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World-leading economists to assemble at Warwick for annual conference

The University of Warwick Economics Department is this year’s host for the Royal Economic Society Annual Conference. The prestigious event, taking place from 15 to 17 April, brings together more than 700 academic and professional economists from across the globe to present current research developments in economics and showcase real-world applications.

Shanghai’s biggest UK university careers fair welcomes Apple, PayPal & Tesla

The largest UK university careers fair in Shanghai – co-led by the University of Warwick – welcomed over 1,200 students and major global companies such as Apple, PayPal and Tesla today (2 April 2019).

First Social Work Degree Apprentices welcomed to Warwick

A trailblazing team of apprentices has arrived at the University of Warwick’s Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) to take their first steps towards gaining a degree in Social Work. The University of Warwick is one of the first UK universities to offer a Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship - a three-year, practice-based route into qualified social work that pays trainees a wage and combines learning on the job with high quality off-the-job study.

First look at Coventry’s Innovative Light Rail Vehicle

Engineers and researchers at WMG, University of Warwick, are working alongside Transport Design International (TDI), based in Stratford, to develop a battery-powered, lightweight, rail-based vehicle to operate in Coventry.

Thu 14 Mar 2019, 13:04 | Tags: University of Warwick, WMG, Coventry, Coventry VLR, Sciences

Warwick Law School hosts Pakistan Human Rights delegation

A delegation from the National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan, is visiting the University of Warwick to take part in a dialogue on the role of National Human Rights Institutions and a capacity building programme co-ordinated by Warwick Law School.

Mobile devices don’t reduce shared family time, study finds

The first study of the impact of digital mobile devices on different aspects of family time in the UK has found that children are spending more time at home with their parents rather than less. The increase is in what is called ‘alone-together’ time, when children are at home with their parents but say they are alone. However, the study also found no evidence that device use had displaced traditional shared activities like family meals and watching television.

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