PhD and MSc theses
- Matthew Hoskin, White Dwarf Planetary Systems at the Dawn of the WEAVE Surveys (PhD 2024, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Yoshi Eschen, Viewing the PLATO LOPS2 Field Through the Lenses of TESS (MSc 2024, supervisor Bayliss / Wilson)
- Faith Hawthorn, Detection and Characterisation of Transiting Exoplanets with TESS across Populations and Orbital Periods (PhD 2024, supervisor Bayliss)
- Gareth Jones, Quantifying the Impact of Modelling Assumptions in Deriving Galaxy Properties Using Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting (PhD 2024, supervisor Stanway)
- Eva-Maria Ahrer, Low Resolution Transmission Spectroscopy of Exoplanet Atmospheres using Ground-based and Space Telescopes (PhD 2023, supervisor Wheatley)
- Toby Rodel, Estimating the yield of long-period exoplanets from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (MSc 2023, supervisor Bayliss)
- Ares Osborn, Characterising Exoplanets with TESS and HARPS, (PhD 2023, supervisor Armstrong)
- Catriona McDonald, On the Evolution of Planetesimals in Post-Main-Sequence Planetary Systems (PhD 2023, supervisor Veras)
- Thomas Killestein, Multi-messenger astronomy in the era of gravitational wave detections (PhD 2023, supervisor Steeghs)
- Keith Inight, Observational Studies of Galactic Cataclysmic Variables (PhD 2023, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Amena Faruqi, Simulating the Transit of a Binary System by a Circumbinary Disc in the HD98800 System (MSc 2023, supervisor Kennedy/Nealon)
- Matthew Battley, Tracing Exoplanets through Time with TESS (PhD 2022, supervisor Pollacco)
- Caitlyn Cullen, A Search for Non-Transiting Planets with Optical Phase Curves from the TESS Mission (MSc 2022, supervisor Bayliss)
- Sahl Rowther, The Evolution of Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Discs: From Instability to Stability (PhD 2022, supervisor Meru)
- Patrick Francis Cronin-Coltsmann, The Imaging and Discovery of M-Dwarf Debris Discs with ALMA (PhD 2022, supervisor Kennedy)
- Edward Bryant, Studying Transiting Exoplanets with NGTS and TESS (PhD 2022, supervisor Bayliss)
- Sean O'Brien, Investigating atmospheric scintillation using NGTS photometry of bright stars (MSc 2022, supervisor Bayliss)
- Ben Cooke, Simulation, detection and characterisation of monotransits from the TESS mission (PhD 2021, supervisor Pollacco)
- James Blake, Optical imaging of space debris in low and high altitude orbits (PhD 2021, supervisor Pollacco)
- Ry Cutter, Hunting for the Electro-Magnetic Counterpart To Gravitational Waves (PhD 2021, supervisory Steeghs)
- James Jackman Detection of Stellar Flares and a Transiting Brown Dwarf with the Next Generation Transit Survey (PhD 2020, supervisor Wheatley)
- Tim Cunningham, Convective overshoot in the atmosphere of white dwarf stars (PhD 2020, supervisor Tremblay)
- Elena Cukanovaite, 3D atmospheric models of helium-dominated atmosphere white dwarfs (PhD 2020, supervisor Tremblay)
- Ashley Chrimes, The Host Galaxies and Progenitors of Core-Collapse Gamma-Ray Bursts (PhD 2020, supervisor Stanway)
- Emma Foxell, Applications of Transit Surveys to Red Dwarfs (PhD 2020, supervisor West)
- Richard Ashley, Observations of compact binary systems (PhD 2020, supervisor Marsh)
- Ares Osborn, Investigating the Planet-Metallicity Correlation for Hot Jupiters (MSc 2020, supervisor Bayliss)
- George King, Observations of Exoplanetary Systems at X-ray Wavelengths (PhD 2019, supervisor Wheatley)
- Matthew Green, The Evolution of AM CVn Binary Systems (PhD 2019, supervisor Marsh)
- Louise Zhuqing Wang, Accreting Neutron Stars and Black Holes (PhD 2018, supervisor Steeghs)
- Christopher Manser, The Gaseous component to planetary debris discs at white dwarfs (PhD 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Odette Toloza, White dwarfs: perfect laboratories for understanding non-radial pulsations and revealing secrets on the single degenerate pathway towards Supernova type Ia (PhD 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
- John Dolan, A Search for Trojan Asteroids in Kepler Data (MSc 2018, supervisor Pollacco)
- Kristine Lam, Ground and Space-based Transit Surveys: Exoplanet Detection and Evaporating Atmospheres (PhD 2018, supervisor Pollacco)
- James Kirk, Optical Transmission Spectroscopy of Hot Jupiter Atmospheres (PhD 2018, supervisor Wheatley)
- Anna Pala, The Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables (PhD 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Conor Talbot, Wide Binary Companions to Tycho-Gaia Stars (MSc 2018, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Mark Hollands, The properties of cool DZ white dwarfs (PhD 2017, supervisor Gänsicke)
- David Wilson, Observations of Remnant Planetary Systems at White Dwarfs (PhD 2017, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Stephanie Greis, Local Analogues to z ∼ 5 Lyman Break Galaxies (PhD 2017, supervisor Stanway)
- Hugh Osborn, Long-Period Exoplanets from Photometric Transit Surveys(PhD 2017, supervisor Pollacco)
- Charlotte Angus, On the Host Galaxies of Superluminous Supernovae (PhD 2017, supervisor Levan)
- Gregory Brown, A Study of Exotic Nuclear Extragalactic Transients (PhD 2017, supervisor Levan)
- Jessica Spake, Discovery of a Hot Jupiter around a G5V star with SuperWASP (MSc 2016, supervisor Pollacco)
- Tom Louden, The composition and dynamics of exoplanet atmospheres (PhD 2016, supervisor Wheatley)
- Nicola Pietro Gentile Fusillo, Stellar and planetary remnants in large area surveys (PhD 2015, supervisor Gänsicke)
- David Armstrong, On The Abundance Of Circumbinary Exoplanets (PhD 2015, supervisor Pollacco)
- Penélope Longa Peña, Orbital parameter estimation for compact binary stars (PhD 2015, supervisor Steeghs)
- Madelon Bours, Detailed studies of white dwarf binaries and their orbital periods (PhD 2015, supervisor Marsh)
- John Rostron, Observations of exoplanet atmospheres (PhD 2014, supervisor Wheatley)
- Sandra Greiss, Exploring the final stages of stars in our Milky Way using large sky surveys (PhD 2014, supervisor Gänsicke/Steeghs)
- Philip Carter, Estimating the space density of ultracompact binary stars (PhD 2014, supervisor Marsh/Steeghs)
- Rachel Tunnicliffe, Constraining the Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts (PhD 2014, supervisor Levan)
- Simon Walker, Analysis and optimisation of ground based transiting exoplanet surveys (PhD 2013, supervisor Wheatley)
- Richard Palmer, Characterising the Stellar Population of the NGTS Prototype (MSc 2013, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Jonathan Girven, Stellar and Planetary Remnants in Digitial Sky SurveysLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Steeghs/Gänsicke)
- Simon Joyce, The X-ray emissions of Cataclysmic Variables during the eclipse of the White Dwarf, (MSc 2012, supervisor Wheatley)
- Joao Bento, Research and development of ground-based transiting extrasolar planet projectsLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Wheatley)
- Steven Parsons, Eclipsing white dwarf binariesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Marsh)
- Stylianos Pyrzas, Physical properties of eclipsing white dwarf binariesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2012, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Lieke van Spaandonk: Exploring new emission line diagnostics for accreting compact objectsLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Steeghs)
- Sandra Greiss: Exploring the population of compact stellar X-ray sources in our Milky WayLink opens in a new window (MSc 2011, supervisor Steeghs/Gänsicke)
- Karl Svensson: On the nature of gamma-ray burst hosting galaxiesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Levan)
- George Marshall: Optical Transients in the WASP SurveyLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Wheatley)
- Richard Hickman: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Cataclysmic Variable StarsLink opens in a new window (PhD 2011, supervisor Marsh)
- David Collins: X-ray Observations of Cataclysmic VariablesLink opens in a new window (PhD 2010, supervisor Wheatley)
- Timothy Kinnear: Irradiated Gaseous Discs Around White DwarfsLink opens in a new window (MSc 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Steven Bloemen: High speed spectroscopy of intermediate polarsLink opens in a new window (Erasmus/MSc in Leuven 2009, supervisor Marsh)
- Ilse Decoster: The Completeness of Cataclysmic Variables in the spectroscopic database of the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyLink opens in a new window (Erasmus/MSc in Leuven 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Monihar Dillon: The orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables from the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyLink opens in a new window (PhD 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas: Post-Common-Envelope Binaries from the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyLink opens in a new window (PhD 2009, supervisor Gänsicke)
- Susana Barros: ULTRACAM observations of interacting binariesLink opens in a new window, (PhD 2008, supervisor Marsh)
- Amornrat Aungwerojwit: The properties of a spectroscopically selected sample of cataclysmic variablesLink opens in a new window, (PhD 2007, supervisor Gänsicke)