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Beate Baldauf - Research projects



  • UK veterans from ethnic minority backgrounds, with Sally-Anne Barnes Gaby Atfield, Emily Erickson, David Owen and Andreana Glendinning; Funded by the Office for Veterans' Affairs, Project duration: April 2022 - August 2023




  • Literature review of employability programes and work placements in Higher Education. With Wil Hunt, Gaby Atfield and Daria Luchinskaya. Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 30/01/2019 - Project End Date: 23/08/2019 [details]
  • The Impact of Accountancy Apprenticeships. With Peter Dickinson, Erika Kispeter and Gaby Atfield, Funded by Kaplan. Project Start Date: February 2019 - Project End Date: February 2020 (Details)
  • What motivates employers to offer family-friendly policies? With Clare Lyonette. Funded by the Government Equalities Office. Project start date: 01/06/2018 - Project End Date: 01/06/2019 [details]


  • Research into the educational psychology workforce in England. With David Owen, Clare Lyonette, Gaby Atfield and Michael Orton. Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 18/06/2018 - Project End Date: 17/10/2018. [details].
  • Post education job and career choices. With Peter Dickinson, Daria Luchinskaya, Wil Hunt and Alan Brown. Funded by Department for Edcuation. Project Start Date: 16/04/2018 - Project End Date: 31/07/2018 [details]
  • The wider (non-market) benefits of post 18 education. With Gaby Atfield, Wil Hunt, Daria Luchinskaya, Peter Dickinson and Alan Brown. Funded by Department for Edcuation. Project Start Date: 16/04/18 - Project End Date: 31/07/2018. [details]
  • Literature Review of Student Choices at 18. With Peter Dickinson, Wil Hunt and Alan Brown. Funded by the Department for Education. Project Start Date: 16/04/2018 - Project End Date: 31/07/2018 [details]
  • A review of the existing literature on the adult social care workforce. Funded by Department of Health. With Derek Bosworth and Sudipa Sarkar. Project Start Date: 01/05/2018 - Project End Date: 30/06/2018 [details]
  • What motivates employers to offer family friendly policies. With Clare Lyonette. Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 18/06/2018 - Project End Date: 25/06/2018 [details]


  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Sector analysis of the employment outcomes of graduates. With Clare Lyonette and Wil Hunt. Funded by the British Academy. Project start date: 03/2017 - 06/2017.
  • Five year evaluation of the Apprenticeships Ambition Programme, 2012/13-2016/17, with Dr Lynn M Gambin - Institute for Employment Research Dr Clare Lyonette - Institute for Employment Research Mr Bernard H Casey - Institute for Employment Research Miss Gaby J Atfield - Institute for Employment Research - Mr. Terence Hogarth - Institute for Employment Research -, Funded by: Skills for Care, Project Start Date: 30/04/2014 Project End Date: 31/01/2017


  • Careers Education International Literature Review: Casual Impact Assessment. With Deirdre Hughes, Sally-Anne Barnes, Anthony Mann (Education Employers Charity) and Rachel McKeown (Education Employers Charity), Funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Project Start Date: 01/02/16 - Project End Date: 31/05/16 [details]


  • High-level Analysis of the Dynamics of the Community Optical workforce. With Clare Lyonette and Erika Kispeter. Funded by Federation of Opticians. Project Start Date: 14/12/15 - Project End Date: 18/03/2016 [details]


  • Alumni Destination Catalogue - supplement, Funded by: Irish Research Council, Project Start Date: 23/01/2014 Project End Date: 31/03/2014


  • Determinants of the composition of the labour force in low skilled sectors of the UK economy, with Professor Anne E Green, Institute for Employment Research, Miss Gaby J Atfield - Institute for Employment Research Mr Duncan Adam - Institute for Employment Research - Dr Yuxin Li - Institute for Employment Research Ms Beate K Baldauf - Institute for Employment Research -, Funded by: Home Office, Project Start Date: 29/07/2013 Project End Date: 29/11/2013
  • Alumni destination catalogue, with Dr Clare Lyonette, Institute for Employment Research, Miss Gaby J Atfield - Institute for Employment Research - Ms Beate K Baldauf - Institute for Employment Research Dr Heike J Behle - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Irish Research Council, Project Start Date: 24/06/2013 Project End Date: 21/10/2013
  • CrowdEmploy: Emerging forms of ICT-enabled employment organisation and finance, and the potential impact on employability in the networked society, with Professor Anne E Green, Dr Heike J Behle, Dr Sally-Anne Barnes, Dr Maria De Hoyos Guajardo - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: IPTS Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Project Start Date: 03/12/2012 Project End Date: 30/09/2013 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • ICT4EMPL: Literature review on employability, inclusion and ICT, with Professor Anne E Green, Ms Beate K. Baldauf, Dr Sally-Anne Barnes, Dr Heike J Behle, Dr Maria G De Hoyos Guajardo, Dr David W Owen - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: EC DG Joint Research Centre, Project Start Date: 05/12/2011 Project End Date: 31/05/2012 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • Age Unlimited - Learning Partner, with Howard Davis - WBS - LGC, Anne E Green, Yuxin Li, Robert M Lindley - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: National Endowment of Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), Project Start Date: 31/05/2010 Project End Date: 31/03/2012 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • Employer Investment in Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning, with Mr. Terence Hogarth, Dr Lynn M Gambin, Dr Clare Lyonette - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Skills Funding Agency, Project Start Date: 07/02/2011 Project End Date: 30/03/2012 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Sheila Galloway - CEDAR, University of Warwick, Funded by: EU, Project Start Date: 01/01/2008 Project End Date: 31/12/2011 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • Improving Understanding of "Quality" Part-time Work: Definitions and What Works, with Dr Clare Lyonette, Dr Heike Behle, Ms Anne E Green, Dr Maria G De Hoyos Guajardo - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Government Equalities Office, Project Start Date: 01/08/2009 Project End Date: 31/03/2010


  • Operational Evaluation of Train to Gain, with Terence Hogarth, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: LSC, Project Start Date: 01/02/2008 Project End Date: 01/08/2009
  • Workforce Modelling and Productivity, Literature Review, with Prof R A Wilson, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: NHS West Midlands, Project Start Date: 01/12/2008 Project End Date: 30/04/2009 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • Study on Workers Mobility - Short Term International Assignment, with Anne Green, David Owen - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: EU DG Empl, Project Start Date: 01/01/2008 Project End Date: 31/10/2008
  • Net Costs to Employers of Apprenticeship Training and the Business Benefits of Such Training, with Terence Hogarth, Duncan Adam - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Learning and Skills Council National Office, Project Start Date: 07/01/2008 Project End Date: 30/06/2008 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • How Prepared Are Medical Graduates to Begin Medical Practice: A Comparison of Three Diverse UK Medical Schools, with Johnson N - CSRI, Davies C - ICE, Peile E - ICE, Funded by: University of Newcastle, Project Start Date: 01/05/2007 Project End Date: 30/04/2008
  • Supply of Maths and Science Skills, with Terence Hogarth, Warwick Institute of Employment, Funded by: LSC, Project Start Date: 01/10/2007 Project End Date: 31/03/2008
  • GP Workforce Planning Research, with Johnson, Neil, Clinical Sciences Research Institute, Funded by: NHS West Midlands, Project Start Date: 11/09/2007 Project End Date: 31/03/2008
  • Collection of Qualitative Data to Strengthen GP workforce planning, Funded by: NHS with WMS, Project Start Date: 15/11/2007 Project End Date: 31/03/2008


  • UK FE/TVE Opportunities in the International Market, with Terence Hogarth, Maria de Hoyos - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Association of Colleges, Project Start Date: 01/08/2007 Project End Date: 30/11/2007
  • Who does Workforce Planning well?, with Rob Wilson, Derek Bosworth - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: MHS, Project Start Date: 03/08/2007 Project End Date: 03/08/2007
  • Productivity in the West Midlands - A Secondary Analysis of Data, with David Owen, Lynn Gambin - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: DoH WPLS Unit, Project Start Date: 15/12/2006 Project End Date: 31/03/2007


  • Pilot Modelling Work in Long Term Workforce Planning for the Health Sector in Scotland, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Scottish Executive, Project Start Date: 14/06/2006 Project End Date: 30/09/2006
  • Expert paper on NHS future workforce needs extended version (24/02/06) "Getting On" Task Group, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: The Widening Participation in Learning Strategy Unit, NHS, Project Start Date: 01/03/2006 Project End Date: 07/04/2006
  • A Social profile of staff groups in the Birmingham and Black Country Strategic Health Authority, with David Owen, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: DoH, Project Start Date: 14/02/2006 Project End Date: 31/03/2006


  • Ageing & Employment: Identification of Good Practice to Increase Job Opportunities and Maintain Older Workers in Employment, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: EU, Project Start Date: 02/07/2004 Project End Date: 02/07/2005


  • Education Foundation Programme, with Peter Elias, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: International Office, University of Warwick, Project Start Date: 01/02/2004 Project End Date: 01/05/2004


  • Precarious Employment in Europe: A Comparative study of labour market related risks in flexible economics, with Lindley R M, Institute for Employment Research, Beate Baldauf - Warwick Institute for Employment Research Sheila Galloway - CEDAR, University of Warwick , Funded by: EU DGXII, Project Start Date: 01/08/2001 Project End Date: 31/07/2003
  • Comparative Study of Labur Market Related Risks in Flexible Economies, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: EC Contract HPSE (ESOPE), Project Start Date: 01/08/2002 Project End Date: 31/07/2003
  • Improving the Participation of Women in the Labour Market (Coventry & Warwickshire), with Jenny Bimrose, Anne Green, Fiona Scheibl, Michael Orton, Sally-Anne Barnes, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: EC/ESF: Objective 3, Project Start Date: 07/10/2002 Project End Date: 31/03/2003


  • Labour Market Intelligence and Analysis Provision, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Beate Baldauf - Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Alan Brown, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Rob Wilson - Institute for Employment Research, Sheila Galloway, CEDAR , Funded by: West Midlands North NHS Workforce Development Conf, Project Start Date: 18/03/2002 Project End Date: 31/12/2002
  • Social Care Staffing Crisis - A Literature review, with Robert Lindley - Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Project Start Date: 09/08/2002 Project End Date: 30/11/2002
  • Labour Market Intelligence and Analysis for the Coventry and Warwickshire Workforce Development Confederation, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Beate Baldauf - Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Alan Brown - Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Sheila Galloway - YEduc-CEDAR , Funded by: Coventry & Warwickshire Workforce Development Conf, Project Start Date: 18/10/2001 Project End Date: 30/06/2002
  • Labour Market Intelligence and Analysis, with Robert Lindley, Alan Brown, Rob Wilson, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Sheila Galloway - CEDAR, Funded by: Coventry & Warwickshire Workforce Development Federation, Project Start Date: 18/10/2001 Project End Date: 30/06/2002


  • Care Organisations: A Resaerch and CPD Network, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: HEROBAC, Project Start Date: 01/10/2000 Project End Date: 30/09/2001


  • Active Employment Policies and Labour Integration of Disabled People, with Robert Lindley, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Foundation Tomillo, Project Start Date: 21/07/1999 Project End Date: 30/11/1999