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Left vs Right is dead – politics is about anarchists vs centrists, new CAGE study shows

Politics should no longer be divided between “left-wing” and “right-wing” because the vital dividing line between groups of voters is now between “anarchists” and “centrists”, a new study from the Centre for Competitive Global Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) shows today.

What factors influence the ways people access and use antibiotics in low-and-middle-income countries?

It is often assumed that people use antibiotics inappropriately because they don’t understand enough about the spread of drug resistant superbugs. A new study published in the medical journal BMJ Open and led by Warwick researcher Marco J Haenssgen reveals that in fact basic understanding of drug resistance is widespread in Southeast Asia - and that higher levels of awareness are actually linked to higher antibiotic use in the general population.

Warwick Law researcher responds to Independent Commission for Countering Extremism call for “national conversation on extremism.”

Dr Alison Struthers (Warwick Law) is co-author of one of eight peer-reviewed academic papers published today (31) by the Independent Commission for Countering Extremism. Dr Struthers reviews the effectiveness of teaching Fundamental British Values in schools and proposes an alternative framework for values education.

Co-operatives and social enterprises may hold the key to more and better jobs

Academics from Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research have found that co-operatives and social enterprises achieve employment growth at least on a par with other types of organisation, and also create good quality jobs. The research is published by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound).

Financial returns, job prospects and lifestyle factors drive young people’s post-18 choices

Young people are making decisions about what they plan to do after leaving formal education as early as Year 7 or 8, with parents, teachers and friends being their preferred information sources, according to a new report by the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research for the Department for Education.

Verifiable e-voting to be trialled in Gateshead

A new verifiable e-voting system will be trialled in Gateshead this May. Voters get a receipt which they can check to make sure their vote is properly cast, recorded and tallied while preserving the voter privacy – a process known as being “end-to-end verifiable”. Tallying results are instantaneous once the election is finish along with public audit data to allow anyone to verify the tallying integrity. The trial will be voluntary for people going to cast votes via paper ballot.

Wed 01 May 2019, 16:07 | Tags: Computer Science, Policy, Politics, Sciences

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