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Local residents entertained, challenged and moved by ESRC Festival of Social Science

More than 500 people took part in the workshops, talks and activities organised by the University of Warwick for this year’s ESRC Festival of Social Science. University researchers took to Coventry and Warwickshire’s streets, bars and community centres to share insights from their work with enthusiastic and interested audiences. The events tackled topics from the nature of time itself and the puzzle of DNA to taxes and accents.

University of Warwick backs new initiative to get Coventry’s young learners IntoUniversity

The University of Warwick has teamed up with national educational charity IntoUniversity to launch a new project aimed at raising aspirations and improving educational outcomes for children and young people in Coventry. The IntoUniversity Coventry centre, based in the Hillfields area of the city, will be run by the national education charity in partnership with the University.

Award-winning WMG research makes Ford cars lighter and more efficient

Ford cars could be more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly, thanks to a new lightweight rear suspension component, designed by the award-winning Innovate UK project Composite Lightweight Automotive Suspension System (CLASS), involving WMG at the University of Warwick.

Drug-producing bacteria possible with synthetic biology breakthrough

Bacteria could be programmed to efficiently produce drugs, thanks to breakthrough research into synthetic biology using engineering principles, from the University of Warwick and the University of Surrey.

New TB drugs possible with understanding of old antibiotic

Tuberculosis, and other life-threatening microbial diseases, could be more effectively tackled with future drugs, thanks to new research into an old antibiotic by the University of Warwick and The Francis Crick Institute.

WMG software powers next generation intelligent JCBs

Intelligent construction machines which are more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly are set to enter the market, thanks to pioneering software developed by WMG, at the University of Warwick, and JCB.

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