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PhD and MSc theses

  1. Matthew Hoskin, White Dwarf Planetary Systems at the Dawn of the WEAVE Surveys (PhD 2024, supervisor Gänsicke)
  2. Yoshi Eschen, Viewing the PLATO LOPS2 Field Through the Lenses of TESS (MSc 2024, supervisor Bayliss / Wilson)
  3. Faith Hawthorn, Detection and Characterisation of Transiting Exoplanets with TESS across Populations and Orbital Periods (PhD 2024, supervisor Bayliss)
  4. Gareth Jones, Quantifying the Impact of Modelling Assumptions in Deriving Galaxy Properties Using Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting (PhD 2024, supervisor Stanway)
  5. Eva-Maria Ahrer, Low Resolution Transmission Spectroscopy of Exoplanet Atmospheres using Ground-based and Space Telescopes (PhD 2023, supervisor Wheatley)
  6. Toby Rodel, Estimating the yield of long-period exoplanets from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (MSc 2023, supervisor Bayliss)
  7. Ares Osborn, Characterising Exoplanets with TESS and HARPS, (PhD 2023, supervisor Armstrong)
  8. Catriona McDonald, On the Evolution of Planetesimals in Post-Main-Sequence Planetary Systems (PhD 2023, supervisor Veras)
  9. Thomas Killestein, Multi-messenger astronomy in the era of gravitational wave detections (PhD 2023, supervisor Steeghs)
  10. Keith Inight, Observational Studies of Galactic Cataclysmic Variables (PhD 2023, supervisor Gänsicke)
  11. Amena Faruqi, Simulating the Transit of a Binary System by a Circumbinary Disc in the HD98800 System (MSc 2023, supervisor Kennedy/Nealon)
  12. Matthew Battley, Tracing Exoplanets through Time with TESS (PhD 2022, supervisor Pollacco)
  13. Caitlyn Cullen, A Search for Non-Transiting Planets with Optical Phase Curves from the TESS Mission (MSc 2022, supervisor Bayliss)
  14. Sahl Rowther, The Evolution of Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Discs: From Instability to Stability (PhD 2022, supervisor Meru)
  15. Patrick Francis Cronin-Coltsmann, The Imaging and Discovery of M-Dwarf Debris Discs with ALMA (PhD 2022, supervisor Kennedy)
  16. Edward Bryant, Studying Transiting Exoplanets with NGTS and TESS (PhD 2022, supervisor Bayliss)
  17. Sean O'Brien, Investigating atmospheric scintillation using NGTS photometry of bright stars (MSc 2022, supervisor Bayliss)
  18. Ben Cooke, Simulation, detection and characterisation of monotransits from the TESS mission (PhD 2021, supervisor Pollacco)
  19. James Blake, Optical imaging of space debris in low and high altitude orbits (PhD 2021, supervisor Pollacco)
  20. Ry Cutter, Hunting for the Electro-Magnetic Counterpart To Gravitational Waves (PhD 2021, supervisory Steeghs)
  21. James Jackman Detection of Stellar Flares and a Transiting Brown Dwarf with the Next Generation Transit Survey (PhD 2020, supervisor Wheatley)
  22. Tim Cunningham, Convective overshoot in the atmosphere of white dwarf stars (PhD 2020, supervisor Tremblay)
  23. Elena Cukanovaite, 3D atmospheric models of helium-dominated atmosphere white dwarfs (PhD 2020, supervisor Tremblay)
  24. Ashley Chrimes, The Host Galaxies and Progenitors of Core-Collapse Gamma-Ray Bursts (PhD 2020, supervisor Stanway)
  25. Emma Foxell, Applications of Transit Surveys to Red Dwarfs (PhD 2020, supervisor West)
  26. Richard Ashley, Observations of compact binary systems (PhD 2020, supervisor Marsh)
  27. Ares Osborn, Investigating the Planet-Metallicity Correlation for Hot Jupiters (MSc 2020, supervisor Bayliss)
  28. George King, Observations of Exoplanetary Systems at X-ray Wavelengths (PhD 2019, supervisor Wheatley)
  29. Matthew Green, The Evolution of AM CVn Binary Systems (PhD 2019, supervisor Marsh)
  30. Louise Zhuqing Wang, Accreting Neutron Stars and Black Holes (PhD 2018, supervisor Steeghs)
  31. Christopher Manser, The Gaseous component to planetary debris discs at white dwarfs (PhD 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
  32. Odette Toloza, White dwarfs: perfect laboratories for understanding non-radial pulsations and revealing secrets on the single degenerate pathway towards Supernova type Ia (PhD 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
  33. John Dolan, A Search for Trojan Asteroids in Kepler Data (MSc 2018, supervisor Pollacco)
  34. Kristine Lam, Ground and Space-based Transit Surveys: Exoplanet Detection and Evaporating Atmospheres (PhD 2018, supervisor Pollacco)
  35. James Kirk, Optical Transmission Spectroscopy of Hot Jupiter Atmospheres (PhD 2018, supervisor Wheatley)
  36. Anna Pala, The Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables (PhD 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
  37. Conor Talbot, Wide Binary Companions to Tycho-Gaia Stars (MSc 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
  38. Mark Hollands, The properties of cool DZ white dwarfs (PhD 2017, supervisor Gänsicke)
  39. David Wilson, Observations of Remnant Planetary Systems at White Dwarfs (PhD 2017, supervisor Gänsicke)
  40. Stephanie Greis, Local Analogues to z ∼ 5 Lyman Break Galaxies (PhD 2017, supervisor Stanway)
  41. Hugh Osborn, Long-Period Exoplanets from Photometric Transit Surveys(PhD 2017, supervisor Pollacco)
  42. Charlotte Angus, On the Host Galaxies of Superluminous Supernovae (PhD 2017, supervisor Levan)
  43. Gregory Brown, A Study of Exotic Nuclear Extragalactic Transients (PhD 2017, supervisor Levan)
  44. Jessica Spake, Discovery of a Hot Jupiter around a G5V star with SuperWASP (MSc 2016, supervisor Pollacco)
  45. Tom Louden, The composition and dynamics of exoplanet atmospheres (PhD 2016, supervisor Wheatley)
  46. Nicola Pietro Gentile Fusillo, Stellar and planetary remnants in large area surveys (PhD 2015, supervisor Gänsicke)
  47. David Armstrong, On The Abundance Of Circumbinary Exoplanets (PhD 2015, supervisor Pollacco)
  48. Penélope Longa Peña, Orbital parameter estimation for compact binary stars (PhD 2015, supervisor Steeghs)
  49. Madelon Bours, Detailed studies of white dwarf binaries and their orbital periods (PhD 2015, supervisor Marsh)
  50. John Rostron, Observations of exoplanet atmospheres (PhD 2014, supervisor Wheatley)
  51. Sandra Greiss, Exploring the final stages of stars in our Milky Way using large sky surveys (PhD 2014, supervisor Gänsicke/Steeghs)
  52. Philip Carter, Estimating the space density of ultracompact binary stars (PhD 2014, supervisor Marsh/Steeghs)
  53. Rachel Tunnicliffe, Constraining the Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts (PhD 2014, supervisor Levan)
  54. Simon Walker, Analysis and optimisation of ground based transiting exoplanet surveys (PhD 2013, supervisor Wheatley)
  55. Richard Palmer, Characterising the Stellar Population of the NGTS Prototype (MSc 2013, supervisor Gänsicke)
  56. Jonathan Girven, Stellar and Planetary Remnants in Digitial Sky SurveysLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Steeghs/Gänsicke)
  57. Simon Joyce, The X-ray emissions of Cataclysmic Variables during the eclipse of the White Dwarf, (MSc 2012, supervisor Wheatley)
  58. Joao Bento, Research and development of ground-based transiting extrasolar planet projectsLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Wheatley)
  59. Steven Parsons, Eclipsing white dwarf binariesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Marsh)
  60. Stylianos Pyrzas, Physical properties of eclipsing white dwarf binariesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Gänsicke)
  61. Lieke van Spaandonk: Exploring new emission line diagnostics for accreting compact objectsLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Steeghs)
  62. Sandra Greiss: Exploring the population of compact stellar X-ray sources in our Milky WayLink opens in a new window (MSc 2011, supervisor Steeghs/Gänsicke)
  63. Karl Svensson: On the nature of gamma-ray burst hosting galaxiesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Levan)
  64. George Marshall: Optical Transients in the WASP SurveyLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Wheatley)
  65. Richard Hickman: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Cataclysmic Variable StarsLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Marsh)
  66. David Collins: X-ray Observations of Cataclysmic VariablesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2010, supervisor Wheatley)
  67. Timothy Kinnear: Irradiated Gaseous Discs Around White DwarfsLink opens in a new window (MSc 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
  68. Steven Bloemen: High speed spectroscopy of intermediate polarsLink opens in a new window (Erasmus/MSc in Leuven 2009, supervisor Marsh)
  69. Ilse Decoster: The Completeness of Cataclysmic Variables in the spectroscopic database of the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyLink opens in a new window (Erasmus/MSc in Leuven 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
  70. Monihar Dillon: The orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables from the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyLink opens in a new window (PhD 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
  71. Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas: Post-Common-Envelope Binaries from the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyLink opens in a new window (PhD 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
  72. Susana Barros: ULTRACAM observations of interacting binariesLink opens in a new window, (PhD 2008, supervisor Marsh)
  73. Amornrat Aungwerojwit: The properties of a spectroscopically selected sample of cataclysmic variablesLink opens in a new window, (PhD 2007, supervisor Gänsicke)