorothea Layton, reporting on the work of the National Joint Committee over the past four years. It includes a reference to the end of the committee's formal responsibility for the remaining 298 Basque children, "the youngest 17 and the majority over 21 and in jobs".
Homes and hostels
Letter to proposed adopter, [1937]Link opens in a new window
Example of a standard letter sent by the Trades Union Congress, which politely turns down offers to adopt individual children.
'Homes for groups of Basque children', 9 June 1937Link opens in a new window
Guidelines issued by the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief. They include advice on accommodation, language, finance and inspection.
Guidelines for local committees on establishing and financing homes for the Basque children.
Information about some of the initial offers from local committees to look after groups of children.
Bristol, June 1937Link opens in a new window
Article from the 'Bristol Evening World', reporting on '50 Basque girls coming to Bristol'. A letter relating to preliminary arrangements in BristolLink opens in a new window is also available.
Salvation Army Home, Clapton, 1937Link opens in a new window
Letter from a local resident expressing concern about the treatment of boys at the Clapton home. A comment on the Clapton allegations from the Trades Union CongressLink opens in a new window is also available.
Divisions in Dundee, 1937Link opens in a new window
Correspondence relating to fundraising in Dundee and the attempts of Caroline Chapman to get support for the Dundee Basque Children's Committee from the local labour movement. The secretary of Dundee Trades and Labour Council opposed collaboration with the committee as it "would be fatal" electorally, due to support amongst many local Catholics for Franco (citing £750 collected from "the poor of Dundee" for the Nationalists). Additional correspondence and ephemera relating to the Dundee committeeLink opens in a new window is also available.
Huddersfield, August 1937Link opens in a new window
Short report from Huddersfield Trades Council. It refers to the formation of a local Spanish Aid Committee, a residential home for twenty children and two adults, and fundraising activities.
Report on individual centres, September 1937Link opens in a new window
Brief report on each home for Basque children made by Leah Manning to the Basque Children's Committee. Financial information about individual centres is also included in the document.
Carshalton and District, March 1938Link opens in a new window
Letter appealing for gifts of paint to help improve the home at Carshalton.
Wickham Market, Camberley and Barnet, June 1938Link opens in a new window
Order for goods supplied by the London Wholesale Co-operative Society to three of the homes for Basque children. An additional earlier order for Wickham Market and CamberleyLink opens in a new window is also available.
'Report on activities during the crisis', 5 October 1938Link opens in a new window
Short report on plans for evacuation made by individual homes in case of the declaration of war between Britain and Germany.
Plymouth, September 1940Link opens in a new window
Appeal for funds from the Secretary of the Trades Council Committee of the Plymouth and District Spanish Refugee Fund. An additional appealLink opens in a new window was received in 1941.
Banstead, November 1941Link opens in a new window
Letter from a representative of Epsom Constituency Labour Party about the financing of the home for Basque children at Banstead.
Repatriation and remaining
Foreign Office views on the repatriation of Basque children, July 1937Link opens in a new window
Copy of a letter from Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary, sent to Wilfrid Roberts MP. It includes the reported views of Sir Henry Chilton, British Ambassador in Spain, on the return of refugees to Spain.
The copy letter communicates the critical views of Sir Henry Chilton, British Ambassador in Spain.
'Alternatives before the Committee tomorrow', 30 September 1937Link opens in a new window
Summary of the arguments for and against recognising Father Gabana, Representative of the Apostolic Delegate in Bilbao, as someone that the Basque Children's Committee can negotiate with.
Report on Father Gabana's repatriation list, 1937Link opens in a new window
The report, compiled by the Basque Children's Committee, provides an analysis and critique of the list of the list of children to be repatriated provided by Father Gabana.
Report of Repatriation Committee, 26 October 1937Link opens in a new window
Report of the committee formed by the National Joint Committee and Basque Children's Committee to advise on "(1) the question of repatriation of Basque children now in England (2) the applications which had been made for the return of the Children to Spain and (3) to consult all concerned and in particular Father Gabana." Two outlines of a meeting called to discuss the report's conclusions are also included - a draft versionLink opens in a new window and a formal set of minutesLink opens in a new window. The formal statement of the NJC and BCCLink opens in a new window issued after the meeting is also available.
'Report on the visit to Bilbao', 23 November 1937Link opens in a new window
Minutes of a joint meeting of National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief and Basque Children's Committee, including a formal report submitted by four delegates who had gone to Spain with the first group of children to be repatriated.
Letter of protest, 30 January 1938Link opens in a new window
Copy of a letter from Nell Badsey, Hon. Secretary at the Basque Children's Hostel at Tynemouth, protesting against the existing arrangements for repatriation of the children and the prevention of committee representatives (including herself) from crossing the Spanish border with the children.
The report summarises replies from individual hostels about whether letters have been received from repatriated children or their parents. It also includes information about the number of children repatriated from each centre.
The data covers the period up to May 1939 and includes some information about where they were repatriated to (Bilbao, Barcelona and France).
Brief information about the remaining homes, 1939Link opens in a new window
List of remaining homes and homes likely to close, with the numbers of children resident in each. Statistical information about the transfer of children between homes is also included.
Statistical information about the 1054 children still in Britain, including data about the number who had a parent or parents in Spain, in exile or deceased.
Guidance issued after the outbreak of the Second World War, October 1939Link opens in a new window
The circular includes references to repatriation, fundraising, evacuation and employment of the children.
Basque Boys Training Committee, 1939Link opens in a new window
Short report on the work of the committee set up to provide training in industry or agriculture for the boys who were unable to return to Spain.