Promotion Profile document
A. Family Way Module Documentation
- Filmed interview with students (C)
- Teaching observation report
- Student presentations Prezi: (D)
- Examples of wiki and glossary used in teaching (E):
- Family Way glossary
- Mindmaps used in Family Way (F):
B. Collaboration with Library and Information Services
- WIT teaching excellence area (J):
- Teaching and Learning Showcase 2013 (K):
- Student as researcher : interview with Cate Mackay, project officer:
- Report from Ant Brewerton (Head of Academic Services)
C. Year Abroad Distance Learning and Use Of VLE platforms
- Collaboration with Language Centre in IATL Languages at Warwick continuation project: report
- Examples of productive peer learning in Moodle collaboration areas
- Examples of feedback to student essays
- Sample student dossiers in Mahara
- New Sitebuilder dossier area built from best practice models above :
- Essay title construction workshop for outgoing students:
- Sample resources and fact files created by students for their peers
- Report from David Lees (post-graduate colleague co-working on the site)
- Student as Producer IATL Widening Participation Project
- Returning students interactive workshop: call for participants
D. Research and Development
- Report for Enquiry-Based Learning Conference, Manchester University, 2008
- Paper submitted for publication in Residence Abroad, Social Networks and Second Language Learning (provisional title) to be published in the Eurosla Monographs series (R)
- Book review: Birthing Bodies in Early Modern France by Kirk Read, for Modern Language Review, 2011
- Correspondance: HE Year Abroad VLE use working party
- Proposal for e-learning symposium workshop January 2014
E. Teaching qualifications and awards
F. Student Pastoral Resources
- Online Student Mentor Scheme website:
- Sample online training for mentor scheme:
G. Staff and student development
H. Language learning using moodle VLE
- Student-generated resource from task-based exercise
- Feedback on student work recorded using screencast: