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Contemporary visions of leadership in Africa explored in new book

The voices and experiences of civic leaders in Africa are the focus of a new book co-edited by the University of Warwick’s Professor Helen Spencer-Oatey. Drawing on case studies and survey data, Developing Global Leaders: Insights from African Case Studies explores the personal experiences of a diverse group of civic leaders from 31 countries across Africa, and shares their insights on transforming leadership in an age of rapid change.

Child malnutrition monitoring in Mauritius transformed with mobile technology

Child malnutrition in Mauritius, and across Sub Saharan Africa, could be monitored more accurately and quickly, thanks to simple mobile-based data collection forms, according to new research by the University of Warwick, UK.

Malaria deaths could be reduced thanks to Warwick engineers

The resurgence of Malaria in high risk areas calls for new methods to combat the potentially dangerous situation. A collaboration between researchers at the University of Warwick and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine have found adding a barrier above a bednet can significantly improve the bednet’s performance, reduce the quantity of insecticide while expanding the range of insecticides that can be safely delivered via a bednet.

Mon 02 Dec 2019, 16:01 | Tags: medicine, Engineering, Africa, death, disease, Sciences, Health and Medicine

EUTOPIA already co-teaching European PhDs as Erasmus+ project commences

EUTOPIA, a next-generation teaching and research community of six European universities, which was successful in its selection to be part of the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ Programme this year, officially begins its project today, 1st December 2019.


Peacekeeping missions can actually increase criminal violence, research finds

The presence of UN peacekeeping missions can inadvertently make criminal violence worse by providing the security necessary for organised crime to flourish, and creating a ‘peacekeeping economy’ which criminals can exploit, finds a new study by Dr Jessica di Salvatore of the University of Warwick.

Warwick in Africa education programme comes to Kenya thanks to COSARAF foundation

The University of Warwick will be able to bring its successful education programme, Warwick in Africa, to Kenya for the first time thanks to the support of the COSARAF Foundation.

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