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Press Releases

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Award for University's Accessibility Innovators

The University of Warwick’s commitment to creating an inclusive and safe campus for students with disabilities has been recognised by its peers with the award of the Association of University Directors of Estates University Impact Initiative of the Year Award 2020.

Fri 17 Apr 2020, 12:17 | Tags: campus, Awards, innovation, Campus news, disability, access

Lifetime achivement award for careers expert Professor Jenny Bimrose

Professor Jenny Bimrose, Emeritus Professor at Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research (IER), has been awarded the 2020 Rodney Cox Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her sustained and significant contribution to the careers sector in which she has worked in for over 40 years as a practitioner, educator and researcher.

Warwick Engineer wins Women’s Engineering Society Prize

Dr Claire Lucas, from the School of Engineering has won the Women’s Engineering Society Prize at the IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Award 2019 at the event last night, the 5th December 2019 at the Savoy in London.

Fri 06 Dec 2019, 14:18 | Tags: women, Awards, Engineering, Sciences

Warwick researchers shortlisted for major prize

Two projects led by Warwick researchers have been shortlisted for the 2019 Newton Prize, a prestigious award which celebrates outstanding international research partnerships aimed at tackling global challenges. A project exploring innovative cancer drugs and one studying the impact of forced evictions on economically underprivileged women in Jakarta are among the final 20 which will now be reviewed by a panel of expert judges.


University of Warwick technician wins prestigious Papin Prize

A technician from the University of Warwick has won a prestigious Papin Prize at the HETS (Higher Education Technicians Summit) conference in Birmingham on the 25th June 2019.

Steven Hindmarsh from the University of Warwick was given the award for technical excellence in supporting a Core Research Facility – The Electron Microscopy Research Technology Platform.

Wed 26 Jun 2019, 12:07 | Tags: University of Warwick, Physics, Awards, research, Prize, Sciences

EUTOPIA European university alliance awarded €5m by Erasmus+

EUTOPIA, an established alliance of six European universities that exists to create a connected and inclusive community addressing global and local challenges, has been successful in its bid for a €5m grant from the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ programme.

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